DreamCatcher Ventures United States


Tania Fernandez is the founder of Dream Catcher Ventures, an advisory firm founded to address the inefficiencies in the marketplace and to align the goals and aspirations of entrepreneurs with investors in the healthcare/biotech sector. It is focused on creating and building disruptive biotech/healthcare companies that are positioned to excel in global markets. The firm also has a strong focus on biotech companies that have assets/technologies that are relevant to the Indian market.

Dr. Fernandez is currently working with BioHealth Innovation on a $50M “Gap Fund” to invest in seed and early stage healthcare/biotech companies primarily in therapeutics, diagnostics, medtech and healthcare IT.

Tania has a doctorate in molecular oncology and a post doctorate in protein chemistry and genetic engineering. She has over fifteen years of experience in the life sciences and 10 years of venture capital investing experience in biotech/ life sciences/healthcare and healthcare delivery.

Tania Fernandez

Easton Capital United States

Easton Capital Investment Group is a venture capital firm based in New York. Easton Capital invests broadly in the life science sector, and considers investment opportunities globally. The firm is likely to make 4-6 allocations in the next 6 months. Allocations typically vary from $250,000 to $5 million, in the form of equity or convertible debt. Allocations are typically made at the venture stage of development, but may be made in seed rounds if a company already has proof of their product's efficacy.

Investor Type
Biotech Phase of Development
Medtech Phase of Development
Capital Structure Preference
Investment Stage Preference
Lisa Rhoads
Managing Director 

EIP Pharma United States

EIP Pharma, LLC is a private company based in Cambridge, MA.  The company has licensed-in and is developing a phase 2 clinical-stage oral small molecule that targets neuroinflammation and dysfunction of microglia, the major immune-cell in the brain.

Human genetic and other biologic data strongly indicate inflammation & microglial dysfunction are one of the major drivers of late-onset Alzheimer’s disease (AD), and likely the major driver in patients with symptomatic disease.

VX-745 (the licensed compound) specifically inhibits intra-cellular enzyme p38 mitogen activated protein kinase alpha (MAPKa).  In the brain, p38 MAPKa is a major regulator of inflammation through effects on microglia. P38 MAPKa is also expressed in neurons, where it is directly involved in memory formation and synaptic plasticity. 

VX-745 readily enters the brain, with brain concentrations in pre-clinical studies being approximately two-fold higher than in peripheral blood.  VX-745 had previously been clinically evaluated in non-CNS disorders, where already has demonstrated anti-inflammatory activity in patients. The combination of blood-brain-barrier penetration and previous clinical experience with demonstrated anti-inflammatory activity uniquely positions VX-745 to target inflammation to treat Alzheimer’s and other CNS disorders in which inflammation plays a role.

EIP Pharma licensed VX-745 from the originator company, Vertex Pharmaceuticals, and conducted animal studies to re-position the compound towards disease of the brain, including AD.  Vertex had previously completed a full chronic toxicology program and had demonstrated significant clinical and anti-inflammatory activity in a phase 2a 12-week treatment study of VX-745 in rheumatoid arthritis (RA).  An Investigational New Drug (IND) application remains open at FDA.

The animal studies conducted by EIP Pharma have demonstrated pro-cognitive effects, anti-inflammatory and other pharmacologic effects of VX-745 in the brain.  These data combined with dose response data in prior animal and clinical studies, have been utilized to identify doses that are highly likely to have positive activity in human brain.  The predicted doses are 2- to 5- fold lower than the dose that demonstrated anti-inflammatory activity and was well tolerated in RA, consistent with VX-745 preferentially distributing to the brain in animals.  Importantly, these dose levels should minimize risks of systemic toxicity that otherwise have hampered development of p38 MAPK inhibitors for peripheral disorders.  The animal studies have also generated new intellectual property (IP), including issuance of a US patent on 15 April 2014 (#8,697,627) for the use of VX-745 to lower brain amyloid plaque load.  This IP, along with additional IP that has been filed will support commercially the development of VX-745 beyond the primary composition of matter patent expiring in 2017.

Start-up activities (IRB submissions, CRO contracting, etc.) are underway for two phase 2a clinical studies in patients with AD; both studies are anticipated to be underway in early 2015.  Combined, the studies are designed to demonstrate anti-inflammatory and microglial modulatory activity in the brain.  Once demonstrated, VX-745 should have ability to demonstrate clinical proof-of-concept in AD and/or other disease indications in which neuroinflammation plays a role in disease pathogenesis.

Company was founded and is led by experienced biotech/pharma R&D executive (John Alam; former head of Alzheimer’s R&D at Sanofi, ex-Chief Medical Officer at Vertex Pharmaceuticals, led clinical development of AvonexÒ for Multiple Sclerosis) with extensive translational and drug development experience & expertise in both inflammation and CNS disorders.

Year Founded
Biotech Subsector
Biotech Phase of Development
Technology Overview
small molecule inhibitor of p38 MAP Kinase alpha - VX-745
Supporting Metrics or Evidence
Literature; pre-clinical proof-of-concept with licensed compound
Current Financing Needs
Current Timeline
Start phase 2a Jan 2015
IP Status
Issued US Patent for use of Drug for Brain Amyloid Plaque Load Reduction; Published Patent for p38 MAPK inhibitors to do the same
Recent Milestones
Dutch National Clinical Trial Approval Dec 2014
Management Team Highlights
Former Head Alzheimer's R&D Sanofi; ex-Chief Medical Officer, Vertex Pharmacueuticals
Dr John Alam
Dr John Alam

EmbraceHer Innovations, Inc. United States

EmbraceHer is the women's reproductive health club developed by clinicians. We support the lifetime reproductive health of every woman from menstruation, fertility preservation, conception, infertility/IVF, maternity, postpartum, lactation, sexual health and menopause. Our digital platform provides targeted, clinically-sound health education, subscription-based telehealth services, and doctor-curated medical and health products for women. 

Our maternity product is the only mobile digital health offering developed and prescribed by Board-certified obstetricians, used by over half a million pregnant mothers.

Year Founded
Main Sector
Medtech Subsector
Medtech Phase of Development
Technology Overview
mobile, Web, iOS, Android
Supporting Metrics or Evidence
550,000 users
Current Financing Needs
$1M seed stage
Current Investors
Astia angel
Recent Milestones
6-figure revenues, over 550K registered users
Management Team Highlights
Denise Terry, CEO (8x startup veteran, 3 exits); Jan Rydfors, MD, FACOG - Author of Clinical Handbook of Obstetrics, Gynecology, Infertility
Denise Terry
Cofounder & CEO 

Enso Ventures United States

Enso Ventures is a Venture Capital firm that was founded in 2010 and based in London with an additional office in New York. The firm is looking to provide equity capital to high growth companies in the life science space. The firm is currently interested in companies located in Europe, Russia and the US and is looking to make approximately 2-3 investments over the next 6-9 months.

Sergei Petukhov

Excel Venture Management United States

Excel Venture Management is a venture capital firm that was founded in 2008 and is based in Boston, Massachusetts. The firm has managed one fund with committed capital of $125 million, and the firm is currently raising the second fund. Excel Venture Management seeks to make equity investments into life science companies from early to late stages. The typical investment size ranges from $3 million to $ 5million. The firm plans to invest in 4-5 companies over the next 6-9 months and prefers to invest in companies based in US.

Year Founded
Investor Type
Medtech Phase of Development
Capital Structure Preference
Investment Stage Preference
Eric Zimmerman
Kevin Liang

Formula Pharma United States

Formula Pharmaceuticals is a US-based oncology focused biotech company, developing Chimeric Antigen Receptor (CAR) based therapies using a proprietary platform.

Formula's CAR therapies involve allogeneic immune effector cells and a NON-viral transfection method for highly efficient cell expansion and differentiation. Additionally, Formula's target effector cells primarily involve Cytokine Induced Killer cells, instead of T-cells or Natural Killer cells. These various characteristics offer distinct practical, clinical, regulatory and commercial benefits over other CAR approaches that involve autologous cells and viral transfection methods. Although not yet in clinical stage development, Formula believes that its CAR based development program will catch up with competing clinical-stage development programs, based on the significant CMC and regulatory advantages that Formula's CAR approach offers.

Formula is interested in meeting with investors and prospective pharmaceutical/biotech partners. Near-term value driving milestones (including clinical trial results) are expected within the next 2-3 years.

Significant industry and investor interest in CAR based therapies have been established over the past 12 months, with 4 leading industry players (Pfizer; Novartis; Celgene and Juno Therapeutics). Formula's CAR therapy is distinctive, and is believed to offer significant advantages of the aforementioned CAR technologies. CARs represent a new and important paradigm for cancer therapy, with the leading pharmaceutical players expected to acquire and develop their own position into this space.

Year Founded
Biotech Subsector
Biotech Phase of Development
Technology Overview
Formula's lead program involves a distinctive approach for the development of Chimeric Antigen Receptor (CAR) based therapies. Formula's proprietary platform involves allogeneic immune cells and NON-viral transfection for the develoment of CAR therapies, using primarily Cytokine Induced Cells (CIK), as opposed to T-cells and Natural Killer (NK) cells. The unique advantages of Formula's platform over existing autologous and viral-transfection based CAR approaches span across the CMC, regulatory and commercial spectrum. The CIK cells involved in Formula's CAR therapies have shown high therapeutic potency, WITHOUT the concommittant need for interleukins (e.g. IL-7, IL-12, IL-15). Formula's proprietary NON-viral gene transfection method leads to stable gene expression and offers efficient expansion and differentiation of the immune effector cells. Aside from offering desired therapeutic potency, the CIK cell-based CARs are believed to have a more favorable safety profile than T-cells, i.t.o. inducing cytokine storms and GvHD. CIK cells have demonstrated a longer in-vivo viability than NK cells. Complex purification processes, bead- or artificial cell facilitated optimization processes applicable to other CAR approaches can be circumvented with Formula's CMC process. Formula's CMC process and use of allogeneic CIK cells optimally facilitate scale up to commercial demand. Formula's use of the NON-viral vector based transfection method avoids the significant regulatory complexities that are associated with the viral vector based methods, which are typically used by other commercial developers of CAR based therapies. Lead indications initially involve different heme-oncology related targets.
Alliance & Collaborations
To be announced
Supporting Metrics or Evidence
Pre-clinical data package using Formula's CD123.CIK-CAR and CD19.CIK-CAR, along with clinical experience with unmanipulated CIK cells.
Current Financing Needs
To be discussed at conference
Current Timeline
GMP grade manufacturing process development ongoing. IND filing targeted within 12-18 months.
IP Status
Filed patents with broad and specific claims
Maurits Geerlings

FreeMind Group United States

FreeMind is a consultancy firm that specializes in raising funds from government agencies and other non-dilutive sources through grants and contracts.

FreeMind is the largest consulting group of its kind whose goal is to assist its clients in maximizing their potential to secure funding from non-dilutive sources. Established in 1999, FreeMind's proven long-term strategic approach has garnered its clients, academics and Industry alike, over $1.5 Billion to date. Our expertise in applying for grants and contracts extends throughout every government mechanism open to funding the life sciences including all NIH Institutes, DoD, BARDA, etc., as well as private foundations. FreeMind's knowledgeable and experienced team of Analysts and Project Managers are dedicated to guiding its clients' non-dilutive funding efforts from identification of the most suitable opportunity through to submission and subsequent award. Our team of experts will assist in making non-dilutive funding a key tool in a long-term financial strategy.

Year Founded
Ayal Ronen

Gordian Biotechnologies Inc. United States

Gordian Biotechnologies addressing the urgent unmet medical existing within antibiotic resistance by developing first-in-class reversible b-lactamase inhibitors that allow existing antibiotics to be effective against otherwise resistant pathogens. By combining an FDA approved antibiotic with our novel b-lactamase inhibitors, Gordian Biotechnologies  disarms the bacteria’s resistance mechanism, allowing the antibiotic to defeat the pathogen. 

Biotech Subsector
Biotech Phase of Development
Technology Overview
Reversible beta-lactamase inhibitor
Current Financing Needs
Seeking lead investor for our $1M round
Mr Tony Brazzale
Mr Tony Brazzale
LinkedIn logo President & CEO 

Greenhouse Capital Partners United States

Greenhouse Capital Partner is a venture capital firm that was founded in 2006 and is based in Sausalito, California. The firm selectively makes equity investments into life science companies in seed stage and series A financing round, but it also provides growth equity to highly capital efficient companies that can achieve cash flow break-even within two years. The typical investment size ranges from $0.25 million to $2 million.The firm focuses on investments in US based companies.

Eric Desai