Broadview Ventures

Broadview Ventures is a Philanthropy Venture firm that was established by the Leducq Family Trust in 28 and dedicated to accelerating the translation of new and innovative programs in the CV and stroke areas. The firm is based out of Boston MA but is geographically agnostic in its investing. The firm makes equity and convertible note investments of approximately $1 million into companies that are targeting cardiovascular and neurovascular diseases. The firm invests in privately held companies at both the seed and venture stage and is currently invests in 4-5 companies per year. The firm operates under an evergreen structure and is constantly seeking new investment opportunities. While the firm will consider investments around the globe Broadview is keen to add companies based in Europe to its portfolio. Broadview has previously invested in the US Europe and Israel.
Maria Berkman
Rick Jones
Christopher de Souza

California Institute for Regenerative Medicine (CIRM)

The California Institute for Regenerative Medicine (CIRM) was established in 24 with the passage of Proposition 71 and is based in San Francisco California. Proposition 71 provided for $3 billion for CIRM to fund stem cell research in the state of California. CIRM provides strictly non-dilutive funding in the forms of research grants and forgivable loans the largest of which provide for up to $2 million of funding. Being motivated partially by the economic development of California the firm is interested in companies located in California or those that have an interest in relocating or opening space in California.
Neil Littman
Business Development Officer 

CDRD Ventures Canada

CDRD Ventures Inc. (CVI) is the commercialization vehicle of the Centre for Drug Research and Development (CDRD), Canada's national drug development and commercialization center that was founded in 2007 and is based in Vancouver, Canada. CVI seeks to advance promising drug development projects from CDRD using internal funds and through partnerships with international pharmaceutical companies, venture capital firms, biotech companies, and other funding agencies. CVI also seeks to in-license technologies from industry or non-CDRD affiliated research institutions. The firm considers both small molecule and biologic innovative technologies in virtually any therapeutic area.

Ms Natalie Dakers
President & CEO 
Mr Michael Lincoln
Chief Financial and Business Officer 

Chiesi Ventures

Chiesi Ventures is a Venture Capital firm formed by a partnership between the Italian Pharmaceutical company Chiesi and US based VC firm Pappas Ventures. The firm is currently looking to make seed and venture stage investments into companies ranging anywhere from $2K to $5 million initially and up to $8 million over the life of the investment. The firm is actively seeking investment opportunities throughout the United States and Europe and could make as many as 2-4 new investments over the next year.
Art Pappas

Ciclofilin United States

A biopharmaceutical company specializing in development 
of cyclophilin inhibitors, an emerging class of drugs for infectious, inflammatory, and degenerative diseases.

Focus:  Many hepatitis B and C patients fall into difficult-to-treat categories due to more complicated liver disease and poorer responses to treatment.  One major group is coinfected patients (HCV/HIV-1 or HCV/HBV), who are more prone to develop end stage liver disease and liver cancer than monoinfected patients.  Patients with cirrhosis represent a second major group. Cyclophilin inhibitors, having broad-spectrum antiviral, anti-inflammatory, and anti-fibrotic activities are excellent candidate medicine for these difficult-to-treat  patients. 

Year Founded
Biotech Subsector
Biotech Phase of Development
Technology Overview
Cyclophilin Inhibition: antiviral and liver disease
Alliance & Collaborations
NRC (Canada), Scripps Research Institute (La Jolla, CA), NIH
Current Financing Needs
Angels, VC Series A
IP Status
Recent Milestones
AASLD presentation on HIV/HCV co-infection. Lead molecule, CPI 431-32, kills both viruses simultaneously, and may also mitigate progression of liver disease
Management Team Highlights
Drs. Foster and Ordonez, Founders. Both with decades each of biotechnology and capital market expertise
Robert Foster

Clayton Biotechnologies United States

Clayton Biotechnologies commercializes technologies that are developed and owned by the Clayton Foundation for Research and its supporting entities through research programs at leading research hospitals and institutions in the US and Switzerland.

We have several projects in various stages of development from discovery to advanced pre-clinical that are available for licensing, collaboration, and the creation of new start-up ventures.

Clayton Biotechnologies has a significant portfolio of technologies to offer for licensing and collaboration. 


Some of our featured technologies:

- Urocortins and analogues for Diabetes

- Fc engineering of aglycosylated antibodies

- Granzyme B - a potent payload for antibody drug conjugates (ADC)

- Alk4-Fc, a Cripto antagonist for Cancer

- TEAD gene and peptide therapies for ocular neovascular disease

- Stem cell therapy program for Parkinson's Disease

- Vaccines and Diagnostics for Ehrlichioses

- Biomarker for personalized breast cancer therapy

- YESS - engineering of proteases

- OCT Image Guided Smart Laser Knife Diagnosis and Therapy in Small Spaces


To date, 9 products based on Clayton Foundation discoveries have been have been successfully commercialized through the creation of start-up companies and out-licensing

Alexandra Richardson
Head of Business Development 

Colorado Institute for Drug Device and Diagnostic Development United States

The Colorado Institute for Drug, Device and Diagnostic Development (CID4) is a 501(c)3 not-for-profit entity committed to economic development through the creation and funding of Colorado Life Science companies. Our goal is to efficiently transform emerging life science innovations into commercial successes. First, we use a rigorous review process and advisory panel to select promising post-proof-of-concept technologies from Colorado’s outstanding research institutions and start-up companies. Second, we fund and actively manage product development while taking an equity position in existing companies and in new companies that we found with the inventors. Third, we facilitate additional seed and/or grant funding to further develop our portfolio companies technologies. By augmenting the value of these innovations, we position our portfolio companies to attract series A financing from venture capitalists and/or partnering opportunities with established pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies. We have funded 9 early stage companies since June 2010 and these companies have raised more than $30 million in additional private capital and grant funding.

Year Founded
Biotech Phase of Development
Technology Overview
CID4 has 9 portfolio companies and several project companies that it represents. The companies and technologies are: Sophono (marketed bone anchored hearing device); PeptiVir (pre-clinical stage, peptide-based vaccine platform for influenza, MERS, Ebola, RSV and HIV); Flashback (CipherSensor algorithm for use in medical devices that monitor vital signs); VetDC (FDA approved veterinary oncology product); KromaTiD (molecular diagnostics to detect chromosomal inversion mutations); Aurora Oncology (IND ready bladder cancer therapies); aktiVax (post-protoype, pre-filled syringes and biocompatible vial replacements); Fitbionic (marketed foot prostheses); Sapphire Technologies (post-prototype non-stick dental device for packing composite materials); ApopLogic (phase 1 lung cancer drug; IND-ready targeted biologic for cancer); MenoGeniX (phase 2 menopause hot flash therapy)
Alliance & Collaborations
Colorado Office of Economic Development, Fitzsimons Redevelopment Authority, SBA, Colo. BioSciences Assn., High Country Venture, CU, CSU Ventures
Supporting Metrics or Evidence
Since June 2010: (1) >150 companies reviewed by our technical and business advisory committee; (2) Technology and IP from public research institutions and private companies; (3) $3 million invested in 9 companies (2 started by CID4); (4) Our portfolio companies have raised an additional $30 million in follow-on financing and grants
Current Financing Needs
We are looking for $10 million in philanthropic, angel, corporate and/or venture funding to match $5 million in available State of Colorado ED grant funds
Current Timeline
Current Investors
Colorado Office of Economic Dev. ($5.1 million), Fitzsimons Redevelopment Authority ($1 million)
IP Status
All of our companies have issued patents
Recent Milestones
Completed our 9th investment.
Management Team Highlights
Our management team has an average of over 30 years in the biotechnology and medical device industry in both start-up and large companies
Richard Duke
Founder & CSO 

Correlation Ventures United States

Correlation Ventures is a venture capital firm that founded in 2010 and is based in San Diego, California with an additional office in Palo Alto, California. The firm currently has approximately $165 million in total assets under management. The firm typically makes investments ranging from $0.25 million to $5 million over the life of the company, and the first investment will be not larger than $2.5 million. The firm’s preferred capital structure is convertible preferred equity or convertible loan. Correlation Ventures will consider invest in any industry segment at any stage, but there must be at least one other venture capital firm making their first investment in the company in this round. The firm only invests in US-based companies. 

Correlation is extremely opportunistic when it comes to investments in the life sciences space; with that being said the firm's specified sectors and sub sectors of interest may or may not be an area in which Correlation Ventures is currently looking to allocate capital to. The firm has made a number of investments in companies in the life sciences space, and has mainly invested in companies in the biotech therapeutics and diagnostics space. The firm's current portfolio includes biotech therapeutics and diagnostics firms developing products targeting endocrine, metabolic, and nutritional diseases, musculoskeletal system and connective tissue, neoplasms, cancer, and oncology, genitourinary system, and infectious and parasitic diseases.

Year Founded
Investor Type
Medtech Phase of Development
Capital Structure Preference
Investment Stage Preference
David Coats
Managing Director 

Crestone Inc. United States

Crestone, Inc. is an early stage drug discovery and development company focused on developing novel treatments for serious bacterial infections.  The company currently has two main programs that address areas of significant and growing unmet medical need, both with novel mechanism of action agents.

1.         Novel treatment for Clostridium difficile infections.  CRS3123 is currently in clinical development for the treatment of C. difficile infection (CDI), and is nearing completion of Phase 1.  CDI occurs when toxin-producing bacteria colonize the gastrointestinal tract.  The infection spreads rapidly via spores which contaminate hospitals and nursing homes, and recurrence is a major clinical issue.  Due to the emergence of hyper-virulent drug resistant strains, mortality from CDI has increased over 700% since 1999.  In preclinical studies, CRS3123 shows much lower recurrence compared to vancomycin, a key attribute for improved therapy of CDI.  We seek funding for Phase 2 clinical studies to demonstrate clinical proof-of-concept.

2.         Novel oral agents for Gram-positive infections.  We are developing a novel class of DNA replication inhibitors, currently in advanced preclinical research.  These compounds selectively inhibit an essential component of the replicative DNA polymerase complex and are potent, orally available, and effective against all clinically-relevant Gram-positive pathogens, including methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), vancomycin-resistant enterococci (VRE), penicillin-resistant Streptococcus pneumoniae (PRSP) and Bacillus anthracis (anthrax).  We anticipate development of a drug similar to Zyvox in spectrum, but with key advantages such as rapid bacterial killing and improved safety.  This grant-supported program is expected to produce a clinical candidate in 2015.   

Crestone will develop these programs through key value inflection points in early clinical development, and then share the risk and expense of late-stage trials with a partner.  We have a talented core team in place, and have a plan for strategic hiring to ensure that we can accomplish critical milestones.  We have identified potential candidates to fill a number of key positions, while outsourcing activities that benefit from economies of scale/expertise, including large-scale chemical synthesis, animal testing, clinical trial execution and regulatory affairs.  We have demonstrated the ability to leverage non-dilutive financing to meet critical early milestones, maintaining a semi-virtual structure and low burn rate. 

Year Founded
Biotech Phase of Development
Current Financing Needs
Series A
Current Investors
self-financed by Founders
IP Status
issued patents
Recent Milestones
Completion of Phase I Single Ascending Dose clinical trial for CRS3123
Dr Thale Jarvis

CureDuchenne United States

Debra Miller co-founded CureDuchenne in 2003 with her husband, Paul, after their only son was diagnosed with Duchenne. Miller relies on her extensive background in sales and marketing to lead CureDuchenne. 

Her role includes overseeing all operations, research and financial resources as well as serving as the primary liaison to the Board of Directors. She is the decision maker, leader and manager in carrying out the mission of the organization. She also works closely with the Scientific Board of Advisors in designing and implementing the medical research strategic plan.

Miller is a member of the Department of Defense Duchenne Research review board and also a member of the TREAT-NMD international review board, TACT.  Miller has led CureDuchenne’s successful venture philanthropy programs and is the architect of CureDuchenne Ventures LLC, a new, for profit entity created to attract significant research funding to Duchenne research.

Prior to CureDuchenne, Miller had a career in publishing with positions at IDG Communications, Cahners Publishing, Ziff-Davis Publishing and Scholastic Publishing. She also worked in management at PC Magazine and was an independent stock trader.

Miller earned a Bachelor of Arts in Communication Studies from the University of California – Los Angeles. 

Mrs Debra Miller
Mrs Debra Miller
Founder and CEO