Antibody Solutions United States

Antibody Solutions is a premier developer of therapeutic, diagnostic and critical reagent antibodies. Our platforms include human antibodies from transgenic OmniRats™, Hybridoma Libraries™, and high-throughput flow-cytometry screening of cell-associated targets. We provide full technical support and project management with all services performed in the USA. 

Year Founded
Service Provider Type
Medtech Subsector
Biotech Phase of Development
Unique Capabilities

Human Ab producing OmniRats™ 

Hybridoma Libraries™  

High-throughput flow-cytometry screening 

Proven record of success

In Vitro Ab Production

Proven track record of success

John Kenney

Ascendia Pharmaceuticals, LLC

Ascendia is a specialty pharmaceutical company dedicated to developing enhanced formulations of existing drug products, and enabling formulations for pre-clinical and clinical stage drug candidates. We use our nano-particle technologies and expertise to improve the bioavailability of poorly water soluble compounds.

At Ascendia, our core business is to develop proprietary product formulations for poorly water soluble drugs in order to bring value to our pharmaceutical company partners.  We provide practical, customized formulation solutions that enable advancement of compounds from discovery to clinical testing.  We offer rapid and cost-effective formulation technology screening services for poorly water soluble drugs through the utilization of our multiple nano-particle technologies.  We provide trial formulations suitable for initial animal studies, toxicology studies and Phase I clinical trials using nano-emulsion, amorphous solid dispersion, and particle size reduction approaches.  We conduct development program support for novel life-cycle management products based on these technology platforms.

Year Founded
Service Provider Type
Louis Scotti
LinkedIn logo Business Development 

FreeMind Group United States

FreeMind is a consultancy firm that specializes in raising funds from government agencies and other non-dilutive sources through grants and contracts.

FreeMind is the largest consulting group of its kind whose goal is to assist its clients in maximizing their potential to secure funding from non-dilutive sources. Established in 1999, FreeMind's proven long-term strategic approach has garnered its clients, academics and Industry alike, over $1.5 Billion to date. Our expertise in applying for grants and contracts extends throughout every government mechanism open to funding the life sciences including all NIH Institutes, DoD, BARDA, etc., as well as private foundations. FreeMind's knowledgeable and experienced team of Analysts and Project Managers are dedicated to guiding its clients' non-dilutive funding efforts from identification of the most suitable opportunity through to submission and subsequent award. Our team of experts will assist in making non-dilutive funding a key tool in a long-term financial strategy.

Year Founded
Ayal Ronen