Asset Management Ventures

Asset Management Ventures is a private investment firm funded by a single LP and is based in California USA. The firm invests in seed and early-stage health technology companies. The typical investment size for seed investment ranges from $25K to $1M (usually in equity or convertible notes). For early-stage companies the firm typically co-invests with other VC firms in Series A and B financing and the investment size will depend on the company?s financial needs. The firm is geographically agnostic but prefers start-ups to be based on the West Coast. The firm is actively seeking new investment opportunities.
Richard Simoni
Managing Partner 

Baird Venture Partners

Baird Venture Partners is the venture and expansion capital arm of Robert W. Baird & Co. The Baird Venture Partners team is based in Chicago Illinois and has around $27 million in total assets under management. In 214 Baird closed a fourth venture capital fund at $185 million. The firm is currently seeking opportunities in the life science sector and while Baird has no strict timeline to make investments the group would invest in a new firm within the next 6-9 months if a compelling opportunity was identified. The firm?s equity investments range from $3-1 million but are typically in the $8-1 million range.The firm will only consider investment into US based firms.
Momei Qu
Senior Associate 

Band of Angels

The Band of Angels is a funding organization that was founded in 1994 and it is based in Silicon Valley California. The organization typically provides capital to companies through three programs: The Band of Angels Acorn Fund and The Band of Angels Venture Fund. The group focuses on seed and Series A stage high-tech companies across several industries including life science space. The Band of Angels generally makes investments ranging from $3K to $75k but it often leads a syndication of $2-3million. Acorn Fund which is The Band?s third side fund and was founded in 29 generally makes investments ranging from $1k to $75k. The Band of Angels Venture Fund is a $5 million venture fund which raised in 1999 by The Band of Angels. Initial investment sizes of the fund are typically $3 and can go up to $2.5 million. The Band generally makes around 1 -2 investments per year. The group focuses on companies based in Silicon Valley but it will consider selective opportunities in Los Angles and San Diego areas. The group's portfolio includes biotechnology and medical device companies working with oncology and muscle recovery.
Brian Frenzel
Michael Bates
Member, Board of Directors 

Baxter Ventures

Baxter Ventures is the strategic venture arm of Baxter International Inc. that was formed in 2011 and is based in Deerfield, Illinois. The firm is currently making equity investments out of a $200 Million fund with allocations generally falling in the $3-$5 million range. The firm is looking in invest in companies who have previously or are currently in the process of securing investment from other institutional investors. The firm is willing to look globally for investment opportunities and plans to make approximately 2 new investments over the next 6-9 months.

Priyanka Rohatgi

Becton Dickinson (BD)

BD (Becton Dickinson and Company) based in Franklin Lakes NJ is a leading medical technology company that partners with customers and stakeholders to address many of the world?s most pressing and evolving health needs. Their innovative solutions are focused on improving drug delivery enhancing the diagnosis of infectious diseases and cancers supporting the management of diabetes and advancing cellular research. The firm has nearly 3 associates in 5 countries who strive to fulfill our purpose of ?Helping all people live healthy lives? by advancing the quality accessibility safety and affordability of healthcare around the world. For more information please visit BD partners with companies from their formation through to commercialization including expansion of operations and channel access. BD considers a variety of engagement models including research collaborations licenses investments and acquisition when partnering with companies aligned with BD?s core businesses and new areas of strategic interest seeking opportunities from around the globe.
Albert Lauritano
Director Strategic Technology Partnerships 

Bionure Inc. United States

Bionure is a late-preclinical company focused at developing First-in-Class SGK agonists for the treatment of orphan ophthalmological diseases.

Bionure's main candidate is BN201, a small molecule, new chemical entity, first-in-class drug that promotes neuroprotection and remyelination by means of a novel MOA.

Our main therapeutic focus is Optic Neuritis (ON), an acute, inflammatory disease of the optic nerve that qualifies for orphan status. BN201 has been granted orphan designation for the treatment of ON and the patent has been granted.

Preclinical efficacy studies have been performed in several animal models and a pre-IND meeting has been held with the FDA to validate our preclinical and clinical development. 

BN201 is now through the regulatory toxicology studies to enable IND by Q2 2015.

Year Founded
Biotech Subsector
Biotech Phase of Development
IP Status
Patent has been granted
Recent Milestones
Orphan designation for the treatment of Optic Neuritis
Albert Zamora
Managing Partner CEO 

BioScience Managers Australia

BioScience Managers is a venture capital life science investment firm headquartered in Melbourne, Australia. The group makes equity investments from $3M-5M and anticipates about 6 new investments this year. BioScience Managers invests globally. 

BioScience Managers will invest in companies across the life science space, including therapeutics, diagnostics and medical technology. The group does not invest in service providers. BioScience Managers considers all subsectors and indications, including orphan indications. The group will consider technology either in or prepared for human clinical trials and is open to all classes of devices. BioScience Managers seeks investments in novel technology and is not looking to gain share of an existing market. 

Investor Type
Biotech Phase of Development
Medtech Phase of Development
Capital Structure Preference
Investment Stage Preference
Jeremy Curnock Cook
Managing Director 
Amanda Gillon
Investment Analyst 
Matt McNamara

Brace Pharmaceuticals United States

Brace Pharmaceuticals is based in Rockville, MD, and is a strategic investment company formed by Brazil-based pharma company EMS S/A. Brace investment structure varies depending on a company’s development stage; for early-stage opportunities Brace typically makes equity investments and may syndicate with other investors, whereas for clinical-stage opportunities Brace is more likely to form strategic partnerships that involve rights to an asset. Brace is open to considering therapeutic opportunities globally, but only if the company is pursuing the US market.

Brace Pharmaceuticals invests in therapeutics; about 80% of the firm’s investments are in clinical-stage assets, with a preference for companies with some human proof-of-concept data; the remaining 20% of investments are made in preclinical opportunities. Drug-device combinations will also be considered, but Brace does not invest in diagnostics. The firm will invest in both small and large molecules, and has a strong preference for investing in orphan drugs and other niche disease areas. It is preferred that indications have validated clinical endpoints and can be studied using small trials. Indications that require large clinical trials, including as cardiovascular diseases and primary care indications (such as influenza) will not be considered.

Basheer Zada
Business Development 
Vinzenz Ploerer
President & CEO 
Todd Brady
Director of Finance 

Breakout Labs

Breakout Labs was founded by the Thiel Foundation in 211 and is based in San Francisco CA. Breakout Labs provides seed grants of $35 to 8-1 early stage companies per year. Companies must reach specific milestones in order to receive installments of the grant. Breakout Labs grants are in the form of a convertible note that if the company raises a Series A round will convert based on the Series A valuation, however if the company fails before raising a Series A round no debt will be due. Additionally when a portfolio company becomes revenue-generating or is acquired Breakout Labs receives a 3% royalty payment capped at 3x the value of the grant. Breakout Labs funds companies throughout the USA.
Lindy Fishburne
Executive Director 
Michelle Kim-Danely
Portfolio Manager 

BSI Capital Group

BSI Capital is a Single Family Office based in Mexico City Mexico. The firm is looking to make growth stage investments into healthcare companies generally in series C and D rounds or later. Due to the structure of the firm BSI has a highly variable investment size that will depend of the financial needs of the company. The firm is currently looking for new opportunities throughout the United States Mexico and Canada. The firm has no set number of investment in plans to make over the next 6-9 months.
Alejandra Paradones
CEO & Founder