Zcube | Research Venture

Z-Cube invests strategically in technologies that benefit Zambon’s pharmaceuticals and API chemical businesses. 

Within the therapeutics sector, Z-Cube is interested in new technological platforms that enable Zambon’s therapeutic innovation (Z-Cube does not make developmental-stage investments in new chemical entities, and as Zambon only markets small molecule therapeutics, technologies related to biologics are not of interest). This includes drug delivery innovations, and other enabling technologies for therapeutics that do not have to undergo the full therapeutic approval process in order to reach the marketplace. 

Z-Cube is also interested in diagnostics, particularly point of care diagnostics, companion diagnostics and other diagnostics that are used alongside a therapeutic intervention, and diagnostics that can be used in preventative care or to lower overall healthcare costs. Zambon is also interested in diagnostic technologies used to monitor a chronic condition. 

Zambon’s therapeutic focus areas are respiratory diseases and pain (particularly chronic pain), and the firm is also interested in CNS disorders and women’s health (encompassing osteoporosis and rheumatoid arthritis in addition to ob/gyn). However in the diagnostics sector, Zambon is interested in all indications. 

Zambon is additionally interested in digital technologies that enhance communication in the healthcare space, particularly between doctor and patient or between general practitioners and specialists. This includes EMR and telehealth technologies, and devices that transmit information wirelessly. 

Zambon is also interested in innovations in high-tech chemistry, including purification of APIs, advanced crystallography, and novel custom synthesis.

Andrea Mills
Lorenzo Pradella

ZeroTo510 Medical Device Accelerator United States

The majority of medical devices get cleared for commercial deployment through the FDA’s 510(k) clearance process, which is the fastest and most economical route to market for a new medical device. ZeroTo510 has developed a unique program that enables entrepreneurs with ideas for innovative medical devices to take advantage of the fast path to market. ZeroTo510 is a first-of-its-kind cohort-based medical device accelerator. Hosted in Memphis, Tennessee, the program leverages key regional strengths in biomedical research and medical device manufacturing to create a unique program.

Allan Daisley
Allan Daisley
LinkedIn logo President 

Allan Daisley is the director of entrepreneurship and sustainability at Memphis Bioworks Foundation. In this role, he manages entrepreneurship and business incubation programs and helps to grow and support the entrepreneurship ecosystem in the Memphis area. He is the program director of the ZeroTo510 Medical Device Accelerator, an innovative, first-of-its-kind entrepreneurship program that helps entrepreneurs launch new medical device companies, navigate the startup process and deliver their products to market. ZeroTo510 uses a methodology that combines an intensive mentorship-driven, cohort-based program with a seed investment in each company.


Allan previously worked as an economic development consultant and managed a business incubator program focused on leveraging entrepreneurship and technology as key drivers of sustainable economic development. He also has spent time in senior strategy and marketing roles at IBM, as a consultant at Accenture, and as an entrepreneur in two start-up ventures. Allan has an MBA from Duke University and a Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering from the Georgia Institute of Technology.