Broadview Ventures

Broadview Ventures is a Philanthropy Venture firm that was established by the Leducq Family Trust in 28 and dedicated to accelerating the translation of new and innovative programs in the CV and stroke areas. The firm is based out of Boston MA but is geographically agnostic in its investing. The firm makes equity and convertible note investments of approximately $1 million into companies that are targeting cardiovascular and neurovascular diseases. The firm invests in privately held companies at both the seed and venture stage and is currently invests in 4-5 companies per year. The firm operates under an evergreen structure and is constantly seeking new investment opportunities. While the firm will consider investments around the globe Broadview is keen to add companies based in Europe to its portfolio. Broadview has previously invested in the US Europe and Israel.
Maria Berkman
Rick Jones
Christopher de Souza

CitareTx Investment Partners

CitareTx founded in 2008 is a venture development and investment firm based in Houston Texas. The firm provides investment and incubation services to start-up and early-stage medical device companies. The firm provides seed capital (equity) ranging from $5K to $2M with follow-on capital of up to $5M. The firm also considers investment opportunities with smaller than typically accepted venture capital market size thresholds. The firm is geographically agnostic but prefers companies to be based in Texas. The firm is actively seeking new opportunities.

Jeffery Sheldon
General Partner & Managing Director 

Correlation Ventures United States

Correlation Ventures is a venture capital firm that founded in 2010 and is based in San Diego, California with an additional office in Palo Alto, California. The firm currently has approximately $165 million in total assets under management. The firm typically makes investments ranging from $0.25 million to $5 million over the life of the company, and the first investment will be not larger than $2.5 million. The firm’s preferred capital structure is convertible preferred equity or convertible loan. Correlation Ventures will consider invest in any industry segment at any stage, but there must be at least one other venture capital firm making their first investment in the company in this round. The firm only invests in US-based companies. 

Correlation is extremely opportunistic when it comes to investments in the life sciences space; with that being said the firm's specified sectors and sub sectors of interest may or may not be an area in which Correlation Ventures is currently looking to allocate capital to. The firm has made a number of investments in companies in the life sciences space, and has mainly invested in companies in the biotech therapeutics and diagnostics space. The firm's current portfolio includes biotech therapeutics and diagnostics firms developing products targeting endocrine, metabolic, and nutritional diseases, musculoskeletal system and connective tissue, neoplasms, cancer, and oncology, genitourinary system, and infectious and parasitic diseases.

Year Founded
Investor Type
Medtech Phase of Development
Capital Structure Preference
Investment Stage Preference
David Coats
Managing Director 

Corvida Medical United States

Headquartered in the greater Iowa City area, Corvida Medical innovates intelligent technologies that are designed to represent the next generation of safe handling of hazardous drugs and excellence in design.  We address the problems inherent in current methods and develop smarter, simpler solutions to improve safety, productivity and quality for providers and patients. Our first technology, a novel new Closed System Transfer Device – the Halo™ — will be available in 2015.

Biotech Phase of Development
Medtech Phase of Development
Technology Overview

Corvida Medical is an emerging device company optimizing the safe handling of hazardous drugs, such as chemotherapeutics used to treat cancer patients. Millions of healthcare providers are at risk of exposure to hazardous drugs each year, resulting in adverse events such as cancers, reproductive toxicity, genetic mutations, etc. The company has developed anInnovative Device to Improve Safety of Preparing and Administering Chemotherapy supported by the National Cancer Institute as well as private investors. 

Alliance & Collaborations
NCI grants and awards
Supporting Metrics or Evidence

Launched a multi-center research study funded by the National Cancer Institute (NCI) as part of a series of Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) grants, the aim of this study is to demonstrate the improvements that Corvida’s technology could bring to the safe handling of hazardous drugs. 

Current Financing Needs

Raising $5M series B round

Current Timeline

First quarter 2015 510 applicartion. Approval Q 2 2015

Current Investors

Disclosed under NDA

IP Status

7 patents isued

15 PCT utility patents pending

Recent Milestones

Closed 2 rounds of financing and current 

Management Team Highlights

Corvida Medical is led by CEO, Kent Smith, MBA, who brings over 20 years of successful commercialization and leadership experience in the medical device start-up arena, to include Suros Surgical, which had a very successful exit, and in large corporations, such as American Hospital Supply and Baxter Healthcare.


John Slump
Co-Founder & CEO 
Kent Smith

Deep Knowledge Ventures Hong Kong SAR China

We are a Hong Kong-based venture fund management company focusing on mid- to long-term advanced technology investments at early stage. Through our partnership with the top analytical companies utilizing machine learning and large panel of experts, we can construct complex decision trees showing risk and return at every stage of company evolution. We routinely invest in both private and public companies specializing in biotechnology, drug discovery, personalized medicine, Big Data analysis, industrial expert systems and artificial intelligence. 

Mr Charles Groome
Mr Charles Groome
LinkedIn logo Venture Partner 
Mr Dmitry Kaminskiy
Mr Dmitry Kaminskiy
LinkedIn logo Senior Partner 

Delivering Scientific Innovation for Autism LLC United States

DELSIA is a "venture philanthropy" investment affilate of the research and advocacy foundation Autism Speaks. Our purpose is to transform lives by catalyzing the development and availability of innovative products.

DELSIA is a non-dilutive funding vehicle with the goal of improving outcomes for individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). DELSIA aims to do this by enabling the translation of scientific breakthroughs and technological advances into products that improve health and quality of life for individuals with ASD and their families. 

Who and what do we invest in? DELSIA partners with for-profit companies to fund development activities necessary for delivering products that address the diverse unmet medical, behavioral health and quality of life needs of the autism community.

DELSIA accepts funding proposals from for-profit entities that include, but are not limited to:

• Entrepreneurs, start-up and small companies

• Life sciences, biotechnology and pharmaceutical companies

• Software, computer and electronic technology companies

Dr Daniel Smith
Dr Daniel Smith
LinkedIn logo President 

Deton Corp. United States

Deton is developing a novel non-invasive simple-to-use sample collection device for tuberculosis (TB) patients who are unable to provide a sample.

Proper diagnosis is essential to effectively treat the more than 9million new cases of TB every year. Typically, a sputum sample is collected to run the diagnostic test. However, in 22% of adults and in all children patients, sputum is impossible to collect. These patients have to rely on inadequate alternative collection methods that are invasive, high-cost, and resource-intensive. With our device, patients can now provide a sample even in low-resource setting and find out their TB status. Deton will enable 26M samples to be tested every year.

After promising clinical data, Deton is now raising $1.6M to build an ISO 13485 disposable product and to obtain pivotal clinical validation. Discussions with multiple potential diagnostic partners and first feedback from experts at World Health Organization show significant interest in adopting the device once effective validation has been completed. 

Year Founded
Main Sector
Medtech Phase of Development
Technology Overview
Cough collection to diagnose respiratory infections
Alliance & Collaborations
Supporting Metrics or Evidence
human clinical data supporting the diagnostic
Current Financing Needs
Deton is raising a $1.6 million seed round to support 15 months of operations.
Current Timeline
Milestones: (1) develop an ISO-13485 final design disposable device (t+10 months) and (2) obtain pivotal clinical data in 50 patients (t+15 months). Deton’s third major milestone during the seed stage is to obtain Series A financing.
Current Investors
non-dilutive government grants
IP Status
The Cough Collector is protected by 2 Patent Cooperation Treaty applications fully owned by Deton: PCT/US2011/042854 –“System for airborne bacterial sample collection and analysis” and PCT/US2014/024682 – “System for breath sample collection and analysis.”
Recent Milestones
With non-dilutive funding from government grants, the Cough Collector has been tested in a study on a limited number of patients at a high prevalence site with very encouraging results.
Management Team Highlights
Deton’s team brings together more than 20 years of experience in each of engineering, medicine, and commercial operations. Our team has successfully taken a product from idea to human clinical data. Founders: Patrick Sislian, (CEO, PhD Chemical Engineering UCLA, Member of UCLA VC Fund), Stephen Chapman (VP of R&D, PhD Chemical Engineering Caltech), and Ramzi Nasr (VP of Clinical, PhD Bioinformatics UCI). Part-time: Nico Arnold (previous EVP of commercial ops at Cepheid, previous SVP at Siemens), Dr. Antonio Catanzaro (clinical expert on TB, Professor of Medicine at UCSD), and Katrina Fiedler (previous Director of Regulatory affairs at Alere).
Dr Patrick Sislian
LinkedIn logo CEO 

Patrick Sislian is co-founder and CEO of Deton. He has successful track record in product development. He has secured more than $1.2M in government grants from the NSF, NIH, DoD. He holds a Ph.D. in chemical engineering from UCLA. He serves on the Life Science Investment Committee of the UCLA Venture Capital Fund.

Nico Arnold
LinkedIn logo Business Development 

Nico Arnold, an IVD industry executive, is responsible for the commercial strategy. Nico was previous EVP of Commercial Operations at Cepheid and previous SVP at Siemens. Nico will be employed part-time and will be responsible in establishing and maintaining distribution relationships for successful product launch.

DreamCatcher Ventures United States


Tania Fernandez is the founder of Dream Catcher Ventures, an advisory firm founded to address the inefficiencies in the marketplace and to align the goals and aspirations of entrepreneurs with investors in the healthcare/biotech sector. It is focused on creating and building disruptive biotech/healthcare companies that are positioned to excel in global markets. The firm also has a strong focus on biotech companies that have assets/technologies that are relevant to the Indian market.

Dr. Fernandez is currently working with BioHealth Innovation on a $50M “Gap Fund” to invest in seed and early stage healthcare/biotech companies primarily in therapeutics, diagnostics, medtech and healthcare IT.

Tania has a doctorate in molecular oncology and a post doctorate in protein chemistry and genetic engineering. She has over fifteen years of experience in the life sciences and 10 years of venture capital investing experience in biotech/ life sciences/healthcare and healthcare delivery.

Tania Fernandez

Easton Capital United States

Easton Capital Investment Group is a venture capital firm based in New York. Easton Capital invests broadly in the life science sector, and considers investment opportunities globally. The firm is likely to make 4-6 allocations in the next 6 months. Allocations typically vary from $250,000 to $5 million, in the form of equity or convertible debt. Allocations are typically made at the venture stage of development, but may be made in seed rounds if a company already has proof of their product's efficacy.

Investor Type
Biotech Phase of Development
Medtech Phase of Development
Capital Structure Preference
Investment Stage Preference
Lisa Rhoads
Managing Director 

Everett Partners

Everett Partners is the venture investing arm of an Akron Ohio based single family office.  The firm owns and manages an incubator in Israel and invests in companies in the life sciences space with a focus on technolog enabled, non-invasive medical devices.

Sector Interest
Medtech Phase of Development
Capital Structure Preference
Investment Stage Preference
Neil Wyant
Managing Director