Immunova LLC United States

Immunova is a startup with  an IP portfolio licensed from Yale and the Johns Hopkins Universities.

Immunova's technology platform has a unique capability to deliver one or more drugs to the tumor/disease microenvironment. The drugs can be proteins, small molecules or nucleic acids. The delivery platfrom has demonstatable advantages over other delivery systems. The technology has applications in oncology and inflammation.

The company's lead asset is positioned in oncology. IMM-01, consists of two drugs that (a) undermine the tumor micorenvironment and (b) increase anti-tumor cell mediated immunity. This asset is capable of curing mice of metastatic disease. Further, it significantly enhances the activites of immune checkpoint inhibitors. It is non toxic.

The company is seeking investment and R&D partners. Immunova has defined the path to a Phase I/IIa multidose trial which could initiate within 15 months of funding. Immunova is also seeking partners who wish to validate this platform in oncology and inflammation.

Year Founded
Biotech Subsector
Biotech Phase of Development
Technology Overview
Immunova’s platform enables effective drug combination therapy. Chemically diverse drugs such as biologics and small molecules can be formulated and encapsulated in a liposome and thereby delivered systemically to a target cell or environment where each encapsulated API can be released independently in a controlled or tuneable manner using our proprietary technology. Importantly, this approach also potentiates existing or novel therapies often increasing their therapeutic index. LipoGel-TR is a hybrid platform of liposomes and PLGA nanoparticle delivery systems designed to possess the positive features of each platform while minimizing the negative aspects. Many of the building blocks required to make a LipoGel can be bought preassembled and GMP from third party providers thus shortening development timelines. We have demonstrated the superiority of LipoGels in numerous in vitro assays (drug loading and release and potency) and animal models of disease (efficacy and survival). Using our technology we have demonstrated that we can (a) direct one or more drugs to the TME, (b) increase drug synergies, efficacy and potency of chemo and immunotherapies, (c) decrease drug toxicity, (d) increase immune cell activity and (e) generate new intellectual property.
Alliance & Collaborations
The company is actively seeking partners in oncology and inflammation.
Supporting Metrics or Evidence
The technology has been published in high profile journals and the founder actively collaborates with numerous scientists at leading institutions. The Company’s initial focus is cancer immunotherapy: delivery of molecules that modulate immunity, positively and negatively, in order to undermine the tumor microenvironment and allow the immune system to keep pace with tumor evolution and thus be primed to eradicate disease. Our lead asset, IMM01: • Is targeted to and accumulates in tumors; • Encapsulated APIs are slowly released over 7 days and this can be further modulated; • Dramatically increases potency and efficacy: in a murine model of metastatic disease, IV delivery of IMM-01 results in 85% survival of IMM-01-treated mice at day 60 whereas all untreated mice, as well as mice treated with the drugs in solution, have died by day 30; • Increases immune infiltrate within the tumor which correlates with good patient outcomes • Significantly increases the potency of anti-PD1 and anti-CTLA4 mAb therapy in a mouse model of metastatic disease supporting published MoA studies • Is not toxic; there are no signs of renal, hepatic, bronchial, RBC or leukocyte toxicity when IMM-01 is administered to mice at high doses.
Current Financing Needs
Immunova is seeking $8-10M to fund operations for three years and including a phase I/IIa clinical trial
Current Timeline
Pending financing, IMM-01 is ca 15 months from a Phase I/IIa clinical trial
Current Investors
Angel-backed to date
IP Status
The company has licensed 4 granted and 3 pending patents
Recent Milestones
Q3 2014 • Demonstration of synergy with checkpoint inhibitors • New patent filed • Patent granted • Academic founder noted as a bioentrepreneur to watch by Nature Biotechnology Q4 2014 • First phase technology transfer to CMO • Identified lead clinical trial site and PI • Determined drug needs for clinical trial • Regulator engaged for ‘preIND meeting’
Management Team Highlights
The Company has recruited an impressive team that has an established and successful record of building companies. The management, advisors and scientific founders have an established network of both pharmaceutical and medical contacts and extensive experience running biotechnology firms and executing clinical trials. For reference, the following biotech startups founded/managed/invested in by Immunova Management or Advisors, were acquired prior to FDA approval: • Neurovir Therapeutics, Inc. – Acquired by MediGene AG for $42M • Nurel Therapeutics – acquired by DyaMid AB (undisclosed) • Proximagen plc. – Acquired by Upsher Smith for $550M • PharmaGenics Inc. – acquired by Genzyme for $28M • Prostagen– acquired by Cytogen (undisclosed)
Brian Horsburgh

Immusoft Corporation United States

Immusoft’s mission is to develop a breakthrough platform for delivering targeted medicines — programming a patient’s own cells to become miniature drug factories.

Our technology instructs a patient's cells to constantly secrete gene-encoded medicines (biologics). It will enable new treatments by solving current delivery limitations and production challenges. We are initially targeting orphaned diseases. 

Immusoft’s platform can program cells to continually produce and secrete therapeutic proteins and rare antibodies that have been impossible to elicit with a vaccine. This approach makes possible treatments that are otherwise impractical due to short halflife, injection site reactions, production challenges or a small market size. It offers many of the benefits of traditional approaches and modern gene therapies with less risk and greater control.

Immusoft has received grants from the National Institutes of Health and Peter Thiel's Breakout Labs as well as support from private investors, including the former head of preclinical development at Seattle Genetics. We have an exclusive license option on our core technology from Caltech and have filed two additional patents covering our extensive modifications to the technology.

ISP technology could replace a lifetime of infusions with a patient’s own drug-producing cells.

Year Founded
Biotech Phase of Development
Technology Overview
Turning patients' cells into drug factories
Alliance & Collaborations
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Discovery Genomics, Inc, University of Minnesota, The Ragon Institute, University of California San Francisco
Supporting Metrics or Evidence
Late-stage preclinical
Current Financing Needs
$3 to >$20M
Current Timeline
Preparing IND for clinical trial
Current Investors
Breakout Labs, Founders Fund Science, several angels
IP Status
multiple patents filed worldwide
Recent Milestones
GMP scale-up in preparation for clinical trial; engaging the FDA for Investigator-initiated IND; use of Sleeping Beauty Transposon non-viral vector
Management Team Highlights
Matthew Scholz (Founder and CEO) – Seasoned startup executive; founded and exited Point B Telematics. Eric Herbig, Ph.D., M.B.A. (CSO) – 15+ years of research experience and significant commercialization and management expertise. Zach Hall (Dir. of Operations) – Co-founder and operations director at two previous biomedical startups. Mei Xu, Ph.D. (Dir. of Research) – Molecular biologist with extensive research experience.
J. Zach Hall
Director of Operations 
Matthew Scholz

ImStar Therapeutics Canada

ImStar Therapeutics is a private biotechnology company headquartered in Vancouver that is developing new approaches to treat patients with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), also known as Lou Gehrig's disease.

The company is developing compounds directed at a proprietary new therapeutic target for ALS discovered by co-founder Dr. Jean-Pierre Julien called TANA (i.e. TDP-43 Associated NF-kB Activation). The lead drug candidate, IMS-088, is a novel small molecule compound targeting the NF-kB activation pathway currently in preclinical development for ALS.

IMS-088 is the first in a series of novel compounds derived from withaferin A (WA), a natural withanolide isolated from the leaves of the winter cherry plant (withania somnifera).  In preclinical animal studies, WA showed promise but lacked suitable pharmacologic characteristics to be developed as a therapeutic drug.

Therapeutics targeting the TANA pathway could treat multiple neurodegenerative diseases expressing TDP-43 pathology such as ALS, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and Dementia.

TAR DNA-binding protein 43 (TDP-43) was recently identified as a major disease-associated protein in ALS. Under normal conditions, TDP-43 regulates RNA and is predominantly localized in the nucleus. However, in ALS-affected neuronal cells the protein is misprocessed resulting in aggregation in the cytoplasm and a loss of motor function.

A recent discovery has shown that, in patients with ALS, TDP-43 unexpectedly associates with and activates nuclear factor-κB (NF-κB), an inflammation-regulating protein. This leads to exaggerated immune responses and motor neuron destruction. Inhibition of the pathway in an ALS disease model produced substantial improvements in disease and motor function illustrating this is an important new drug target.

Novel Withanolides

ImStar chemists have designed novel withanolides related to WA that have superior drug like properties. IMS-088 is the lead drug candidate in this series that is currently being developed for ALS. These compounds are covered by a new composition of matter patent filing.

TANA Inhibitors

ImStar is also developing various approaches to block TDP-43 activity and has identified novel single chain variable domain antibody fragments (scFv) that inhibit TDP-43 and block it's associated NF-kB activation. 

Year Founded
Biotech Phase of Development
Current Timeline
Anticipate initiating formal IND-enabling studies by mid 2015
Current Investors
Management and angel investors
IP Status
Worldwide PCT and provisional filings covering compositiona of matter, use and target
Recent Milestones
Preclinical POC using novel compounds in transgenic models of ALS
Management Team Highlights
Daniel Wattier President & CEO, Co-Founder Co-founded Valocor Therapeutics and led company as CEO until its acquisition by Dermira in 2011. Previously with QLT as President of QLT Specialty Medicine, and at J&J / Centocor, where he was responsible for the US launch of Remicade, achieving over $4B in annual sales. Jean-Pierre Julien, PhD Chief Scientific Officer, Co-Founder Canada Research Chair in Neurodegeneration at Laval University. Internationally recognized leader in ALS research. Member of: The Robert Packard Center for ALS at Johns Hopkins University, the Gairdner Medical Review Panel. Recipient of the prestigious Sheila Essey Award for ALS research from the American Academy of Neurology. Julia Levy, PhD Director and Chairman Co-founder & CEO of QLT. Recipient of many awards for achievements in business and science including: the Order of Canada, the Female Entrepreneur of the Year, the Friesen-Rygiel prize for medical research and the Prix Galien Canada research award. Chris Fibiger, PhD Director and Scientific Advisor CSO MedGenesis Therapeutix. Recently served as CSO of Biovail Corporation until its acquisition by Valeant. Previously VP & Global Therapeutic Area Head Neuroscience at Amgen and VP Neuroscience Discovery Research & Clinical Investigation at Lilly. Until 1998, Professor and Head of the Division of Neurological Sciences at UBC. Ian Massey, D.Phil, Chemistry Director and Scientific Advisor Co-founder & CEO of Synosia Therapeutics until its acquisition by Biotie Therapies Corp in 2011. Currently COO & President US Operations of Biotie. Previously Sr VP Head of Research & Preclinical Development at Roche Palo Alto and VP Head of Neurobiology Roche Bioscience. Prior VP Preclinical Research at Syntex
Daniel Wattier
Daniel Wattier

IR2Dx United States

IR2Dx Company Overview:

IR2Dx has developed a proprietary, breakthrough analysis and reporting system for multi-marker diagnostic test panels, to provide highly personalized treatment strategies for patients with Type 2 diabetes.  While control of glucose levels remains an important factor in the treatment of the disease, the IR2Dx platform evaluates the individual disease pathways for each patient, providing critical information regarding multiple markers and their overall pattern, all of which contribute to management of underlying disease.  This information can then be used by physicians to guide treatment decisions to deliver precision medicine in diabetes. 

Today, there are approximately 382 million people with diabetes in the world, and this number is expected to grow to 592 million by 2035.  The worldwide available market for early detection and drug response diabetes diagnostics is greater than $20 billion.  IR2Dx can enter the market within the current reimbursement and regulatory environments, and is ready to launch its first products in H1 2015 through commercial laboratories.

The IR2Dx platform provides personalized treatment information and recommendations to physicians based on a proprietary decision tree algorithm, greatly enhancing the clinical utility of a laboratory report.  Existing reimbursement levels for the panel markers in the U.S. and key international markets adequately cover the addition of the IR2Dx analysis and reporting. 

The platform is a software-based decision analysis tool. The analysis is performed on results from commercially available diagnostic tests run using standard laboratory bench top systems, requiring no tailored equipment, no custom design of the test system itself, and no capital investment.  Lab technicians upload the multi-marker panel testing results to the IR2Dx proprietary web portal to access the company’s decision support tool analysis product. In the initial commercialization phase, each laboratory will have a specific customized software product, and will pay for each report on a per-use basis. 

In the current U.S. regulatory environment for such products, with “health management IT functionalities”, such as the IR2Dx analysis and reporting system, near-term requirements for premarket review are unlikely, though the FDA may give additional guidance at any time. The IR2Dx platform is protected by a strong and broad intellectual property portfolio combining substantial data and know-how with issued patents in the U.S. and Europe. The company’s issued patents carry claims for use of its analysis platform and combination of markers for treatment guidance “with all glucose lowering drugs.”

 The company anticipates launch of the proprietary IR2Dx platform in H1 2015, introducing its first clinical decision support products through commercial laboratories. 

Year Founded
Biotech Subsector
Medtech Subsector
Biotech Phase of Development
Medtech Phase of Development
Technology Overview

In 2002, IR2Dx company founders observed that anti-diabetic therapies reduced adverse cardiology events across multiple drug classes, while at the same time, cardiovascular drugs were reducing diabetes conversions. Further, it has long been recognized that cardiovascular disease is a comorbidity of diabetes. IR2Dx founders concluded that cardiovascular disease and Type 2 diabetes are manifestations of the same underlying conditions, and by analyzing information on relevant markers, treating physicians could be provided with information to help guide drug selection and assess drug response, making improved treatment possible. The research identified pathway biomarkers that significantly elucidate the evolution, and optimal treatment, of the disease while continuing to provide glucose control, throughout the treatment process with a patient. These biomarkers are: high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hsCRP), intact proinsulin, insulin, adiponectin and C-peptide. Through the IR2Dx patented methods and systems of evaluating the baseline and subsequent levels of these markers, the physician is given a previously unavailable, cost effective window into the pathways and causes of his/her patient’s specific disease, with the opportunity to intervene therapeutically before the disease state progresses further. Specifically, the IR2Dx platform, for the first time in diabetes, provides physicians with easily accessible clinical information to aid in: • Assessment of the current state of a patient’s metabolic pathways; • Determination of the likely further progression of disease; and, • Determination of optimal treatment strategies for the patient.

Alliance & Collaborations
Discussions are underway with commercial laboratory and kit development partners.
Supporting Metrics or Evidence

To date, the IR2Dx diagnostic panel markers have been used prospectively on over 14,000 patients across 35 clinical trials, with over 40 publications. These studies validated the use of the panel markers, and covered patients at all stages of disease including prediabetes, across the range of anti-diabetic drug- classes. These studies demonstrated improvements in group mean HbA1c levels, the present standard for clinical success in the diabetes field.

Current Financing Needs

$12 million, can be staged to support commercial laboratory rollout and kit development ($5 million), and further clinical studies ($7 million).

Current Timeline

At commercialization

Current Investors

Friends & Family, Founders, Physicians

IP Status

Patents issued in US and Europe

Management Team Highlights

Highly Experienced Team. CEO has over 40 years in the diagnostics field (including 17 years at Abbott Diagnostics), and all management team members have over 30 years in biotech. Many of our key advisors are well recognized world leaders in diagnostics, diabetes and cancer.

Lesli Fellman
Founder / VP Finance 
Robert Maurer

Iron Horse Diagnostics United States


 Iron Horse Diagnostics, Inc., founded in 2012, has developed breakthrough diagnostic tests in neurologic disorders where there is high-unmet medical need.  We generated and validated diagnostic tests for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and developed assays for traumatic brain injury (TBI) and concussion. Iron Horse Diagnostics has a significant  IP portfolio for these biomarkers in ALS and  TBI, which detects specific biomarker signatures in cerebrospinal fluid and blood in these disease states. We currently are performing a prospective validation of our ALS diagnostic in 4 sites in the US and 2 in Europe.

The ALS test will be commercially available by the end of 2015 anticipating over 300,000 test globally per year. TheTBI test is projected to be market-ready in 36-48 months with 8 Mill. concussion tests in the US alone per year.

Iron Horse Diagnostics has received a fast-track small business grant from the NIH  and funding from Biogen Idec to suppport the clinical validation and commerciliazation of the diagnostic tests in ALS.

Its management team  consists of a seasoned, internally recognized team of scientists, clinicians and business development/regulatory experts. Iron Horse is endorsed by the ALS Association and is working with an international network of clinicians to further the clinical adoption of the ALS test and support reimbursement strategies.

Iron Horse Diagnostics is seeking an investment of 1 Mill. USD to further support the commercialization of the ALS diagnostic test and product development of the TBI test.

Year Founded
Biotech Subsector
Medtech Subsector
Biotech Phase of Development
Alliance & Collaborations
Biogen Idec
Current Financing Needs
IP Status
4 issued patents
Robert Bowser
Andreas Jeromin

Ischemia Care United States

Ischemia Care (ISC) is a clinical stage, capital efficient, venture capital backed, diagnostic laboratory company commercializing ISCDX, a blood test for cause of ischemic stroke (including atrial fibrillation or “AF”), leading to timely diagnosis and treatment, resulting in hospital cost savings and improved patient outcomes. ISC is executing on the Biomarkers of Acute Stroke Etiology (BASE) study , identifier NCT02014896 to support clinical adoption as an LDT through a company owned CLIA laboratory. ISC's initial focus is on the 40% (320K annually) ischemic strokes which are diagnosed as unkown cause (or "cryptogenic") as these patients typically are undertreaked and at a high risk for recurrence.

Stroke is the third leading cause of death worldwide with 20M annual events. In the US, there are 800K strokes, of which 195K are recurrent. Despite advances in imaging, cardiac monitoring, patient history assessment, and clinical examination, in 40% of ischemic strokes, the cause is unknown (or “cryptogenic”) leading to high recurrence and death.  There are no blood tests for cause of stroke. The identification of cause will change outcomes per Stroke Guidelines by adoption of “cause based” treatment regimen to prevent a more massive, debilitating, and costly recurrence. For example, identifying “undetected” AF in cryptogenic patients provides a 60% risk recurrence reduction.

Year Founded
Biotech Subsector
Biotech Phase of Development
Medtech Phase of Development
Technology Overview
Blood test for cause of stroke. The test (called ISCDX) detects immune responses by RNA expression related to causes of stroke, including AF, within minutes of event. ISCDX is ordered by a clinician at a hospital after a stroke has occurred, a tube of blood is drawn, sent to the ISC CLIA laboratory, results are reported to the physician during patient hospitalization , and paid through the hospital under existing reimbursement (DRG) codes. ISCDX may reduce cost by $7,000 per patient and increase hospital revenue.
Alliance & Collaborations
Medronic, Affymetric, Cleveland Clinic, MUSC, Allegahany Health Network, Albert Einstein Medical Center, UCLA.
Supporting Metrics or Evidence
14+ years, 600+ patients of data, 5 patents, $5M Federal Funding (pre licensing by ISC), and publications in major peer reviewed journals. Previous research has demonstrated sensitivity/ specificity > 95%. ISC reached milestones faster and with less investment than comparable exits.
Current Financing Needs
ISC is raising a $5M series C at $6.5M pre money, with $2.5M closed. ISC previously raised $2.3M in equity and $1.4M in non dilutive funding, further demonstrating commercial and technical merit.
Current Timeline
ISC is following proven commercial pathway. The BASE clinical trial will serve as a final clinical validation and build sales channel to commercially offer the ISCDX test through the company CLIA laboratory. This strategy is similar to companies such as Veracyte and Foundation Medicine (both 2013 IPOs).
Current Investors
Broadview Ventures, Cleveland Clinic (GCIC grant), Queen City Angels, Ohio Third Frontier, Accelerant Fund, and private individuals.
IP Status
5 patents in various stages of prosecution, international filings as well.
Management Team Highlights
Proven management team and board (2 IPOs, multiple exits, past president of AHA, chief of cardiology at Stanford, 4 VC directors), KOLs in the field of stroke (including author of the Stroke Guidelines), strategic support (Affymetrix, Medtronics), and leading stroke center directors.
Jeff June
Jeff June
LinkedIn logo CEO & Founder 

Jace Biomedical, Inc.


JBI is a Midwest-based biotechnology company driven to develop a new class of therapies to treat patients with Alzheimer’s disease and other neurodegenerative diseases. 

JBI’s unique approach is able to lower the production of Amyloid Beta (Aβ), phosphorylated Tau (pTau) and toxic intracellular Aβ aggregates.  Our passion is to develop a therapy to restore the patient’s lifespan and improve patient quality of life.

JBI is focused on further developing its lead compound, JBI-009, based on the strength of compelling preclinical safety and efficacy results to date.

JBI’s approach represents a new wave in thinking about the treatment of AD.  Currently available drugs treat disease symptoms, rather than its suspected cause, and do so with limited success.  Most drugs in late-stage clinical development are attempting to address a likely cause of the disease, the accumulation of Aβ, by potently inhibiting the enzyme responsible for Aβ production.  As this enzyme has other important biological functions, this approach has seen early failures because of unacceptable side effects.  JBI's approach is unique in that it modulates the production of this enzyme rather than inhibits its activity.  JBI’s approach is expected to restore enzyme activity and Aβ production to normal levels with a favorable safety advantage.

JBI’s technology is also unique in that it targets cellular machinery within the Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER).  Most drug developers have focused on modifying activity that occurs either on the cell membrane or within the cell nucleus or cytosol.  JBI is one of the first, if not the first, to successfully target activity within the ER.  The discoveries employed by JBI have produced a lead compound that affects the enzyme responsible for controlling the rate-limiting step in Aβ production, penetrates the blood brain barrier, and shows no toxicity in IND feasibility safety studies.  In addition, work has begun on next generation compounds.  This ER-focused approach provides platform potential for future therapies to treat additional significant unmet medical needs.


Year Founded
Biotech Subsector
Biotech Phase of Development
Technology Overview
JBI-009 is a small molecule with an excellent safety profile to date. The anticipated indication is for treatment of Alzheimer’s disease in Prodromal (pre-symptomatic) and mild cognitively impaired patients. JBI-009 is expected to lower Aβ, BACE1, and phosphorylated Tau. JBI-009 is anticipated to have once-daily oral dosing for chronic use and has shown effective penetration through the blood brain barrier. The compound has a low manufacturing cost due to its simple chemical structure.
Current Financing Needs
JBI is a Seed stage company seeking $2.0mm of initial investment to advance IND feasibility research on its lead compound.
IP Status
Patent applications have been filed and are under prosecution, providing exclusivity into 2032.
Management Team Highlights
Carl Horn, Founder, CEO: Mr. Horn is a business leader with over 25 years of pharmaceutical and diagnostics industry experience at Abbott Laboratories, Takeda, TAP Pharmaceuticals and Chicago-based Therapeutic Proteins. His experience includes general management, business development, and strategic marketing within these companies. Deborah Milkowski, PhD, Founder, CSO: Dr. Milkowski has more than 13 years of industry experience in senior roles at TAP Pharmaceuticals where she was the director of the Pharmacology and Technical Assessment organizations and oversaw the pharmacology sections of 10 IND and 4 NDA submissions, including approvals for Lupron Depot® and Uloric®.
Carl Horn
Deborah Milkowski
Chief Science Officer 

JT Pharma

JT Pharma, the Pharmaceutical Division of Japan Tobacco (Akros Pharma, US; Torii, Japan) has broad therapeutic interests with a focus on cutting edge, innovative science and orally active small molecule therapeutics in diabetes, lipid regulation, osteoporosis (small molecule anabolic agents), HIV, HBV, fibrosis, pain, autoimmune diseases, inflammation (RA and OA), urological diseases, allergy, and new drug discovery and development tools. Torii, the marketing division of JT Pharma Division, is interested in late stage, i.e. late Ph3, close to registration drugs for the Japanese market. Torii’s areas of interest are: renal diseases including CKD and complications from hemodialysis, dermatology, atopic dermatitis (preferably given orally), psoriasis, allergy, i.e. antigen-specific immunotherapy, asthma, and rhinitis. JT Pharma and Torii are looking for commercializable technologies or products for collaborative R&D deals or in- licensing deals. 
JT Pharma seeks partnering opportunities, i.e., research and/or development collaborations, contract research and licensing arrangements, to enhance its own internal R&D efforts. Also, Japan Tobacco’s marketing division, Torii Pharmaceuticals, seeks late-stage clinical opportunities for the Japanese Market.
JT Pharma has an interest in early-stage, novel small molecule therapeutics focusing on diabetes,lipid regulation, HIV, HBV, autoimmune disease, inflammation (RA, OA, asthma, allergy), fibrosis, osteoporosis, overactive bladder, and pain (non-CNS) as well as new drug discovery and development tools. Compounds must have composition of matter patents.

Torii Pharmaceuticals is seeking drugs in clinical trials for licensing and marketing in Japan with a focus on dermatology (eczema, atopic dermatitis, psoriasis, onychomycosis, ), allergy, and kidney diseases.

JT Pharma is dedicated to the discovery, development, and sales of novel human therapeutics. In addition to the North American facilities mentioned above, most of JT Pharma’s new drug discovery and development work is performed within its Central Pharmaceutical Research Institute, located in Osaka. They also have a molecular biology research laboratory in Yokohama and a toxicology research facility in Hadano, Japan.

Guadalupe Cipres
Business Development 

Kairos Therapeutics Canada

Kairos Therapeutics has developed a proprietary next generation antibody-drug conjugate (ADC) platform based on novel toxin, linker and site-specific conjugation technology. Kairos has demonstrated superior pre-clinical in-vivo efficacy over T-DM1. Further pre-clinical studies demonstrate Kairos’ ADCs have superior tolerability and therapeutic index, compared to other leading platforms which may lead to greater clinical efficacy. Through key partnerships, Kairos is developing a novel therapeutic pipeline and is out-licensing its ADC platform to companies seeking access to state-of-the-art technology.  

Year Founded
Biotech Subsector
John Babcook
President & CSO 

Kineta United States

Kineta® is a nationally-recognized biotechnology company focused on developing leading edge therapeutics in three large high need therapeutic areas: autoimmune disease, viral disease and chronic pain. Our company is focused on the development of novel drug candidates each the outcome of years of scientific exploration and supported by an extensive body of peer-reviewed NIH-supported research.

Biotech Phase of Development
Technology Overview

Kineta® is developing a pipeline of next-generation medicines to respond to the needs of millions of people facing diseases around the world. Our scientific areas of expertise are immunology and neuropathic pain with research directed at curbing inflammation and returning the immune system to normal function. Kineta has five unique drug programs in development and each program represents a novel mechanism-of-action and has potential to result in a new class of drug. The innovative portfolio is derived from leading edge scientific research that taps into promising recently discovered cellular channels that control the body's defense mechanisms. Kineta’s drug programs are designed to enhance or modulate the natural human immune system and show great potential to be more effective, more tolerable and confer fewer side effects than existing drugs. We anticipate our products will be highly sought after by patients, healthcare providers and the pharmaceutical industry.

Alliance & Collaborations
27 Scientific and academic collaborations
Current Financing Needs

Series B round of $5M with follow on series C for an additional $20M.

Current Timeline

Autoimmune drug successfully completed phase I clinical trials and is currently in a phase 1B extension study to be completed 1st quarter.  In discussions with numerous large pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies around a licensing transaction.

Antiviral and pain programs are currently in pre-clinical development with high industry interest.  We are in significant partnering discussions around several of our anti-viral drug candidates.

Current Investors

We have raised $36M since 2008.  This has been augmented with an additional $52M in NIH funding.

Our current investors are accredited investors, high net worth individuals, Family Offices, a boutique PE group and the Iacocca Foundation.

IP Status
  Protected Pipeline Secured with a
Valuable IP Portfolio ØStrong IP across each development program ØProprietary expertise in innate immunity & autoimmunity Ø27 Patent Families (28 owned, 6 in-licensed) •45 Issued Patents •154 Pending country applications •7 Pre-nationalized PCT or provisional families
Management Team Highlights

Chuck Magness, PhD


Human Genome Project; Co-founded & Sold Illumigen Biosciences ($17M + 321M); Kineta Enterprise >$60M

Shawn Iadonato, PhD


Human Genome Project; Illumigen Biosciences; Grew 5 Kineta Programs; 1st Kv1.3 in Clinic; >$35M  R&D Funds

Craig Philips, MBA

Commercial Operations

 VP & GM, Schering Plough, VP & GM, Bayer, President & GM CTI

Blake Ilstrup, JD

General Counsel /

Corporate Dev.

Hundreds of transactions with Cooley and Venture Law Group, General Counsel of Qpass, 6 Kineta transactions

Rob Hedequist

Corporate Development

Major Accounts, Managed Care & Sales/ Marketing Pfizer and Amgen; National Director Schering–Plough

Dan Eramian

Corporate Communications

First VP of communications for Biotech Industry Organization; US DOJ Director of Public Affairs; SBA

Ken North

Corporate Development

Founding CEO Seattle Savings Bank; Past president Seattle Kiwanis, Chamber of Commerce; Seafair Commodores

Dan Burge, MD


Trubion (CMO), VP Early Development Immunex, Amgen (early development on Enbrel)

Jeff Fellows


Global Regulatory Lead Amgen,  VP Regulatory Alder, VP Regulatory CTI,  First Kv1.3 in clinic, Sensipar Amgen

Mr Rob Hedequist
Senior Vice President Corporate Development 
Blake Ilstrup
Jacques Bouchy