Ms Elaine Allison Canada

Novelogics Biotechnology Inc. has developed unique next generation antibody immunotherapies for treating multiple types of advanced cancers including colon and prostate cancers.  Immunotherapies for cancer are anticipated to be a $35B per year industry in the upcoming years.  

Cancer Drugs with Safety in Mind

From the beginning the novel and specific design of the therapeutic antibody drug minimizes the potential for autoimmune diseases or harming good cells with the bad.  We are dedicated to making cancer treatments that won't make you sick to get you better.

Unecumbered, Founder Owned

Novelogics has developed their assets in an unecumbered envriornment allowing investors to work directly with the team.  At this time the companyis 100% founder owned and undiluted.  Novelogics is anticipating an early exit and has begun discussions with pharmaceutical companies interested in this area.

In addition; a related Medical Device

In addition to the drug, Novelogics has a second PCT Patent pending for a related medical device with a readily available "go to" market in place. 

Year Founded
Biotech Subsector
Medtech Subsector
Biotech Phase of Development
Medtech Phase of Development
Technology Overview
We have developed a panel of patent-protected monoclonal antibodies which bind members of the NKG2D ligand family for use as novel cancer immunotherapies. Studies have shown that cancer cells in part evade the immune system by releasing biologically active molecules, such as NKG2D ligands that interfere with immune cells ability to fight cancer. These ligands are capable of shutting down tumour killing immune effector cells by overwhelming the important activation-type NKG2D receptors, basically putting them to sleep, so tumors can continue to grow undetected. Using our specifically designed antibody drug, we now have the potential to clear out these ligands and restore the immune system in a more balanced way to destroy tumor cells without over-stimulating the immune system or causing adverse side effects.
Alliance & Collaborations
Supporting Metrics or Evidence
Proof of concept studies in progress
Current Financing Needs
Current Timeline
Within 2 years of IND
Current Investors
Founder Funded
IP Status
Two PCT patents pending
Recent Milestones
Have developed a panel of monoclonal antibodies,filed two PCT patents (pending), assembled management and scientific advisory team, completed preliminary invitro and invivo studies and will continue with further characterization before moving on to humanization of the Ab (antibody).
Management Team Highlights
Dr. Cheney, President & CSO has 26 years in R&D (10 years in oncology) including 16 years in drug discovery and has contributed to successful drugs that are either on the market or in late stage clinical trials. Co-Founder, Elaine Allison has 25+ years of corporate management experience.
Ms Elaine Allison
Novelogics Biotechnology Inc.
LinkedIn logo VP, Business Development 

Cliff Ansel Canada

Adjuvant Therapeutics Inc. is a clinical stage medical device company that is developing a system to improve the effectiveness of radiotherapy for cancer treatment. The system, called OncO2™, uses innovative technology to increase oxygen concentrations in tumours, making them more sensitive to radiation.

Poor tumour oxygen has long been known to make radiation less effective, particularly in cancers of the head and neck, where 5 year survival rates range from 17% to about 63%. The OncO2™ system allows for individual optimization of therapy to maximize the effectiveness of the radiation.

Adjuvant Therapeutics will initially focus on head and neck cancers, however the OncO2™ system can also address other types of resistant cancers such as those of the cervix and bladder.

Year Founded
Main Sector
Biotech Phase of Development
Medtech Phase of Development
Adjuvant Therapuetics

John Babcook Canada

Kairos Therapeutics has developed a proprietary next generation antibody-drug conjugate (ADC) platform based on novel toxin, linker and site-specific conjugation technology. Kairos has demonstrated superior pre-clinical in-vivo efficacy over T-DM1. Further pre-clinical studies demonstrate Kairos’ ADCs have superior tolerability and therapeutic index, compared to other leading platforms which may lead to greater clinical efficacy. Through key partnerships, Kairos is developing a novel therapeutic pipeline and is out-licensing its ADC platform to companies seeking access to state-of-the-art technology.  

Year Founded
Biotech Subsector
Kairos Therapeutics
President & CSO 

Betsy Bascom Canada

STRATEGIC CONNECTIONS. CREATIVE SOLUTIONS. Manage your company outreach to investors and partners.

Connecting companies with the right people to build strategic alliances with global partners and investors. Supporting international life science companies in cross border corporate development, financing, investor relations and conference participation. A proven track record leveraging an extensive global network of CEOs, investors and partners into strategic alliances that support business imperatives. CORPORATE DEVELOPMENT - Connecting companies with potential investors and business development opportunities. CONFERENCE ADVISOR Program - A customized program to optimize company participation at key events and conferences to, maximize value and achieve tangible results including online partnering management and management of all conference outreach. 

Service Provider Type
Unique Capabilities

Leverage an extensive network for my clients.

Global Connectworks Ltd.
President & CEO 

Mr Simon Beyer Canada

Aspect Biosystems uses proprietary bioprinting and cell culture technologies to create high quality living 3D human tissues.  We aim to improve the pre-clinical drug discovery process by providing pharmaceutical companies and researchers with functional living tissues that better predict the human response to drugs.  Our testing platforms will enable pharmaceutical customers to identify failed drugs earlier in the development pipeline, before expensive clinical trials begin.  Aspect Biosystem’s long-term vision is to create human tissues on demand for multiple applications including cosmetics-testing, personalized medicine, diagnostics and regenerative medicine.

Year Founded
Medtech Subsector
Technology Overview
Aspect has proprietary 3D bioprinting and tissue engineering technologies that enable the fabrication of complex, biologically relevant living human tissues.
Alliance & Collaborations
Multiple academic and industry collaborations
Supporting Metrics or Evidence
Multiple functional endpoints confirm biological function of the engineered tissue constructs.
Current Timeline
1st tissue product (airway) is in the process of productisation. Bioprinter development and optimisation of alternative tissue types is underway.
Current Investors
Founders, family and friends, Angels, Seed fund.
IP Status
Bioprinter PCT in place. Full patent application in September 2015
Recent Milestones
2nd place in BC Innovation Council's New Ventures competition (Sept 2014)
Aspect Biosystems

Fred Brown Canada

Pulse Infoframe Inc strives to improve workflow using computer-assisted capture of patient data for specialists – our cloud based software enables better local and global sharing of the data for those who need it to make decisions – our end-user driven tools analyze the data to advance knowledge and thus patient care. Data can be directly entered into our system, and because we sit on top of any EMR system we access additional data that is not otherwise easily accessible. Once accessed, the data is de-identified, aggregated and mined producing meaningful information for our end-users. 


We have applied our solution in various clinical verticals including speciality clinics (Melanoma, Oncology, Neonatology, etc), Imaging and PACS systems (with INFINITT PACS, ClearCanvas, etc) and clinical trials (tracking prostate cancer, Pharmacovigilance, economics, etc). Modules are versatile and can be templated to be used in a variety of systems for achieving the best workflow possible.

Year Founded
Main Sector
Medtech Phase of Development
Technology Overview
Our flagship product is a cloud-based clinical and informatics solution that acts either as a stand-alone system aggregator or is interoperable with existing EMRs. Our solution is a database-driven informatics tools can be used for creating, maintaining, organizing and modeling clinical and outcomes data. Our sophisticated analytics engine can access data so that end-users can dynamically conduct online analysis and reporting. All clinical, imaging and administrative data is aggregated from heterogeneous data sources and is organized for effortless analytics. Data is securely stored within our platform with full reporting or auditing abilities.
Pulse Infoframe Inc.

David Cayea Canada

PlantForm Corporation is a Canadian company formed in 2008 to commercialize a low-cost, plant-based manufacturing platform for monoclonal antibodies, protein drugs and vaccines for cancer and other critical illnesses.

The company’s technology platform provides several advantages over mammalian cell culture and other fermentation systems used to produce most biologic drugs on the market today: it’s fast, efficient, highly versatile (for new product development) and easily scalable. Best of all, it’s capable of reducing manufacturing costs for life-saving drugs by up to 90 per cent.

PlantForm licenses its technology from the University of Guelph, where it was developed by Dr. J. Christopher Hall, a PlantForm founder and the company’s Chief Scientific Officer. Dr. Hall held the Canada Research Chair in Recombinant Antibody Technology from 2002 to 2014 and is a leading authority in the field. All relevant intellectual property is protected by patent filings.

PlantForm’s pipeline features both innovator and biosimilar products, including:

• biosimilar trastuzumab, a plant-produced version of the $6-billion breast cancer drug Herceptin® (animal studies successfully completed, human clinical trials scheduled for 2014, market entry anticipated 2017)

• biosimilar versions of two additional oncology drugs with combined annual global sales of $11.4 billion (2010)

• innovator antibodies for HIV/AIDS, funded by the Government of Canada and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

• recombinant butyrylcholinesterase (rBuChE), an enzyme used as preventative medicine for people vulnerable to attack by nerve agents, organophosphates or other stimulants ($1.8-million contract with the U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency and $800,00 contract with Defence Canada)

Year Founded
Biotech Phase of Development
Technology Overview
Plant based disruptive platform technology enabling us to produce ultra-low cost drugs
Alliance & Collaborations
JV in Brazil
Current Financing Needs
Series A Round - $10 million
Current Timeline
pre-clinical and moving into clinical
Current Investors
Angels, Founders, Atlantic Asset Trust
IP Status
4 families of patents
Recent Milestones
Mfg. of material for Phase 1 clinical trial
Management Team Highlights
Experienced Industry and Business Professionals
David Cayea

Michael Cross Canada

Fusion Pharmaceuticals is a clinical stage company committed to developing next generation precision radiopharmaceuticals for the diagnosis and treatment of human cancers with unmet medical needs.  The Company’s lead product, FPX-01, combines an alpha radionuclide with the precise targeting of an antibody to cause selective cytotoxicity of tumor cells.  FPX-01 will be entering Phase 2 clinical development in H2, 2015.

Year Founded
Biotech Phase of Development
Technology Overview
The FPX-01 program represents a true theranostic approach. By leveraging its expertise in radiochemistry and biology, and utilizing different isotopes, Fusion has produced variants of FPX-01 that act as either diagnostic or therapeutic agents. For human proof-of-concept, Fusion initiated a Phase I imaging trial in Canada. Using Iodine-124 as a probe, this trial was designed to confirm that FPX-01 binds and internalizes to solid tumors expressing the receptor target as determined through PET/CT imaging. Initial results from this trial demonstrate that FPX-01 can identify metastatic lesions not previously identified through other imaging techniques. These data corroborate previous preclinical in vivo data which indicated that the radioactivity-associated with FPX-01 accumulated within tumours over several days. Following the completion of the Phase 1 imaging trial and additional preclinical studies planned for H1 2015, Fusion will file an IND in H2 2015 that will be designed to achieve breakthrough status in NSCLC. For therapy, FPX-01 will be radiolabeled with an alpha-emitting isotope. Preclinical xenograph studies, using only a single administration of isotope demonstrated tumor regression, with minimal toxicity at any dose level. It is expected that the IND-opening trial will be a Phase I/II therapeutic study in approximately 100 patients with non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), addressing a major unmet medical need.
Alliance & Collaborations
Ontario Institute for Cancer Research
Supporting Metrics or Evidence
Clinical and pre-clinical data.
Current Financing Needs
Series A $15M
Current Timeline
H2 2015: Phase 2 IND
Current Investors
Centre for Probe Development and Commercialization
IP Status
The FPX-01 antibody is protected worldwide via multiple granted patents. Additional combinations of delivery vehicles, conjugation/chelation technologies and radioisotope variation are routinely considered and evaluated for their proprietary nature and if appropriate, patent applications are filed. Regulatory exclusivity will extend FPX-01 protection in the US market.
Management Team Highlights
Frank Gleeson, CEO. Founding CEO of Fusion Pharma, DVLR Therapeutics, Verio Therapeutics (sold to Fate Therapeutics in 2010) and former Partner with MDS Capital Corp. Mr. Gleeson has raised over $200M in syndicated financings.
Fusion Pharma

Ms Natalie Dakers Canada

CDRD Ventures Inc. (CVI) is the commercialization vehicle of the Centre for Drug Research and Development (CDRD), Canada's national drug development and commercialization center that was founded in 2007 and is based in Vancouver, Canada. CVI seeks to advance promising drug development projects from CDRD using internal funds and through partnerships with international pharmaceutical companies, venture capital firms, biotech companies, and other funding agencies. CVI also seeks to in-license technologies from industry or non-CDRD affiliated research institutions. The firm considers both small molecule and biologic innovative technologies in virtually any therapeutic area.

CDRD Ventures
President & CEO 

Lesley Esford Canada

The National Research Council- Industrial Research Assistance Program (NRC-IRAP) is a Canadian federal government program that offers financial and advisory services to accelerate the growth of businesses through innovation and technology. Regarded worldwide as one of the most successful programs of its kind, NRC-IRAP is a vital component of Canada’s innovation system


National Research Council of Canada
Strategic Business Advisor