California Institute for Regenerative Medicine (CIRM)

The California Institute for Regenerative Medicine (CIRM) was established in 24 with the passage of Proposition 71 and is based in San Francisco California. Proposition 71 provided for $3 billion for CIRM to fund stem cell research in the state of California. CIRM provides strictly non-dilutive funding in the forms of research grants and forgivable loans the largest of which provide for up to $2 million of funding. Being motivated partially by the economic development of California the firm is interested in companies located in California or those that have an interest in relocating or opening space in California.
Neil Littman
Business Development Officer 

Cavidi United States

Cavidi is a Swedish based diagnostic company that has developed a novel method for measuring HIV viral load in patients recieving anti-retroviral therapy for treatment of HIV. Viral load is a critical indicator of the effectiveness of HIV therapy, and has been the standard of care in the developed world for many years. Just recently the World Health Organization (WHO) updated its recommendations to include viral load for patients in the developing world where the vast majority of HIV patients exists, and a large influx of international funding has significantly increased aceess to HIV drugs. The Cavidi method is novel in that it measures the viral enzyme reverse transcriptase (RT), and not viral nucleic acid (RNA) by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The Cavidi method is not subject to the logistical challenges of PCR such as contamination risk. The Cavidi RT assay is much less expensive and can be performed in labs that lack the sophisitication to perform technologies such as PCR. Therfore, the Cavidi assay significantly improves access to this vitally important technology. For the past several years a manual version of the Cavidi technology has been utilized in laboratories in the developing world. The performance of the assay has been validated vs the industry leading PCR methods in many peer review publications. The company is now seeking funding to develop an automated version of the assay that will make it more widely adaptable to many laborartories. 

Year Founded
Biotech Subsector
Medtech Subsector
Biotech Phase of Development
Technology Overview
Cavidi's novel IVD technology uses Reverse Transcriptase(RT) as a marker for measuring replication competent HIV in blood (HIV viral load). Measuring viral load in HIV patients receiving anti viral therapy is now a global World Health Organization recommendation. Unlike PCR tests, Cavidi's RT assay requires minimal resources & lab footprint, can measure all subtypes of HIV, and at half the cost or less of PCR tests. The technology has been proven in over 400,000 tests in 50 markets worldwide.
Alliance & Collaborations
• Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, Uganda • Burnet Institute, Australia • University of Maryland School of Medicine IHV (Institute of Human Virology) • Karolinska Hospital, Sweden • SIDA (Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency) • Royal Free Hospital, London, UK • Harvard AIDS Institute Partnership, Botswana- • New York University School of Medicine, Kenya • Swedish Institute for Infectious Disease Control, Sweden • Virus Reference Depart
Supporting Metrics or Evidence
The Cavidi ExaVIr Load assay has been widely cited in peer review publications, and favorably compared to industry standard PCR technology. In addition to routine HIV viral load measurement, the Cavidi RT assay has demonstrated favorable performance vs. industry standard PCR for early infant HIV diagnostic (EID) market. ExaVir™ assay showed excellent concordance with real-time molecular assays Abbott M2000sp and Roche Cobas TaqMan...Journal of Clinical Microbiology 47(10): 3266-3270
Current Financing Needs
Development project completion 2015 $7M + 2016 $3M =$10M Global product launch 2016 $3M + 2017 $2M=$5M
Current Timeline
Next generation of fully automated HIV viral load test development project started in 2102. Prototype 1 and 2 now working. OEM selected Q12015, validation and verification of final design Q22015, Distribution Partner selection by Q22015, pre-series Q42015, serial production start Q12016, and CE Registration Q22016. Cash flow positive 2017.
Current Investors
Two private US investors hold majority interest
IP Status
IP is strong and broad covering key aspects of the technology methods with over 100 international patents in five patent families.
Recent Milestones
• Awarded SWECARE Export Award by Swedish MOH May 2013 • Supply Agreement signed with Load Zero Foundation in June 2013 • Presentation at UN Global Health Impact Forum May 2014 • TECH20 award as top 20 (2%) of 800 startups in Sweden June 2014 • UNITAID grant LOI accepted (3/12) June 2014, Full Application grant pending Dec. 2014 • POLS/One Technology evaluation meta study (2/2014) ranks Cavidi ExaVirLoad with top global diagnostic comp
Management Team Highlights
Experts in diagnostic technology development covering: Clinical Assay Chemistry, Devices, Instruments, Software, System Integration, QA & QC, Regulatory Strategy. Commercial scale up of new technologies in global markets with focus on emerging markets in Africa and Asia. Capital raising for start up and early stage companies.
Bob Barrett
Global Head, Business Development 

CDRD Ventures Canada

CDRD Ventures Inc. (CVI) is the commercialization vehicle of the Centre for Drug Research and Development (CDRD), Canada's national drug development and commercialization center that was founded in 2007 and is based in Vancouver, Canada. CVI seeks to advance promising drug development projects from CDRD using internal funds and through partnerships with international pharmaceutical companies, venture capital firms, biotech companies, and other funding agencies. CVI also seeks to in-license technologies from industry or non-CDRD affiliated research institutions. The firm considers both small molecule and biologic innovative technologies in virtually any therapeutic area.

Ms Natalie Dakers
President & CEO 
Mr Michael Lincoln
Chief Financial and Business Officer 

Celling Biosciences United States

Regeneration Through Innovation

Celling Biosciences is dedicated to researching and developing the future of healing through regenerative medicine and the clinical use of autologous regenerative cells to facilitate the body’s capacity to heal itself. Through our patented Celling therapies and our Institutes of Regenerative Medicine, Celling Biosciences is moving the science of healing forward and redefining the global medical landscape.

Year Founded
Biotech Subsector
Biotech Phase of Development
Medtech Phase of Development
Technology Overview
Regeneration Through Innovation

Celling Biosciences is dedicated to researching and developing the future of healing through regenerative medicine and the clinical use of autologous regenerative cells to facilitate the body’s capacity to heal itself. Through our patented Celling therapies and our Institutes of Regenerative Medicine, Celling Biosciences is moving the science of healing forward and redefining the global medical landscape.

Current Financing Needs

$3-10 million growth capital with opportunity for partial founder buy-out.

Management Team Highlights
Kevin Dunworth

Founder / CEO

Kevin Dunworth, Founder of Celling Biosciences, has spent more than 26 years in the orthopedic industry and brings a wealth of expertise in all aspects of the business. Dunworth has run medical companies in the Middle East, Eastern and Western Europe, and the United States.

He excelled in various executive positions before founding VCD Medical, in Austin, Texas.
For the past eight years, Dunworth has successfully built a world-class distribution business, which provides a variety of orthopedic and biologic products.

Dunworth's leadership roles within the orthopedic industry have included, Director of Emerging Markets and Director of European Sales for Smith & Nephew; Director of International Sales, Vice President of Worldwide Sales and Vice President for FlouroScan International and Vice President of Sales for TransLeasing and Vice President for TransLeasing GE.

Steve Melchiode

Steve Melchiode has extensive experience guiding businesses from start-up to profitability. After earning an undergraduate marketing degree followed by a law degree, Melchiode joined a start-up technology firm in Silicon Valley as the West Coast business development director. Melchiode's ability to build and lead successful companies, combined with his experience in medical device sales, provides him with the vision and expertise to lead the Celling Biosciences team. He brings a wide range of experience in sales, business development, marketing, finance, legal and operations management.

Melchiode began his medical device career as a sales representative with VCD Medical, learning the spinal implant industry selling Depuy Spine. After two years spent growing several new territories, Melchiode established himself in a leadership role as sales manager and by running operations for the State of Texas. For the past two years, he has worked with Kevin Dunworth to take the Celling Biosciences model from concept to market, working on business, product and partnership development as well as marketing and operations.

Mr Blair Duncan
Mr Blair Duncan
LinkedIn logo Chief Financial Officer 

Blair Duncan, Chief Financial Officer, Celling Biosciences


Mr. Duncan has over 20 years experience in venture-backed growth companies, as well as Fortune 500 and service firms. Before joining Celling Biosciences, Mr. Duncan was Chief Financial Officer at Emergent Technologies, an early stage life sciences commercialization operator and venture capital firm.  Previously, Mr. Duncan was Chief Financial Officer and Controller at SiteStuff, a leading provider of online procurement services for the commercial real estate industry.  Prior to SiteStuff, Mr. Duncan was Chief Financial Officer for Trillion, a facilities-based provider of wireless broadband telecommunications services to K-12 school districts.  Mr. Duncan also served as Vice President and Controller for ClearSource, a facilities-based provider of broadband telecommunications services.  Mr. Duncan held positions at PricewaterhouseCoopers as Manager of Entrepreneurial Advisory Services, where he launched a new division providing fundraising and business planning consulting services to high-tech companies in Texas, as well as Manager in the Business Assurance practice, where he participated in numerous public offerings and private company audits.  Mr. Duncan started his career with Aetna as a manager of property and casualty underwriting and business development. 


Mr. Duncan is a CPA and holds a MBA from the University of Texas at Austin.  He has a BA in Economics and Psychology from Duke University. Mr. Duncan enjoys travel, music, tennis and golf.  He is Career Services Chair of the Financial Executives International – Austin Chapter, as well as Treasurer of the Maya Exploration Center.  He is married with three children and resides in Austin, Texas.

Chematria, Inc.

Alexander Levy

Chempetitive Group

Chempetitive Group is an integrated marketing communications agency focused exclusively on the life sciences. We work with biotech, medical device, pharmaceutical, chemical and tools/instrumentation companies of all sizes that around the globe. We develop winning strategies and campaigns that build brands and generate revenues. We love science. We understand science. And, we know how to effectively reach the scientific, clinical, medical and business communities that matter. 

Long live science. 

Visit us in San Diego, San Francisco, Chicago, Boston or Cambridge UK. 

Find out about us at 

Erik Clausen
Erik Clausen
LinkedIn logo Managing Partner 

Erik Clausen is a managing partner at Chempetitive Group (, a marketing communications firm that develops and implements strategies and drives results for life science and healthcare companies. Erik brings two decades of international experience helping life science, medical technology and healthcare organizations to reach and engage the right audiences.

Chiesi Ventures

Chiesi Ventures is a Venture Capital firm formed by a partnership between the Italian Pharmaceutical company Chiesi and US based VC firm Pappas Ventures. The firm is currently looking to make seed and venture stage investments into companies ranging anywhere from $2K to $5 million initially and up to $8 million over the life of the investment. The firm is actively seeking investment opportunities throughout the United States and Europe and could make as many as 2-4 new investments over the next year.
Art Pappas

ChinaBio Group

Greg Scott

Ciclofilin United States

A biopharmaceutical company specializing in development 
of cyclophilin inhibitors, an emerging class of drugs for infectious, inflammatory, and degenerative diseases.

Focus:  Many hepatitis B and C patients fall into difficult-to-treat categories due to more complicated liver disease and poorer responses to treatment.  One major group is coinfected patients (HCV/HIV-1 or HCV/HBV), who are more prone to develop end stage liver disease and liver cancer than monoinfected patients.  Patients with cirrhosis represent a second major group. Cyclophilin inhibitors, having broad-spectrum antiviral, anti-inflammatory, and anti-fibrotic activities are excellent candidate medicine for these difficult-to-treat  patients. 

Year Founded
Biotech Subsector
Biotech Phase of Development
Technology Overview
Cyclophilin Inhibition: antiviral and liver disease
Alliance & Collaborations
NRC (Canada), Scripps Research Institute (La Jolla, CA), NIH
Current Financing Needs
Angels, VC Series A
IP Status
Recent Milestones
AASLD presentation on HIV/HCV co-infection. Lead molecule, CPI 431-32, kills both viruses simultaneously, and may also mitigate progression of liver disease
Management Team Highlights
Drs. Foster and Ordonez, Founders. Both with decades each of biotechnology and capital market expertise
Robert Foster

CitareTx Investment Partners

CitareTx founded in 2008 is a venture development and investment firm based in Houston Texas. The firm provides investment and incubation services to start-up and early-stage medical device companies. The firm provides seed capital (equity) ranging from $5K to $2M with follow-on capital of up to $5M. The firm also considers investment opportunities with smaller than typically accepted venture capital market size thresholds. The firm is geographically agnostic but prefers companies to be based in Texas. The firm is actively seeking new opportunities.

Jeffery Sheldon
General Partner & Managing Director