Aperiomics United States

Aperiomics, Inc. is a next generation sequencing service company with a mission to detect virtually any pathogen from any clinical, agricultural, or environmental sample.  This service platform uses a combination of next-generation sequencing and advanced bioinformatic data analysis to identify pathogens in various samples.  Aperiomics’ proprietary service platform focuses on pathogens of public and animal health importance, satisfying the increasing need for more robust and more efficient next-generation sequencing data analysis.

The impact of Aperiomics’ technologies is broad due to our unique approach to pathogen detection. Instead of blindly probing for a proverbial ‘needle in a haystack’, Aperiomics’ approach analyzes the entire ‘haystack’ using next-generation sequencing and harnessing the power of bioinformatics to identify all ‘needles’. This approach is transformative compared to current pathogen detection methods. Aperiomics’ proprietary service, Absolute*NGS Pathogen Detection Platform, screens samples (clinical, environmental, etc.) for the presence of any microbe (fungal, viral, bacterial, eukaryotic parasite) – including pathogens that have never before been identified. This platform technology has broad application across diverse markets such as health care, agriculture, environmental, industrial, and veterinary testing.

Year Founded
Biotech Subsector
Medtech Subsector
Biotech Phase of Development
Medtech Phase of Development
Current Financing Needs
$5M Series A
Dr Crystal Icenhour
Dr Crystal Icenhour
LinkedIn logo CEO 

Crystal R. Icenhour, PhD received her PhD in Pathobiology and Molecular Medicine from the University of Cincinnati Medical School of Graduate Studies in 2002.  She conducted postdoctoral research in the Thoracic Diseases Research Unit at the Mayo Clinic College of Medicine from 2002-2005 and in the Department of Infectious Diseases at Duke University Medical Center from 2005-2006.  Dr. Icenhour has been involved in local and national postdoctoral associations including the Mayo Research Fellows Association Executive Committee (President), the Duke University Postdoctoral Association (chair of membership committee), and the National Postdoctoral Association (2008 Chair).  Dr. Icenhour was President & Chief Science Officer for Phthisis Diagnostics, a biotechnology company located in Charlottesville, Virginia from 2007-2013.  In 2014 Dr. Icenhour was hired as CEO of Aperiomics in Ashburn, Virginia.  Aperiomics’ focus is to harness the power of next-generation sequencing to improve world health.

Apple Tree Partners United States

Apple Tree Partners is a private equity fund that was established in 1999 and based in New York, NY, with satellite offices in Princeton, NJ, Cambridge, MA and Brussels, Belgium. The firm controls up to $1.75 billion in assets under management and makes equity investments ranging from $100,000 for academic spinouts to $150 million dollar in later stage deals. The firm seeks to make investments around the globe with a focus on creating and building companies located within the US and Europe.

Year Founded
Investor Type
Biotech Phase of Development
Medtech Phase of Development
Capital Structure Preference
Investment Stage Preference
Sam Hall
Aaron Kantoff
Vice President 

ArcScan United States

Did you know that 10-15% of LASIK patients are turned away due to inadequate eye measurement equipment?  This laser refractive eye surgery market has a crying need for the next generation measurement tool now to capture these additional patients and improve on existing procedures and outcomes.

Did you know that ophthalmologists suffer significant measurement problems in accurately predicting the ELP (Effective Lens Position) in cataract surgery/Intra-Ocular Lens (IOL) procedures?

The ArcScan Artemis-3 system addresses both of these market needs and more.

ArcScan has already raised all funding needed ($3 million) to enter the laser refractive surgery market, with product introduction expected in 12 months.

The ArcScan Series A Preferred funding round of $3 million currently has $1 million available to investors from now through February, 2015, or until sold-out, whichever occurs first.

ArcScan is attending the RESI conference to raise the final $1,000,000 in Series A Preferred share subscriptions, which will allow us to accelerate entry into the large cataract surgery/IOL market and nearly double the size of the business.

Please request a meeting at RESI or contact ArcScan CEO Andy Levien for an executive summary and further investment details.

Year Founded
Main Sector
Medtech Phase of Development
Technology Overview
Very high frequency ultrasound combined with precision control of scanner motion
Current Timeline
12 months to US product launch
IP Status
6 issued patents, 3 licensed (from Cornell), 12 applications
Mr Andy Levien
Mr Andy Levien
LinkedIn logo CEO & President 

Andy’s career in industrial and medical device instrumentation and automation and controls, spans companies from startup to Fortune 100. His diverse experience from shop floor to the C-Suite and as a leader in product and business development, global operations, supply chain and manufacturing operations, equips him with the skills that expertly guide leadership teams to breakthrough strategies and their implementation, delivering new pathways to customer value creation, revenue growth and operating profits.

A collaborative leadership style and keen technical, business, and emotional intelligence is underpinned by his passion to create a transparent, shared vision through a planning process encompassing lean management principles: accountability to clearly defined performance metrics, a detailed plan to execute, and effective communication of the plan to stakeholders at all levels in the organization.

Arcus Ventures United States

Arcus Ventures was founded in 2007 and is based in New York City. Arcus Ventures is currently investing from its second fund, which had a first close of $36m in 2014 and is targeting a raise of $100m. The firm typically invests $2-5 million. Arcus invests primarily in the USA but is also open to considering opportunities in Canada.

Myoung-Ok Kwon
Venture Partner 

Armune BioScience United States

Armune BioScience is a medical diagnostics company formed to develop and commercialize unique technology for diagnostic and prognostic tests for prostate, lung and breast cancers. The technology is unique because it utilizes autoantibodies created by the body’s own immune system to detect cancer at an early stage. When the immune system recognizes a cancer antigen it creates an autoantibody to the antigen which is replicated by the immune system. Armune’s technology can be used to detect these autoantibodies in serum.

Early detection and prognosis of cancer is critical not only in selecting appropriate treatment protocols, but also in increasing 5-year survival rates among cancer patients. Cancer detection in early stages is typically performed by detecting cancer-specific serum antigens. Unfortunately, cancer serum antigens are present at very low levels in early stage disease. Also, a single detectable cancer antigen may not be present in all patients due to heterogeneity of the disease and therefore multiple biomarkers are needed. Detection of serum autoantibody responses to tumor antigens provides more reliable serum marker(s) for cancer diagnosis. Serum autoantibodies are more stable than serum antigens and may be more abundant than antigens, especially at low tumor burdens characteristic of early stage cancer. The technology does not detect cancer per se, but looks for the immune response to cancer.

Armune’s initial focus is on a prostate cancer diagnostic test. The PSA (Prostate Specific Antigen) test is currently used as a prostate cancer diagnostic test and it has good sensitivity (~86%), but very poor specificity (20 to 30%) resulting in high false positive rates (70 to 80%) and many unnecessary biopsies and costs.

Year Founded
Medtech Subsector
Biotech Phase of Development
Medtech Phase of Development
Technology Overview
The technology is unique because it utilizes autoantibodies created by the body’s own immune system to detect cancer at an early stage. When the immune system recognizes a cancer antigen it creates an autoantibody to the antigen which is replicated by the immune system.
Current Financing Needs
Completing a Series A syndicate of $2.5 million.
Current Timeline
Launching the prostate cancer diagnostic assay as a LDT (Laboratory Developed Test) under the CLIA guidelines beginning Q1 '15.
Current Investors
Angels, MEDC (Michigan Economic Development Corporation), BRCC (Bioscience Research Commercialization Center) and grants.
IP Status
3 patents issues and 6 pending
Recent Milestones
We have developed and validated the prostate cancer diagnostic assay.
Management Team Highlights
Extensive life science experience in both large companies as well as start-ups.
Eli Thomssen
President & CEO 

Artery Therapeutics Inc. United States

Artery Therapeutics is a San Francisco Bay Area based translational biotechnology company with worldwide collaborations. Artery's novel peptide library derived from Apolipoprotein E shows promising results in various animal studies for diseases such as Alzheimer's disease, Diabetes mellitus, and Acute Coronary Syndrome.

Year Founded
Biotech Subsector
Biotech Phase of Development
Technology Overview

Licensed peptide technologies from University of California, Berkeley, i.e. ApoE Derived ABCA1 Agonists with athero-protective, anti-diabetic actions and effects on ApoE4 associated Alzheimer’s Disease. The lead ABCA1 agonists are non-toxic, drugable candidate drugs ready to enter into IND enabling studies for phase 1 and proof of concept testing in man.

Alliance & Collaborations
Currently no Alliances or Corporate Collaborations. ARTERY has entered into several material transfer agreements with BigPharma potentially leading to collaboration deals or other deals.
Supporting Metrics or Evidence

Cogpep for Alzheimer’s Disease and Traumatic Brain Injury 90% reduction of P-Tau, 55% reduction in Amyloidb42, Increase Vglut1, apoER2, short term and long term cognition. Dipep shows antidiabetic actions (glucose reducing and insulin sensitizing) and anti-atherosclerosis effects without creating hypoglycemia. Stabilization and regression of atherosclerosis (25-40%) Weight neutral & preservation of β-cell function Lowers HbA1C

Current Financing Needs

Artery is seeking a committed pharma partner to move technology to market and beyond. Or $16M to move technology into IND enabling studies for phase 1 and proof of concept testing in man.

Current Timeline

Both Cogpep and Dipep are candidate drugs and can be in the clinic within 12 months

Current Investors


IP Status

7 cases, 37 patents, 5 issued,

Recent Milestones

Animal proof of concept studies in diabetes and Alzheimer’s disease, Has secured multiple MTA with Big Pharma Additional composition of matter patents has been filed

Management Team Highlights

Jan Johansson MD, PhD is a serial Biotech entrepreneur and has as founder and/or corporate officer helped take 3 companies’ public and raised more than $400M in private and public markets. Jan is trained as a basic scientist, practiced cardiovascular medicine for 18 years and has translational and development background with particular reference to cardiovascular technologies. Jan has lead basic research groups and lead clinical phase 1-3 programs. Jan is the inventor of more than 40 patents

Mr Jonas Johansson
Mr Jonas Johansson

Avisa Pharma Inc. United States

Avisa Pharma™ Inc., (AVISA) is a Point Of Care, In-Vivo Platform Technology Company With An Innovative, Integrated System For The Rapid Detection And Monitoring Of Respiratory Diseases. A paradigm shift away from lab based In Vitro testing; an In Vivo, point of care, breath test that measures the whole lung, live organisms, not a single culture sample in a petri dish or PCR;for non sputum producers - the only test that can detect lung bacteria without a sputum culture; A razor/razorblade Model to Drive Rapid Market Penetration and Growth.

Focused initially on respiratory health, the clinical study strategy is to pursue fastest route to regulatory approvals, the detection of Tuberculosis (TB), followed by Healthcare Acquired Pneumonia (HCAP), Ventilator Associated Pneumonia (VAP), Cystic Fibrosis (CF) and COPD. These applications have the potential to help save millions of lives and millions of dollars in healthcare costs each year, and a multi billion $ market opportunity.  

$6 million Series A1 Preferred round underway, $4 million received from current investors exercising preemptive rights. Q1 2015 Avisa will be launching a 40 patient pilot TB study in South Africa.

Year Founded
Main Sector
Medtech Subsector
Medtech Phase of Development
Technology Overview
The AVISAR System™ is drug device combination comprised of AV-U13, an inhalable urea solution, the portable AVISAR™ Spec Laser Spectrophotometer and the Aeroneb Solo nebulizer. The AV BreathTest™ allows clinicians to assess the presence or absence of bacteria in the entire lung, non-invasively, within minutes and monitor therapy for better antibiotic stewardship. A paradigm shift away from lab based In Vitro testing. An In Vivo, point of care, breath test that measures the whole lung, live organisms, not a single culture sample in a petri dish or PCR. For non sputum producers - the only test that can detect lung bacteria without a sputum culture.
Alliance & Collaborations
Supporting Metrics or Evidence
Pre-clinical, Clinical
Current Financing Needs
Series A1 $6 million, $4 million raised from current investors
Current Timeline
PMA in 2017
Current Investors
Venture fund, private equity investors
IP Status
Issued and Pending Patents
Recent Milestones
Positive Clinical Data in Proof of Concept in Cystic Fibrosis clinical study
Management Team Highlights
CEO 35 years, four successful exits
David Joseph
President - CEO 

AZ Commerce Authority United States

Arizona’s bioscience and health care industry benefits from strong relationships with major institutions, hospitals, private firms and the state's public universities. CNBC ranks the state second nationwide in availability of skilled workforce, and biomedical jobs are growing three times faster than the national average.  In addition to our aggressive incentive programs, Arizona is committed to attracting and supporting quality companies through competitive tax policies and has demonstrated a continued trend of reducing property, individual sales and corporate income tax rates.  An example of some of the key programs and incentives for the biosciences includes:

  • AZ Innovation Challenge – $3 million ($1.5 million twice yearly) for technology commercialization to the world’s most promising technology ventures. Awards range from $100,000 to $250,000 per company.

  • Angel Investment Tax Credit - provides tax credits up to 35% for investors who make capital investment in small businesses certified by the Arizona Commerce Authority (ACA).   

  • Arizona Innovation Accelerator Fund - an $18.2 million loan participation program to stimulate financing of small businesses and manufacturers by providing debt financing up to $2 million.  Recognized by the US Treasury as a Best Practice model of its kind

  • R&D Tax Credit/Refund – refundable and non-refundable programs for increased R&D activities.  Income tax credits up to 34% for qualified expenses. Up to 75% of the excess tax credit can be refunded.

Sergio Gazic
Bioscience Portfolio Manager 

Bioarray Therapeutics Inc. United States

BIOARRAY is a biotech company located at the Science park in New Haven. BIOARRAY is customizing treatments for patients to cure breast cancer the first time. BIOARRAY’s lead breast cancer test has been shown to reduce ineffective treatments by over 50% in proof of concept studies. BIOARRAY is a recipient of Avon Foundation and Connecticut Innovations funds. BIOARRAY is a MassChallenge Accelerator Winner.

Biotech Subsector
Biotech Phase of Development
Technology Overview

In contrast to most studies that focus on the unhealthy cancer patient populations, BIOARRAY studies cancer in reverse by using genes in healthy cell organization to identify cancer markers. These biomarkers work like surveillance cameras watching how a particular breast cancer will behave when treated with chemotherapy. By measuring the mRNA expression levels of these biomarkers, Bioarray diagnostic tests significantly increase the accuracy of predicted chemo-response rates.

Alliance & Collaborations
Avon Foundation, Connecticut Innovations
Supporting Metrics or Evidence

BIOARRAY's lead test distinguishes itself by addressing a vital question at the beginning of basic chemotherapeutic treatment for 75% of diagnosed breast cancer patients who currently have a 24% response rate. BIOARRAY's test clinical proof of concept studies showed:

55% reduction in ineffective chemo

68% improvement in response rate

42% of patients classified as non-responders up front

Current Financing Needs

The company is raising its Series A round of financing to achieve key milestones to take the lead test to early adoption.

Current Timeline

BIOARRAY has developed a business plan whereas the Bioarray diagnostic uses commercially-available gene-expression platforms such as PCR for its lab analysis. BIOARRAY will engage licensees and distributors to access the global market. BIOARRAY will hold closely the proprietary algorithms at the heart of the diagnostic in a cloud-based information platform. BIOARRAY's lead test is in a position to go to market within 2 years.

Current Investors

Grant: Avon Foundation – first of its kind from Avon

Equity: Connecticut Innovations and Angels

IP Status

BIOARRAY intellectual property includes methods, algorithms and biomarkers. BIOARRAY strategy to protect its intellectual property is a combination of trade secrets and patents. The company is growing a patent portfolio of US and international patents that is exclusively owned by BIOARRAY and is not subject to licensing or royalty obligations.

Recent Milestones

  1. Performed clinical proof of concept with I-SPY 1 clinical trial
  2. Data gathered (and ready to complete analysis) for I-SPY 2 trial
  3. Built cloud-based interactive information platform and interactive portal
  4. Built laboratory infrastructure
  5. Developed IP strategy comprising know-how and patents (internationally filed)
Management Team Highlights

CEO Marcia Fournier has over a decade of experience in oncology at leading Institutions in the US. Non-executive chairman Michal Preminger and Board Directors Una Ryan and Henry Kay have extensive experience in management, financing, acquisitions, and diagnostics. The Company also has a team of active business advisors with experience in business development, acquisitions and venture capital.

Marcia Fournier
Marcia Fournier
LinkedIn logo CEO 

Marcia, a molecular biologist, came to the United States from Brazil about 15 years ago. Marcia is trained in genetics with 10+ years of experience in cancer research. She most recently held a position at GlaxoSmithKline, Oncology Center of Excellence for Drug Discovery. Marcia’s work as a doctoral fellow at the Dana-Farber Institute and postdoctoral fellow at UC Berkeley led to seminal publications on biomarker discovery.

Rana Gupta
Rana Gupta
LinkedIn logo Business Advisor 

Rana K, Gupta is trained as a businessman (not a techie), Rana has worked in several industries (pharma, consulting, VC), but he comes to BIOARRAY as a result of having invested in, run, and ultimately sold diagnostic company HistoRx to Novartis.


Bionure Inc. United States

Bionure is a late-preclinical company focused at developing First-in-Class SGK agonists for the treatment of orphan ophthalmological diseases.

Bionure's main candidate is BN201, a small molecule, new chemical entity, first-in-class drug that promotes neuroprotection and remyelination by means of a novel MOA.

Our main therapeutic focus is Optic Neuritis (ON), an acute, inflammatory disease of the optic nerve that qualifies for orphan status. BN201 has been granted orphan designation for the treatment of ON and the patent has been granted.

Preclinical efficacy studies have been performed in several animal models and a pre-IND meeting has been held with the FDA to validate our preclinical and clinical development. 

BN201 is now through the regulatory toxicology studies to enable IND by Q2 2015.

Year Founded
Biotech Subsector
Biotech Phase of Development
IP Status
Patent has been granted
Recent Milestones
Orphan designation for the treatment of Optic Neuritis
Albert Zamora
Managing Partner CEO