Jacob Philipsen Denmark

RSP Systems A/S is dedicated to improving the health and quality of life of people worldwide through its unique and patented solution for non-invasive diagnostics. The first targeted application is a product line of non-invasive glucose monitors, which will provide diabetics with a convenient, pain-free alternative to the current invasive solutions, which require the diabetic to puncture his or her skin to extract blood onto an expensive test strip.


Year Founded
Main Sector
Medtech Subsector
Medtech Phase of Development
Technology Overview

RSP’s technology is based on a direct optical detection principle, Raman spectroscopy, a mature technology to which RSP has developed and patented improvements enabling the measurement of concentrations of various substances in the interstitial fluid (tissue fluid surrounding the cells of the body) non-invasively through the skin. Proof-of-concept for glucose measurement on diabetics has been demonstrated through pilot trials in collaboration with Odense University Hospital in Denmark. 

RSP Systems A/S