Seroba Kernel Life Sciences Ireland

Seroba Kernel is a venture capital firm based in Dublin, Ireland, with representatives in the United Kingdom. The firm has approximately €100M AUM and focuses solely on the life sciences. The firm has 2 funds and plans to raise a third fund in the near future. The firm typically allocates between €5-7M of equity over the life of the investment. The firm primarily invests in companies that are based in Ireland and Europe. Exceptional opportunities in North America will also be considered. The firm is actively seeking new investment opportunities.

Year Founded
Biotech Phase of Development
Medtech Phase of Development
Capital Structure Preference
Investment Stage Preference
Daniel O'Mahony


Shire is an Irish-headquartered global specialty biopharmaceutical company. Originating in the United Kingdom with a large operational base in the United States, its brands and products include Vyvanse, Adderall XR, Intuniv, Lialda, Pentasa, Fosrenol, Replagal, Elaprase, VPRIV, Firazyr and Dermagraft. 

Shire is currently interested in several therapeutic areas for business development opportunities. The company is most interested in the following products: rare disease therapeutics, pre-clinical to on the market; neuroscience therapeutics, on the market; gastrointestinal, on the market; ophthalmology, post proof-of-concept; and hematology; post proof-of-concept.

Jane Daun-Tremblay

Siragen Pharmaceuticals, LLC United States

Siragen Pharmaceuticals is a drug discovery and development company, focused on novel approaches to treat Aging and Neurodegenerative Disorders such as Alzheimer’s Disease. Siragen is developing a group of small lead molecules that tackles Alzheimer’s Disease and aging neurons by novel strategy different from current unsuccessful approaches.   Siragen Pharmaceuticals, based in San Diego, California, was incorporated in May 2014, and is a spin off of Neurogeneration Inc. Siragen's products will be for the brain what cholesterol agents are for the heart.

Year Founded
Biotech Subsector
Medtech Subsector
Biotech Phase of Development
Technology Overview

Sira-9 targets a specific pathway of the stress response due to oligomer toxicity. Siragen has identified targets within this pathway that prevents the synapse loss induced by synaptic dysfunction and synaptotoxicity. Siragen has also identified another target, which alleviates age-associated phenotypes and extends the life span of neurons by reducing inflammation. These small molecules are specific and can be easily delivered as a pro-drug.

Alliance & Collaborations
UCSD, Duke University, UCLA, Salk Institute
Current Financing Needs


Current Timeline

Siragen’s development programs are focused on 1) target identification 2) target validation 3) hit to lead identification and optimization 4) in vivo studies and 5) begin clinical trials on identified compounds. The Company aims to develop its pipeline of novel molecules to clinical proof of concept and partner with industry leaders for late stage development and commercialization

Current Investors


IP Status

•  expanding IP portfolio

Recent Milestones

• Target identified and validated for drug discovery in Alzheimer’s disease • Successful assay development for hits • Lead candidate Sira-9 currently in development for Alzheimer’s disease

Management Team Highlights

The team consists of CEO and Founder: Michel Levesque, MD, entrepreneur and neuroscientist, CSO and Co-Founder: Mohamedi Kagalwala, neurochemist and neurobiologist. Scientific advisory board consists of prominent scientist Dr. Eliezer Masliah (neuropathologist and neurodegenerative disorders expert, UCSD), Dr. Kalpana Merchant (Ex CSO, Translation Science at Eli Lilly Pharmaceuticals) and Dr. Anthony Means (pharmacologist, Baylor College of Medicine)

Dr Michel Levesque

Sitka Biopharma Inc. Canada

Sitka Biopharma is a preclinical stage company focused on developing a breakthrough nanoparticle platform technology designed to increase absorption of drugs in difficult-to-penetrate tissues. Initially targeting oncology indications, we are developing our lead candidate to address the absorption challenge of intravesical chemotherapy for bladder cancer, and later intraperitoneal delivery for ovarian cancer.

We have demonstrated preclinical proof-of-concept for our lead candidate using in vivo and ex vivo models for bladder cancer.
Our goal is to complete our IND in 2015 and begin a Phase 1/2a Proof-of-Concept clinical trial in nonmuscle-invasive bladder cancer in 2016.

Partnership Opportunities for Platform Technology:

Our nanoparticle platform technology offers unique benefits over other nano-delivery systems and has the potential to be combined with a variety of different drugs to improve absorption for therapeutic uses in both humans and animals.

Benefits of Sitka's HPG nanoparticle platform include:

  • unimolecular structure
  • small size (8-10 nm)
  • tailored for a high degree of localized drug bioavailability in large surface applications
  • potential utility with a wide variety of drugs and indications

We welcome opportunities to collaborate with biopharmaceutical companies that wish to take advantage of our platform technology.

Year Founded
Biotech Phase of Development
Technology Overview
Our nanoparticle platform technology offers unique benefits over other nano-delivery systems and has the potential to be combined with a variety of different drugs to improve absorption for therapeutic uses in both humans and animals. Benefits of Sitka's HPG nanoparticle platform include: unimolecular structure; small size (8-10 nm) and low viscosity; tailored for a high degree of localized drug bioavailability in large surface applications; potential utility with a wide variety of drugs and indications
Current Financing Needs
Seed private investment of $500,000; can be leveraged 2:1 up to $1.5M via partnership with CVI founded Accel-Rx (
Current Timeline
IND/Entry into clinic in early 2016
Current Investors
CDRD Ventures Inc (
Michael Parr
President & Chief Scientific Officer 

Sofia Angel Fund United States

Sofia Angel Group is a group of angel investors based in Minneapolis, Minnesota. The group solely focuses on investing in women-led businesses where women are the founders, or women are on the senior management team. Sofia Angel Group does not have a specific timeframe to make an investment, however would make an allocation by the end of 2013 if a compelling opportunity is identified. The group typically invests around $100,000 per company, however has the ability to invest up to $3 million through co-investments from the group’s members.

Barbara Nelsen

Sound Affects

Sound Affects is a philanthropic organization based in Westport CT. Sound Affects is a nonprofit crowdfunding platform that will provide non-dilutive research grants to for-profit life science companies developing products in the oncology sector. Sound Affects? grant sizes are variable depending on project needs with current projects seeking to raise between $5 and $5, the amount of funding sought should be sufficient to reach the next product development milestone. Sound Affects is potentially open to funding about 4 further projects and is best placed to work with entrepreneurs based in the Northeast/Mid-Atlantic region of the USA but is also open to proposals from outside this region. In addition to direct crowdfunding Sound Affects will in the future provide additional resources via a matching fund.
Mona Jhaveri
Executive Director 

STRATEC Biomedical AG Germany

For more than 35 years STRATEC Biomedical AG is a business partner for the development and manufacture of fully automated analyzer systems. It's headquarter is located in Birkenfeld, Germany and it has nearly 500 employees in 5 locations worldwide. The public owned company has cooperations with 15 of the 20 IVD companies worldwide and has boosted its annual sales from USD 10.4 million in 1998 (IPO) to USD 122.4 million in 2014. STRATEC has strived to achieve market-leading expertise and to build a technology pool that is unique to its industry. The company invests in a variety of fields within the diagnostic and life science sector including medical devices.

Year Founded
Medtech Subsector
Dr Claus Vielsack
Dr Claus Vielsack
Member Board of Management Product Development 

Subwave Sensing United States

Subwave Sensing is poised to be the future of fracture care by giving the traditional orthopaedic hardware market an infusion of intelligence that will improve patient outcomes, decrease treatment costs and fundamentally change how fracture care is treated in the United States.

Year Founded
Main Sector
Medtech Phase of Development
Technology Overview

Our flexible sensor can assess mechanical deformation of orthopaedic implants via a painless and wireless radio frequency emission, which is captured and analyzed using our handheld reader. Upon analysis of these radio emissions, Subwave Sensing will be the first MedTech company to provide real-time, post-operative clinical feedback on implant performance as well as patient healing patterns.

Alliance & Collaborations
DePuy/Synthes (a division of Johnson and Johnson)
Supporting Metrics or Evidence
  • Designed and manufactured working prototypes (sensor and handheld reader)
  • Successfully completed a statistically significant large animal (ovine) fracture model with favorable results for our primary indication (trauma)
  • Successfully completed a proof-of-princiapal study in a large animal (ovine) fracture model with favorable results in our secondary indication (spine) 
  • Successfully completed a proof-of-principal study in a large animal (ovine) cadaveric model using a second generation flexible sensor (trauma and spine)
  • Completed ASTM biocompatibility evaluations confiming that our implant materials do NOT ilicit an immune response
  • Received a regulatory opinion from a top tier Washington D.C. regulatory law firm (Hogan and Lovells)
Current Financing Needs

2015 = $1.3M

2016 = $2.4M

Subwave Sensing is requesting an initial investment of $700,000 for the first half of 2015 to accelerate the scale-up of our prototypes and creation of data/cloud infrastructure as well as file additional patent applications and solidify a reimbursement strategy. A second investment of $600k will support formal product (sensor and antenna) design control and web app development as well as begin initial validation studies.

After successfull completion of our 2015 miletsone events, another investment of $2.4M will be required to go to market. This money will be used for large-scale manufacturing, regulatory and FDA filings, product validation, additional large animal market validation studies, quality control/assurance activities as well as setting up distribution/sales networks.

Current Timeline

Subwave Sensing plans to be on the market in two years and revenue positive by year three.

Current Investors

The founders have boot-strapped the design and development of the technology with National Institutes of Health (NIH) grants and personal funds.

IP Status

Subwave Sensing filed a PCT application in 2008 on our core technology and have recieved a notice of allowance in China and Korea. We anticipate a notice of allowance in the United States within six months.

We have filed an additional patent application last year expanding the breadth of our IP footprint and have several other applications awaiting filing.

Subwave has a full-release and freedom to operate from Colorado State University, where the technology was originally developed.

Recent Milestones
  • Subwave Sensing was selected as a finalist in the 2014 Digital Health Investor Challenge (PRIME Healthcare Collaborative in September 2014.  
  • Subwave Sensing has two formal quotes from premier software developers for the creation of a Subwave software app, cloud service and user interface.
  • Subwave Sensing has started discussions with a premier medical device contract manufacturer for the completion of medical device compliant prototypes as well as the set-up and maintenance of our corporate quality system and regulatory strategy.
  • Subwave Sensing is actively seeking experts to fulfill advisory and Board level roles on our Board of Directors.
Management Team Highlights

The Subwave Sensing management team has over forty years of experience within the orthopaedic and electrical engineering disciplines, in both academic and commercial settings. Our team is keenly aware of the obstacles and regulatory requirements to commercialize intelligent orthopaedic medical device products in the United States as well as abroad. We have the expertise, commitment and passion to commercialize high quality products that disrupt the traditional understanding of how medical information is used and delivered in the evolving mobile health environment.


  • Chad J. Ronholdt, B.Sc., MBA. President and CEO:

    • Charismatic and passionate executive with eighteen years of product development, validation and quality expertise with a successful track record of commercializing orthopaedic devices.

  • Christian Puttlitz, PhD. Founder and Scientific Advisory Board Member:

    • Key opinion leader within the orthopaedic biomechanical testing discipline and tenured professor of Mechanical Engineering at Colorado State University.

  • Hilmi Volkan Demir, PhD. Founder and Scientific Advisory Board Member:

    • BioMEMS key opinion leader and tenured professor of Electrical Engineering at Nanyang Technological University in Singapore.

Chad Ronholdt
President and CEO