ALIAD France

ALIAD is the venture capital subsidiary of the Air Liquide Group (L'Air Liquide S.A.), one of the largest multinational providers of industrial and medical gases and related activities, headquartered in Paris, France. The healthcare division of the Air Liquide Group has been playing a significant role in healthcare with over €2 billion in revenue. 
ALIAD aims to promote the Group’s growth and access to innovations through taking minority stakes in innovative technology start-ups outside the Group. ALIAD can lead or co-invest with other investors. Typical allocations are made in equity and range from €1-10 million. ALIAD is currently seeking new opportunities across a wide geography, including Western Europe, North and South America and Asia.

Greg Fleming
Investment Director 

Omnes Capital France

Comprising 10 investment professionals, Omnes Capital’s venture capital team acquires minority stakes in young companies with high growth potential. Its main areas of interest are financing innovative business ventures in the information technology and life sciences sectors (drug development, diagnostics, medical devices, bioproduction).

For 12 years, Omnes Capital has managed FCPI mutual funds (French regulated mutual funds investing in innovative companies).

Bruno Montanari