Dr Alton C Morgan United States

PxRadia is applying its HD-mAb technology platform to provide increased therapeutic potency to biosimiliar monoclonal antibodies. These antibodies are directed to validated targets such as Her-2, CD-20 and PD-1/PD-L.  We and our partners will share new IP and rights and differentiation from current products in the marketplace.

www. pxradia.com
Year Founded
Biotech Subsector
Biotech Phase of Development
Technology Overview
HD-mAb Technology Platform Potentiates Therapeutic Efficacy of Monoclonal Antibodies
Alliance & Collaborations
Current Financing Needs
Current Investors
LH Financial, NYC
IP Status
Recent Milestones
Seed Round Financing
Management Team Highlights
Alton C. Morgan, Serial Entrepreneur & world renown Expert in Monoclonal Antibodies
PxRadia Inc.
President and CEO 

Peter Mozerov

Julier Partners GmbH

Steffen Mueller

Codagenix Inc.

Sam Murphy United States

IMS Health Capital (IMSHC) is a niche life-science focused investment bank which manages financing transactions, and advises on M&A and licensing/partnering transactions.

IMS Health Capital (IMSHC) is a fully owned subsidiary of IMS Health, Inc. (www.imshealth.com) and affiliated with IMS Consulting Group (www.imscg.com).

IMSHC has privileged access to a vast array of IMS Health’s resources and connections and can help prepare a compelling value proposition and put you in touch with the right interested parties.  Our team has extensive life-science industry experience and can provide support at any and all stages of the transaction process.  Unlike most investment banks or business development consultants, IMSHC has immense strategic partnering capabilities and can work with companies on both partnering and financing efforts.  Given our unique positioning and access to a vast array of information and relationships, we see a high volume of opportunities.

IMSHC is a SEC/FINRA licensed broker dealer and a wholly owned subsidiary of IMS Health, Inc.  IMS Health Inc. is publicly traded on the NYSE under the ticker “IMS”, and is the world’s leading information, services and technology company in the Life Sciences sector.  Customers of IMS Health’s data and consulting services include most of the top names in pharmaceutical, medical device and consumer health manufacturers and distributors, providers, payers, government agencies, policymakers, researchers and the financial community (www.imshealth.com).

Service Provider Type
Unique Capabilities
Life-Science focused and IMS Health resources
IMS Health Capital, Inc.
Vice President 

John Musser United States

MyeloRx is a northern California based biotechnology company. Our lead compound, MRx102, is a small molecule inhibitor of RNA polymerase II. Molecules related to MRx102 have shown clinical efficacy in AML patients in Europe and China.  MRx102 is covered by issued composition of matter patents in the U.S., E.U., China and Japan.  While AML is the initial indication, MRx102 has also been found active in stringent models of pancreatic and lung cancer. Our collaborators include clinical oncologists from MD Anderson Cancer Center, JHU School of Medicine and City of Hope Medical Center. R&D activities have been funded primarily by a $2M NCI SBIR contract. Our strong scientific and management team is lead by Dr. John Musser; it has brought multiple products to market. We are seeking funding to complete an IND which is projected to take less than a year based on the extensive studies completed to date (manufacturing, formulation, toxicology/ PK in rats and dogs etc.)  and a Phase 1 clinical trial in AML patients.


Year Founded
Biotech Subsector
Technology Overview
The lead compound is termed MRx102. It is a prodrug of a purified natural product triptolide that has shown clinical activity in patients with acute myeloid leukemia (AML). Intellectual property MRx102 is covered by issued matter patents in the U.S., E.U., Japan and China. Molecular target The molecular target of the natural product, triptolide, is XPB, a subunit of the transcription factor TFIIH. Binding of XPB by triptolide leads inhibition of transcriptional activation resulting in the blockade of a number of signaling pathways that drive cancer cell proliferation. Safety Triptolide and earlier prodrugs of triptolide have shown toxicity in a variety of clinical studies. We therefore set out to design and develop a safe prodrug, viz. MRx102, using the learning from these earlier studies. In a direct comparative toxicology study performed in rats MRx102 was at least 20 times safer than triptolide. This was due to a favorable pharmacokinetic profile seen both in rats and dogs. Pilot toxicology/PK studies have been completed in rats and dogs; NOAELs have been determined in both species. Thought Leader Studies with MRx102 In collaboration with Dr. Michael Andreeff of the MD Anderson Cancer Center we demonstrated that MRx102 was extremely potent in killing human blast cell and stem cell populations from AML patients. The activity against the stem cell populations may indicate an activity in preventing relapse in these patients. MRx102 was likewise effective in a variety of in vivo xenograft models of AML. Dr. James Eshleman and his colleagues from the JHU School of Medicine have demonstrated the activity of MRx102 in killing pancreatic cancer cells having a variety of genetic abnormalities. Dr. Dan Raz of the City of Hope Medical Center has shown MRx102 effective in models of non-small cell lung cancer and identified a potential biomarker for susceptible cells. Current status MyeloRx has completed a $2M NCI Fast Track SBIR contract that enabled many preclinical activities required for an IND filing. Major remaining activities include the GMP manufacture of drug substance, performance of GLP toxicology in rats and dogs and then completion of the clinical plan for Phase 1 studies in AML and solid tumors. These could be completed to allow IND filing in less than a year.
Alliance & Collaborations
Option agreement for China territories
Current Financing Needs
$5-7M for IND filing/Phase 1 trial
Current Timeline
IND completion in less than one year
IP Status
Issued matter patents worldwide
Recent Milestones
Completion of tox/PK studies in rats/dogs