Foundation Fighting Blindness

The Foundation Fighting Blindness is a foundation founded in 1971 and headquartered in Colombia Maryland. The foundation typically makes allocations to companies in the range of $1-$8 million and is capable of providing $1-$15 over the investments lifetime. The firm does not look to take an equity position in companies but they do look for an ROI to return capital to the fund upon commercialization of the technology or change in ownership. The firm primarily funds companies located in the United States but will consider opportunities located globally as well. The firm provides equity capital and does look for a return though percentages taken are generally less than more financially motivated investors and all profits are reinvested back into the fund. Ideally the firm would like to allocate to 3-4 companies over the next 6-9 months.
Investor Type
Medtech Subsector
Biotech Phase of Development
Capital Structure Preference
Investment Stage Preference
Tom Capetan
Business Development 

Golden Seeds

Golden Seeds is an investment group that was founded in 25 and is headquartered in New York with other offices in Boston Silicon Valley and Texas. The group currently invests out of the Golden Seeds angel network and the Golden Seeds venture funds. The group has managed 3 venture funds that are Golden Seeds Fund LP Golden Seeds Fund 2 LP and Innovate New York LP Fund. The Golden Seeds angel network has 32 members of which 1 are life science investors. Golden Seeds invests in companies with a female founder or CEO or with women in other C-level positions or with at least 1% of equity owned by women. Golden Seeds prefers to invest in companies with a valuation under $5 million, the group?s first-round equity investments generally range from $ .25 million to $2 million. The group invests in companies based across the US and Canada.
Bill Whitaker
Managing Director Co-Chair Life Science Section 

Green Park & Golf Ventures

Green Park & Golf Ventures (GPG) is a family office based in Dallas Texas. The firm was founded in 211 and is focused on healthcare companies. The firm makes seed venture and growth stage investments. The firm typically provides seed and Series A equity financing in the range of $1K to $1M per portfolio company. The firm generally acts as the lead investor and is open to invest in syndicates. The firm primarily invests in companies that are based in Texas but is open to opportunities across North America. The firm is actively seeking new investment opportunities.
Clay Heighten
Founding Partner 
JR Garcia
Carl Soderstrom
Founding Partner 

Greenhouse Capital Partners United States

Greenhouse Capital Partner is a venture capital firm that was founded in 2006 and is based in Sausalito, California. The firm selectively makes equity investments into life science companies in seed stage and series A financing round, but it also provides growth equity to highly capital efficient companies that can achieve cash flow break-even within two years. The typical investment size ranges from $0.25 million to $2 million.The firm focuses on investments in US based companies.

Eric Desai

Hercules Technology Growth Capital Inc.

Hercules Technology Growth Capital is a Private Equity company founded in 23 Headquartered in Palo Alto California with additional offices in Boston Boulder New York and McLean. The firm manages an evergreen structure and primarily provides high-growth companies in the life science space with senior secured debt financing. The firm can allocate up to $5 million per investment. The firm is very flexible with deal structures that can be customized to help companies reach their key milestones. The firm primarily invests in companies headquartered in the US but has the ability to invest overseas as well.
Janice Borque
Managing Director Life Sciences 

Hub Angels Investment Group

Hub Angels Investment Group is an angel group that was founded in 2 and is based in Cambridge Massachusetts. The firm manages a fund structure and recently closed its 4th fund making the total AUM of the group around $4 million. The firm makes investments ranging from $25 to $5 in equity for companies that are at least 12 months old. The firm makes investments ranging from four to eight years and prefers to invest in companies whose valuation does not exceed $1 million. Hub angels plans on making approximately 3 allocations over the next 6-9 months with stated interest in diagnostics and medical device companies.
Randy Barko

Iliad Ventures

Iliad Ventures is a private investment firm funded entirely by its partners that is based in New York City. The firm is looking to make equity investment into early and mid-stage life science companies ranging from $5 to 2 million initially. The firm looks to get involved in Seed and Series A Rounds. The firm could make as many as 6 investments over the next 12 months and looks to invest in companies located throughout the United States Europe and Israel.
Steve Tsetsekos
General Partner 


Small biotechnology companies are developing half of all future medicines, some of which may not reach patients due to lack of funding from traditional investors.

Although health-related charities received more than $31B in contributions in 2013, many of the charities which support research do not work with for-profit biotech companies. They predominantly fund academic and non-profit institutions which typically conduct early research and discover around 10% of new medicines (for-profit companies discover the remaining 90%).

Impatient is a new kind of health-related charity. We will only fund medical trials with small biotech companies.  

Our scientific advisors will select promising, unfunded, medical treatments. You choose which treatment to support and 100% of your donation is spent on testing.

If the treatment is successful, 100% of the future royalty that Impatient receives from the biotech company will support access to new medicines for people who cannot afford them.  

Capital Structure Preference
Investment Stage Preference
Rosamond Deegan
Acting CEO 

Joslin Diabetes Center United States

Joslin Diabetes Center is a foundation based in Boston, Massachusetts that was founded in 1898, and is the world's largest diabetes and clinical care organization.

Nandan Padukone
Vice President, Office of Commercialization & Ventures 

Life Science Angels

Life Science Angels Inc was founded in 2004 and is based in Sunnyvale CA. The group makes early-stage equity investments in a wide range of life science companies. Life Science Angels invests primarily in California but is open to investing out of state provided a round is being syndicated with a local angel group. Life Science Angels does not rule out investing outside the USA but has yet to do so. The group invests as individuals and allocation sizes are therefore highly varied but are usually of about $2-$6, Life Science Angels usually invests in rounds seeking $3 million or less. The group is interested in syndicating rounds with other angel groups.

Investor Type
Biotech Phase of Development
Medtech Phase of Development
Capital Structure Preference
Investment Stage Preference
Dr Faz Bashi
Chair Digital Health & Sciences 
Karl Handelsman
Founder & Chairman 
Allan May