Avi Spier Swaziland

Novartis is a large pharmaceutical company formed in 1996 and based in Basel, Switzerland. Novartis is an active investor in emerging life science companies via in-licensing, strategic partnerships, and acquisitions. Novartis also has a corporate VC fund (Novartis Venture Fund). 

Novartis has seven divisions, all of which accept collaboration proposals athttps://partnering.novartis.com

Novartis Pharmaceuticals is the largest division of Novartis; the division seeks innovative therapeutics that have attained proof of concept in humans, drug delivery technologies, process scale-up/development technologies, and drug manufacturing technologies. Novartis Pharmaceuticals also seeks molecular diagnostics in the oncology field and companion diagnostics that are connected with drug treatments. In addition to in-licensing, Novartis Pharmaceuticals is interested in joint regional commercialization for therapeutic products that are on the market. 

Novartis Institutes for Biomedical Research focuses on early-stage compounds and research technologies (including software, assay tools, disease models, screening and imaging tools, as well as therapeutic discoveries at the pre-proof of concept stage). 

Novartis Vaccines & Diagnostics seeks vaccines in late-stage clinical trials or on the market, vaccine development candidates, and vaccine-related technologies such as delivery, formulation, and adjuvants. 

Novartis Consumer OTC seeks OTC products and prescription products that could be switched to OTC status. Additionally Novartis OTC is interested in scientifically proven nutraceuticals and dietary supplements, innovative packaging technology, drug delivery devices or enabling technology platforms. The fund also invests in medical devices. Indications that Novartis OTC invests in include respiratory diseases, digestive health, pain, analgesics, diseases of the skin, and behavioral disorders (smoking-cessation). 

Novartis Animal Health seeks opportunities in the veterinary, agbio and aquaculture sectors. Indications of interest include musculoskeletal diseases (arthritis), renal diseases, heart disease and allergies in pets, and infectious and parasitic diseases in livestock. Subsectors of interest include animal vaccines and bioprotection (insecticides, fly control). Additionally Novartis Animal Health is interested in drug delivery in animals. 

Sandoz focuses on generics and is also interested in anti-infectives and injectable oncology drugs. 

Alcon focuses on treatments for diseases of the eye, and is interested in therapeutic products, surgical products and over-the-counter ophthalmic products such as contact lenses and lens care products.
