20/20 Genesystems United States

20/20 GeneSystems is a revenue stage diagnostics company that markets a blood test for the early detection of lung cancer.  Several marketing partnerships entered in late 2014 should permit a nationwide expansion in 2015.  A JV with a multi-billion dollar Chinese company is expected to lead to commercialization of the lung cancer test in China in the near term.   20/20 also is developing companion tests to targeted cancer therapies.   

In 2014 we raised $1.2 million from our existing shareholders and members of the Keiretsu Forum, the nation's largest network of Angel investors.   A Term Sheet and Due Diligence package has been prepared by Keiretsu Forum members with expertise in healthcare investing and molecular diagnostics.  

Biotech Phase of Development
Technology Overview
Multiplex immunoassays (tumor antigens and autoantibodies)
Alliance & Collaborations
Marketing and technology agreements with leading diagnostics companies
Supporting Metrics or Evidence
Extensive case-control studies (multi-center)
Current Financing Needs
$4 million round ($650,000 closed since November)
Current Timeline
on the market
Current Investors
Keiretsu Forum (largest Angel network in U.S.)
IP Status
issued patents and pending applications (worldwide)
Recent Milestones
Various lab send out agreements
Management Team Highlights
Veterans of leading diagnostics companies such as Ventana, Qiagen, and Celera
Jonathan Cohen

2M BioTech (Claria Bioscience)

2M Biotech is a family office investment vehicle founded in 29 and based in Dallas Texas. The firm manages an evergreen structure and is looking to make equity investments into companies ranging from $.5 ? $5 million with a preference for the middle of that range. The firm is also willing to co-invest with investors they either know well or are able to get a strong reference for. The firm looks to invest in Seed and Series A rounds and looks to take a significant stake in the company?s equity. The firm prefers to invest in companies that are not located in an areas highly saturated with venture capital. The firm plans to make 3-4 new investments over the next 12 months.
Melissa Krauth

Addario Lung Cancer Medical Institute United States

The Addario Lung Cancer Medical Institute (ALCMI), founded in 2008 as a 501c(3) non-profit organization, is a patient-centric, international research consortium driving research otherwise not possible, evidenced by ALCMI's current clinical studies CASTLE, INHERIT EGFR T790M, Genomics of Young Lung Cancer and others. ALCMI overcomes barriers to collaboration via a world-class team of investigators from 21+ institutions in the U.S., France, Italy, Spain and U.K., supported by dedicated research infrastructures such as centralized project management, tissue banks and data systems. ALCMI directly facilitates research by combining scientific expertise found at leading academic institutions with patient access through our network of community cancer centers – accelerating novel research advancements to lung cancer patients. 

Mr Steven Young
Mr Steven Young
LinkedIn logo President & COO 

Steven W. Young serves as the President & Chief Operating Officer of the Addario Lung Cancer Medical Institute, a patient-founded/-focused non-profit research consortium directly linking more than 20 academic and community centers via shared infrastructures (biorepository, data system) and centrally managed intramural translational projects in the United States, France, Italy and Spain.  After transitioning from the clinical research information technology industry, Mr. Young had played a central role in the development and evolution of the Multiple Myeloma Research Consortium as its Executive Director from 2003 through 2008.  Earlier still, he served as Director of the National Institutes of Health-funded General Clinical Research Center at Mount Sinai School of Medicine and the Pediatric Clinical Research Center at Cornell University College of Medicine, both in New York City.  Mr. Young resides in Weston, Connecticut with his wife and two sons.

Advax United States

AdVax is an inter/multi-disciplinary team of individuals who have developed major paradigm-shifting science, research, technology and new clinical data sets demonstrating previously unidentified bacterial infections are able to translocate to the brain and be linked to the induction of Alzheimer’s disease.

We have developed novel and proprietary real time molecular diagnostics to identify these non-culturable bacteria and then apply novel immune refocusing technologies to create both monoclonal antibodies that could be used in treatments and a first of its kind vaccine for the prevention of both cardiovascular and Alzheimer’s disease.

Our program is well on its way to identifying the major disease-inducing bacteria, which are then ready to be put into the immune refocusing technology for the derivation of human monoclonal antibodies and vaccines.

Dr Daniel Sindelar
Dr Daniel Sindelar
LinkedIn logo CEO 

Daniel L. Sindelar DMD attended business school at Saint Louis University and earned a dental degree at Washington University School of Dental Medicine in 1981. He is a practicing dentist and expert in oral systemic health. He is a co-founder and recent president of the American Academy for Oral Systemic Health (AAOSH). He has earned preceptorship certification by participating with cardiologists in the prevention of heart attack, stroke, and diabetes. He is the founder and director of Oral Genomics, LLC. A passionate advocate of oral-systemic health, he has developed online video educational systems for healthcare professionals.

Dr. Sindelar has been an instructor in the field of laser dentistry. He is the author of Refresh Life, a book on the importance of oral health on overall health and well-being and has been interviewed by local and national radio shows and print news outlets. He has written for various dental publications, lectured at major healthcare conferences, and has been featured in several cover stories in Dental Economics.

AFH Holding & Advisory

AFH Holding & Advisory LLC is a boutique investment banking firm that offers financial advisory services. The firm focuses on alternative public offerings marketing strategy planning capital structuring and mergers and acquisitions advisory. Its clientele include Carlisi Natural Gas Inc. Fossil Energy Group LLC Kaikai Technology Co. Ltd. and Yi Xin Copper Co. Ltd. AFH Holding & Advisory LLC is based in Beverly Hills California with an additional office in Pudong China.
Amir Heshmatpour
Founder & Managing Director 

Aisling Capital

Aisling Capital is a private equity group based in New York with over $1.6 billion in assets under management. Aisling is currently looking for new firms for potential investments for the firm?s third fund. The firm looks to make investments in companies seeking to raise a total round of $2-5 million. The firm looks to invest in companies globally with a focus on companies located in the United States.
Dennis Purcell
Founder and Senior Advisor 

Aperiomics United States

Aperiomics, Inc. is a next generation sequencing service company with a mission to detect virtually any pathogen from any clinical, agricultural, or environmental sample.  This service platform uses a combination of next-generation sequencing and advanced bioinformatic data analysis to identify pathogens in various samples.  Aperiomics’ proprietary service platform focuses on pathogens of public and animal health importance, satisfying the increasing need for more robust and more efficient next-generation sequencing data analysis.

The impact of Aperiomics’ technologies is broad due to our unique approach to pathogen detection. Instead of blindly probing for a proverbial ‘needle in a haystack’, Aperiomics’ approach analyzes the entire ‘haystack’ using next-generation sequencing and harnessing the power of bioinformatics to identify all ‘needles’. This approach is transformative compared to current pathogen detection methods. Aperiomics’ proprietary service, Absolute*NGS Pathogen Detection Platform, screens samples (clinical, environmental, etc.) for the presence of any microbe (fungal, viral, bacterial, eukaryotic parasite) – including pathogens that have never before been identified. This platform technology has broad application across diverse markets such as health care, agriculture, environmental, industrial, and veterinary testing.

Year Founded
Biotech Subsector
Medtech Subsector
Biotech Phase of Development
Medtech Phase of Development
Current Financing Needs
$5M Series A
Dr Crystal Icenhour
Dr Crystal Icenhour
LinkedIn logo CEO 

Crystal R. Icenhour, PhD received her PhD in Pathobiology and Molecular Medicine from the University of Cincinnati Medical School of Graduate Studies in 2002.  She conducted postdoctoral research in the Thoracic Diseases Research Unit at the Mayo Clinic College of Medicine from 2002-2005 and in the Department of Infectious Diseases at Duke University Medical Center from 2005-2006.  Dr. Icenhour has been involved in local and national postdoctoral associations including the Mayo Research Fellows Association Executive Committee (President), the Duke University Postdoctoral Association (chair of membership committee), and the National Postdoctoral Association (2008 Chair).  Dr. Icenhour was President & Chief Science Officer for Phthisis Diagnostics, a biotechnology company located in Charlottesville, Virginia from 2007-2013.  In 2014 Dr. Icenhour was hired as CEO of Aperiomics in Ashburn, Virginia.  Aperiomics’ focus is to harness the power of next-generation sequencing to improve world health.

Apple Tree Partners United States

Apple Tree Partners is a private equity fund that was established in 1999 and based in New York, NY, with satellite offices in Princeton, NJ, Cambridge, MA and Brussels, Belgium. The firm controls up to $1.75 billion in assets under management and makes equity investments ranging from $100,000 for academic spinouts to $150 million dollar in later stage deals. The firm seeks to make investments around the globe with a focus on creating and building companies located within the US and Europe.

Year Founded
Investor Type
Biotech Phase of Development
Medtech Phase of Development
Capital Structure Preference
Investment Stage Preference
Sam Hall
Aaron Kantoff
Vice President 

Arcus Ventures United States

Arcus Ventures was founded in 2007 and is based in New York City. Arcus Ventures is currently investing from its second fund, which had a first close of $36m in 2014 and is targeting a raise of $100m. The firm typically invests $2-5 million. Arcus invests primarily in the USA but is also open to considering opportunities in Canada.

Myoung-Ok Kwon
Venture Partner