
Prize4Life is a non-profit organization founded in 2006 in Cambridge, MA focused on accelerating therapy development for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS, aka Lou Gehrig's disease). Prize4Life uses incentive prizes to attract new minds and drive innovation in ALS drug development. The organization is running the $1M Avi Kremer ALS Treatment Prize4Life challenge for preclinical validation of a novel ALS therapeutic in an ALS mouse model, and submissions to this prize will be accepted until June 6th 2015. In addition to prizes, Prize4Life also runs infrastructure programs to support the ALS research community, such as the ALS FORUM, an online portal of cutting edge research and drug development news in ALS (

Sara Shnider
Executive Director 

Recardio Austria

RECARDIO is a virtual, private, clinical stage life science company founded in 2011 focusing on drug based regenerative therapeutic modalities for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases.

The company started product development mid-stage by taking advantage of >$100m of previously invested capital in the licensed lead compound, Dutogliptin. Safety has been established in more than 1000 subjects and all non-clinical studies have been completed to the highest standards, including 2 year carcinogenicity, resulting in a de-risked clinical development program from the safety perspective and overall reduction in total program costs.

 After completion of limited preclinical studies clinical trials will commence in early 2015 in patients with acute myocardial infarction.

After establishing proof-of-principle in vivo and completion of the preclinical development, it has entered clinical stage and is developing multiple therapeutic leads as the future regenerative medication for patients with various cardiovascular diseases, with the potential of improving their cardiac function, quality of life and survival.

Year Founded
Biotech Subsector
Medtech Subsector
Biotech Phase of Development
Medtech Phase of Development
Current Financing Needs
Series A in process
Current Timeline
Phase 2b starting in 2015
Current Investors
IP Status
Issued use and composition of matter patents
Recent Milestones
Positive FDA advice in 12.2014
Roman Schenk

River Cities Capital Funds United States

River Cities Capital Fund is a private equity firm founded in 1994 and based in Cincinnati, Ohio. The firm manages approximately $500 million under management and is currently investing out of its 2014 vintage $200 fund. The firm looks to make investments of $5-$15 million initially up to $20 million over the investments lifetime. The firm is willing to invest throughout the United States and is looking to make approximately 4-6 equity investments over the next 6 to 9 months.

Rik Vandevenne

RiverVest Venture Partners United States

RiverVest Venture Partners is a venture capital firm that was founded in 2000 and is based in St. Louis, Missouri with additional office in Cleveland, Ohio. The firm currently has managed over $208 million of total assets. RiverVest has raised two investment funds with total committed capital of $165 million since inception. The recent fund closed at $75 million. RiverVest typically makes equity investments into global companies, and has no specific geographic preferences. The firm will consider making investments at all the stages, and focuses on investments in seed, early-stage and select later-stage companies. The typical investment size is around $6 million, though the firm can invest more or less, depending on the opportunity. 

RiverVest is extremely opportunistic when it comes to investments in the life sciences space; with that being said RiverVests specified sectors and sub sectors of interest may or may not be an area in which RiverVest is currently looking to allocate capital to. The firm invests in companies in the biotech therapeutics and diagnostics, as well the medical technology space. 

Some of the firms investments have included companies developing biotech therapeutics and diagnostics targeting diseases of the blood and blood forming organs, neoplasms, cancer, and oncology, skin and subcutaneous tissue, cardiovascular diseases, diseases of the ear, and infectious diseases. The firm has also invested in companies developing anti-body based therapeutics. The firm has also invested in firms developing medical technologies such as therapeutic radiation devices, active implantable devices, non active implantable devices, hospital hardware, and imaging devices.

Year Founded
Investor Type
Medtech Phase of Development
Capital Structure Preference
Investment Stage Preference
Karen Spilizewski

Seroba Kernel Life Sciences Ireland

Seroba Kernel is a venture capital firm based in Dublin, Ireland, with representatives in the United Kingdom. The firm has approximately €100M AUM and focuses solely on the life sciences. The firm has 2 funds and plans to raise a third fund in the near future. The firm typically allocates between €5-7M of equity over the life of the investment. The firm primarily invests in companies that are based in Ireland and Europe. Exceptional opportunities in North America will also be considered. The firm is actively seeking new investment opportunities.

Year Founded
Biotech Phase of Development
Medtech Phase of Development
Capital Structure Preference
Investment Stage Preference
Daniel O'Mahony

Siragen Pharmaceuticals, LLC United States

Siragen Pharmaceuticals is a drug discovery and development company, focused on novel approaches to treat Aging and Neurodegenerative Disorders such as Alzheimer’s Disease. Siragen is developing a group of small lead molecules that tackles Alzheimer’s Disease and aging neurons by novel strategy different from current unsuccessful approaches.   Siragen Pharmaceuticals, based in San Diego, California, was incorporated in May 2014, and is a spin off of Neurogeneration Inc. Siragen's products will be for the brain what cholesterol agents are for the heart.

Year Founded
Biotech Subsector
Medtech Subsector
Biotech Phase of Development
Technology Overview

Sira-9 targets a specific pathway of the stress response due to oligomer toxicity. Siragen has identified targets within this pathway that prevents the synapse loss induced by synaptic dysfunction and synaptotoxicity. Siragen has also identified another target, which alleviates age-associated phenotypes and extends the life span of neurons by reducing inflammation. These small molecules are specific and can be easily delivered as a pro-drug.

Alliance & Collaborations
UCSD, Duke University, UCLA, Salk Institute
Current Financing Needs


Current Timeline

Siragen’s development programs are focused on 1) target identification 2) target validation 3) hit to lead identification and optimization 4) in vivo studies and 5) begin clinical trials on identified compounds. The Company aims to develop its pipeline of novel molecules to clinical proof of concept and partner with industry leaders for late stage development and commercialization

Current Investors


IP Status

•  expanding IP portfolio

Recent Milestones

• Target identified and validated for drug discovery in Alzheimer’s disease • Successful assay development for hits • Lead candidate Sira-9 currently in development for Alzheimer’s disease

Management Team Highlights

The team consists of CEO and Founder: Michel Levesque, MD, entrepreneur and neuroscientist, CSO and Co-Founder: Mohamedi Kagalwala, neurochemist and neurobiologist. Scientific advisory board consists of prominent scientist Dr. Eliezer Masliah (neuropathologist and neurodegenerative disorders expert, UCSD), Dr. Kalpana Merchant (Ex CSO, Translation Science at Eli Lilly Pharmaceuticals) and Dr. Anthony Means (pharmacologist, Baylor College of Medicine)

Dr Michel Levesque

Sofia Angel Fund United States

Sofia Angel Group is a group of angel investors based in Minneapolis, Minnesota. The group solely focuses on investing in women-led businesses where women are the founders, or women are on the senior management team. Sofia Angel Group does not have a specific timeframe to make an investment, however would make an allocation by the end of 2013 if a compelling opportunity is identified. The group typically invests around $100,000 per company, however has the ability to invest up to $3 million through co-investments from the group’s members.

Barbara Nelsen

Sound Affects

Sound Affects is a philanthropic organization based in Westport CT. Sound Affects is a nonprofit crowdfunding platform that will provide non-dilutive research grants to for-profit life science companies developing products in the oncology sector. Sound Affects? grant sizes are variable depending on project needs with current projects seeking to raise between $5 and $5, the amount of funding sought should be sufficient to reach the next product development milestone. Sound Affects is potentially open to funding about 4 further projects and is best placed to work with entrepreneurs based in the Northeast/Mid-Atlantic region of the USA but is also open to proposals from outside this region. In addition to direct crowdfunding Sound Affects will in the future provide additional resources via a matching fund.
Mona Jhaveri
Executive Director