Tangen Biosciences United States

Tangen Biosciences is an early stage diagnostic instrument company that has developed a group of novel technologies that together enable rapid, portable, lab-free, and very low cost molecular diagnostics at the point of care.   

The Tangen platform will amplify and detect specific nucleic acid sequences obtained from a variety of source samples, including clinical specimens such as blood, tissue and sputum, as well as environmental samples obtained from water, soil or food, for example.  The first application of the Tangen platform is the detection and diagnosis of Tuberculosis using DNA extracted from sputum samples, using the Tangen Sputum Processing assay kit

Year Founded
Biotech Subsector
Biotech Phase of Development
Current Financing Needs

Additional $0.5-1M to close seed round

John Nobile
President and CEO 
John Davidson

Telormedix SA Switzerland

Telormedix is a Swiss biotech company focused on small molecules binding to TLR7 for the development in oncology and infectious diseases.
Johanna Holldack

Thermalin Diabetes LLC United States

Year Founded
Biotech Subsector
Biotech Phase of Development
Technology Overview
The first rapid acting U500 insulin for high-dose patients and miniaturizing patch pumps ($3.2B 2025 market). The first never-needs-refrigeration, biphasic and basal insulins for China, India, the Middle East, and Europe. ($12B 2025 market) Ultra-rapid acting (2 hour duration) insulin to enable next generation, “artificial pancreas” pumps. ($5B 2025 market). Plus several more in development.
Management Team Highlights
Michael Weiss, M.D. PhD, Founder and CSO Richard Berenson, CEO Bruce H. Frank, PhD, Vice President of Development Thomas Hattier, PhD, Vice President of R&D Gregory Dube, PhD, Senior Director of Pre-Clinical & Clinical Programs Janine Roberge, Vice President, Finance
Rick Berenson

Thetis Pharmaceutcals United States

Year Founded
Biotech Subsector
Biotech Phase of Development
Technology Overview

Thetis has discovered and is in the early stages of developing several compounds in the omega-3 arena that are quite differentiated from existing agents based on its proprietary HEALER Technology. 

  • TP-252 is an ionic derivative of eicosapentaenoic acid that delivers EPA with remarkable bioavailability in animal models. Unlike anything known in the omega-3 arena, TP-252 is a solid, stable, free-flowing drug substance that is suitable for tablet formulations and for potential use in fixed dose combination products with statins.
  • TP-113 (bis-metformin glutamate DHA) is a novel oral agent for treatment of T2DM as a 2nd generation metformin product with substantial differentiating pharmacological attributes and intellectual property protection. Its PPP targets significant HbA1c reduction as its primary clinical endpoint with enhanced pharmacological benefits that include insulin resistance resolution, multiple mechanistic effects on hepatic gluconeogenesis that could translate into lower metformin dosing requirements, and reduced serum triglyceride (TG) levels.
  • TP-352, an ionic derivative of docosahexaenoic acid that delivers DHA with remarkable bioavailability in animal models, has prospects for treatment of NASH based on the anti-fibrotic, metabolic and TG lowering effects of DHA.
  • TP-110 (bis-metformin glutamate EPA) has prospects as a first in class agent for treatment of PCOS based on the clinically established effects of its active moeties for ovulation restoration, reduced insulin resistance and enhanced anti-androgenic effects.  
Alliance & Collaborations
Marette Laboratory
Supporting Metrics or Evidence

HEALER Technology applied to already approved APIs with established safety records.

Current Financing Needs

$25 million to fund TP-113 through Phase IIa

Current Timeline

INDs can be opened on lead candidates within 12 months due to non-clinical safety efficiencies based on prototype candidate already vetted by FDA

Current Investors

Connecticut Innovations and Angel Investors

IP Status

Issued patents (US8765811, US8993124, US8901107) and non-provisional patent applications under petition to make special 

Recent Milestones
  • TP-113 preclinical studies in mice showing PDX formation
  • IND allowance establishing non-clinical safety of Thetis compounds
  • Extensive rodent pharmacokinetic studies demonstrating unique PK properties
  • Pre-formulation feasibility studies completed on lead candidates
  • Issued composition of matter patents on metformin compounds (TP-113/110)
Management Team Highlights

Frank Sciavolino, PhD, Chief Scientific Officer

  • former Pfizer R&D executive (Zithromax) and in-licensing (Celebrex)
  • PhD, Organic Chemistry, University of Michigan
  • Over 30 issued patents

Gary Mathias, MBA, Chief Financial Officer

  • Over 25 years as healthcare investment banking and entrepreneur
  • Former SVP, GE Equity, Healthcare
  • MBA, Yale University; BA Economics, Harvard College

Alexander Fleming, MD, Senior Clinical & Regulatory Officer

  • Former supervisory physician, DMEP, FDA
  • Expert in metabolic disease
  • MD, Board Certified, Endocrinology, Emory University

Andre Marette, PhD, Lead Investigator and Scientific Advisor

  • Professor of Medicine, Institute for Heart & Lung Research, Laval University
  • Pfizer Research Chair, Pathogenesis of Insulin Resistance and CVD
  • Recent publication on PDX effect on insulin resistance (Nat. Med. 5/11/2014)

Michael Van Zandt, PhD, Director, Discovery Chemistry

  • Former Director, Institute for Pharmaceutical Discovery (1996-2012)
  • PhD, Organic Chemistry, Wayne State University

Robert Lipper, PhD, Technical Consultant, Formulation

  • VP, Biopharmaceutics, BMS (1984-2008)
  • PhD, Pharmaceutical Chemistry, University of Michigan

Mehar Manku, PhD, Scientific Advisory

  • former Chief Scientific Officer, Amarin Corp.
  • Executive editor, PLEFAs
  • Inventory on 61 patents in polyunsaturated fatty acids
Gary Mathias
Frank Sciavolino

Valley Fever Solutions United States

We are focused on Valley Fever, an orphan disease that kills 150 people a year. Thousands are taking drugs for life, and many others have no effective drug therapy options. Nikkomycin-Z is a new, first in class antifungal ready for Phase II testing. Teliable animal models suggest NikZ will be effective. 

With our guidance, the NIH is funding two Phase II trials starting about late 2015. We would like to run a third, sweet-spot-of-market trial as soon as we secure funding. Our Chief Medical Officer is lead author on an NIH study on standard of care drugs for this disease. We plan to try NikZ under a simlar protocol as soon as we secure support. 

Valley Fever Solutions has made our API at pilot scale. The process is robust and repeatable. We are ready to make a large batch as soon as we secure funding. We expect the proof of concept trial can reach at least early readout within 18 months of funding. This can be achieved for less than $10M.

Year Founded
Biotech Subsector
Biotech Phase of Development
Technology Overview
Nikkomycin-Z is a Nucleoside Peptide, first in class new anti fungal.
Alliance & Collaborations
Extensive NIH support
Supporting Metrics or Evidence
NikZ is fungicidal in mice, the best current drugs only limit further fungal growth (fungistatic). We have promising results in some dogs.
Current Financing Needs
$10M for Phase II proof of concept
Current Timeline
Ready to make API (8-12 months) for Phase II trials (following 8-12 months)
Current Investors
IP Status
12 years market exclusivity - OOPD, QIDP; new patents pending
Recent Milestones
RC3 grant brought our process to pilot scale API; NIH grants funded for Phase II trial, second parallel trial waiting for API (NIH sourcing)
Management Team Highlights
David Larwood (CEO) did early work on two $1B drugs, VP at two pre-Nasdaq companies (took one public, the other later reached $2B valuation); John Galgiani (CMO) is one of the most respected and well known clinicians in Valley Fever
David Larwood
David Larwood
LinkedIn logo CEO 

David Larwood has been a chemist for decades, most recently leading Valley Fever Solutions as CEO since it was founded in 2007. From 1997 to 2005 he was VP at two pre-NASDAQ companies, taking the second one public for four years until it was sold. The first later went public and reached $2B valuation.

His PhD research at UCSF supported the foundations for PEGylated liposomes, including Doxil. He was the first to make suitable PEGylated lipids and made some of the earliest of these novel liposomes.

He was the first to make Iotrolan, still produced by 12 companies decades later.

VDDI Pharmaceuticals United States

Advances in synthetic chemistry and drug screening techniques have flooded the pharmaceutical industry with potential new drugs. At the same time, industry consolidation and financial pressures on R&D budgets have reduced the ability of biotech and pharmaceutical companies to develop early stage drugs. As a result of these market forces, large pharmaceutical companies have restricted their drug development activities to "blockbuster" drugs ($1 billion revenues) with proven efficacy. Promising early-stage drugs developed in emerging biotech and pharmaceutical companies, and university research laboratories are being shelved. 
VDDI Pharmaceuticals has been formed to capitalize on these opportunities. The Company will license attractive product development opportunities from academic institutions, biotech firms and pharmaceutical companies. VDDI Pharmaceuticals will focus on pharmaceutical product opportunities where general proof-of-principle has already been established in pre-clinical or human testing, and where the products are novel and offer significant potential advantages to products currently in the market or in development. VDDI Pharmaceuticals will pursue early-stage products qualifying for fast track approval, primarily in the areas of cancer, cardiovascular disease and infectious disease and develop the products through Phase II of the required regulatory approval processes. The developed products will be licensed to existing pharmaceutical companies for product marketing, thereby generating license fees and ongoing royalties for VDDI Pharmaceuticals.

As its name suggests, VDDI Pharmaceuticals utilizes a virtual business model. Virtual drug development entails: (i) a small core group of employees responsible for strategic management, regulatory strategy, and financial control, (ii) outsourcing all non-core business functions, including preclinical and clinical drug development, and (iii) electronic data capture and data submission to regulatory authorities. By adopting this model, VDDI Pharmaceuticals believes it can reduce total drug development program costs by at least 25% and development times by up to 50%.

Year Founded
Biotech Subsector
Biotech Phase of Development
Technology Overview
Rhabdomyolysis results from muscle injury that leads to the release of myoglobin, which is then deposited in the kidney; acute renal failure (ARF) results.
Alliance & Collaborations
Heyuan Co-Source, Hefei, PRC for xemilofiban only. Vanderbilt University for PIP Inhibitors
Current Financing Needs
$2.5 M
Current Timeline
Orphan Designation 1Q 2015, FIle SBIR/STTR APril 5, 2015, Pre-IND work June 2015 FIle IND July 2016, Sept, 2016 Phase I
Current Investors
$14 Million for previous assest and xemilofiban and $375 SBIR STTR NIH for PIP inhibitor program. Angels and NIH SBIR/STTR
IP Status
Patent and application serial numbers 8,367,669, 13/759,987, 61/761,182
Recent Milestones
VDDI Vanderbilt Option Agreement Signed Dec 2013
Management Team Highlights
R. Stephen Porter, Pharm. D. - Chairman, CEO and President: Dragon Bio-Consultants ,Therapeutic Antibodies, Am. Cyanamid
Stephen Porter
President, CEO 

viDA Therapeutics

viDA is a preclinical biotechnology company pursuing the development of first-in-class drugs for the treatment of several inflammatory and age-related conditions of the skin, respiratory, musculoskeletal, cardiovascular, and neurological systems.Our platform is based on recently identified, specifically extracellular, pathological roles of a family of serine proteases called Granzymes. 

Currently, our focus is specifically on extracellular Granzyme B (GzmB) and its role in a range of disease states involving inflammation and tissue damage. GzmB actively participates in the degradation of key components of the body’s extracellular matrix, which acts as a scaffold for cell binding and provides essential structural integrity for proper function of tissues and organs.

Based on this new mechanism of action, these molecules have shown positive therapeutic outcomes in a number of disease-specific models. viDA has been reviewing MS and the orphan indication of Discoid Lupus specifically.

Our lead compound is in preclinical development and is intended to be a topical treatment for Discoid Lupus. The lead candidate exhibits a high degree of specificity and selectivity for extracellular GzmB. The compound has attractive drug-like properties for topical application and is being assessed for other possible routes of administration amenable to treatment of other diseases.

The Company has developed a library of additional proprietary first-in-class small molecule inhibitors to GzmB. These innovative molecules will have specific properties amenable to treatment of diseases requiring different routes of administration. 

Studies using inhibitors and knockout approaches have demonstrated that GzmB inhibition does not suppress immunity.


Biotech Subsector
Biotech Phase of Development
Technology Overview
viDA's platform is based on recently identified, specifically extracellular, pathological roles of a family of serine proteases called Granzymes. 

Currently, our focus is specifically on extracellular Granzyme B (GzmB) and its role in a range of disease states involving inflammation and tissue damage. GzmB actively participates in the degradation of key components of the body’s extracellular matrix, which acts as a scaffold for cell binding and provides essential structural integrity for proper function of tissues and organs. viDA is developing a library of GzmB inhibitors containing both biologics and small molecules focusing on this new mechanism of action.
Alliance & Collaborations
Collaborators from University of British Columbia, Rick Hansen Institute, Institute for Heart + Lung Health, Providence Health Care Research Institute, and Genome British Columbia work with viDA to advance our technology platform and research programs.
Current Financing Needs
viDA has raised $6M equity to date from VC and angel investors 11.4M common shares outstanding (12.6M fully diluted)
Current Timeline
viDA will complete preclinical work to file an IND on our lead program in wound healing in Q4 2015 in preparation for a Phase 1 clinical trial in 2016
Current Investors
BDC Capital
IP Status
viDA's IP covers novel inhibitors, age-related degenerative processes, wound healing, cardiovascular, other inflammatory conditions and use of Granzyme levels as a biomarker.
Recent Milestones
Advanced first-in-class GzmB inhibitor program in tissue repair • Pre-IND studies (efficacy and lead optimization) to complete in 2015 • IND enabling studies (GLP pharm/tox) to initiate in 2015 Expanded library of proprietary inhibitors • Second generation of small molecules and additional biologics in development
Alistair Duncan
President & CEO 

Vigilant Biosciences Inc. United States

Vigilant Biosciences, Inc. (“Vigilant”) is an oncology-focused company providing early intervention for better outcomes. Our initial products include a quantitative lab assay as well as an oral rinse and test strip kit for head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC).  The products are scheduled for product launch in 2015 to compete in the $3.9B US and $10.2B global HNSCC markets.

Unmet Clinical Need

 It is estimated that some $3.9B will be spent treating the 50,000+ people in the U.S. that are diagnosed with oral cancer in 2014.  Currently, a visual and physical examination is the “gold standard” for oral screening followed up with biopsy, but 2/3 of cases are diagnosed at Stage III or Stage IV with this method.  However, early intervention yields 80% - 90% cure rate representing a potential savings of $2B if the oral cancer is diagnosed at Stage I/II or earlier.  What is missing is a simple, specific and cost-effective test that can screen and aid in detection for early stage oral cancers.

The Solution 

The Vigilant oral cancer risk assessment kit is formulated to detect proteins specific to oral cancer captured by an oral rinse. Competitively priced, the test kit’s ease-of-use will be championed by clinicians; its specificity to minimize false positives and to detect oral cancer early will be championed by patients and doctors, and its cost-effectiveness will be championed by all.


U.S. Patent #8,088,591 issued in early 2012 for broad method claims to associate certain key biomarkers specific for oral cancer as part of the technology portfolio exclusively licensed to Vigilant from the University of Miami.  Additional U.S. and international patent applications subject to the licensed portfolio are pending.

Competitive Advantage

The current “gold standard” for screening is a visual/manual oral examination given by the dental professional as part of the annual checkup standard of care followed up with biopsy for suspicious lesions.  However, over 2/3 of all oral cancers are identified at Stage III or Stage IV.  Vigilant seeks to revolutionize the oral cancer screening market by providing an easy-to-use, HNSCC specific test that allows for detection even before visual symptoms present.

Currently, there are several light-based systems and limited lab tests attempting to address the need for earlier intervention.  Light based systems include spectroscopic and chemiluminescent-based (light-based aid requiring use of acid or dye) offerings.  Lab based systems include liquid cytology or HPV tests.  Insufficient and inconclusive clinical data exists to support widespread acceptance of current offerings as screening or diagnostic aids and tools for HNSCC.  With respect to the light-based systems additional drawbacks of these systems include that:  (1) They address “abnormalities” in general versus HNSCC specifically; (2) They can require a significant upfront capital investment; (3) They are labor intensive and disruptive to business operations for dental practices; (4) Some are invasive requiring tissue excision; and (5) Results can be subjective depending on the examiner.  Lab-based system drawbacks include lack of proven clinical utility with its results and the costs.

The Vigilant solution overcomes these drawbacks by:  (1) detecting protein markers specifically for oral cancer; (2) requiring no significant capital investment; and (3) providing “easy-to-use” and “low touch” instructions to provide immediate and objective results.

Matthew Kim

Western Oncolytics, Ltd. United States

Western Oncolytics is developing a novel immunotherapy to treat a wide range of solid tumors.  Our therapy is an oncolytic vector with multiple therapeutic transgenes that both stimulate the immune system and remove local tumor immune inhibition.  The vector is engineered to avoid the immune system itself, thus overcoming a major drawback in competing designs.  It is the only therapy in the world with these leading attributes.  Western Oncolytics' therapy works in combination with other treatments, e.g. checkpoint inhibitors, and is capable of systemic (intravenous) delivery. 

Our team comprises the leading scientists, clinicians, and regulatory experts within our field, including entrepreneurs who successfully exited companies with earlier technologies.  In comparison animal testing measuring tumor growth and survival, our therapy performed far better than earlier, clinically-proven oncolytic therapies.

Western Oncolytics is currently raising investment to complete preclinical development and a planned clinical trial. 

Year Founded
Biotech Phase of Development
Technology Overview
Immunotherapy, Oncolyics for Cancer
Supporting Metrics or Evidence
Comparative Live Animal Data
Current Investors
IP Status
PCT Application
Recent Milestones
Seed Funding Round Completed
Management Team Highlights
Experienced Regulatory, Scientific, Medical and Development Experts within our Field
Kurt Rote

Graduated from Duke in three years while studying Biomedical Engineering and working part-time. Hands-on lab experience using viral vectors to deliver genes to cells. MBA from IMD, a one year program in Lausanne, Switzerland. International network and experience including strategy, business development, project management, product development and start-ups.

Xalud Therapeutics, Inc. United States

Xalud Therapeutics is developing novel, non-opioid therapies for the treatment of neuropathic pain and osteoarthritis. Our lead product, XT-101, has shown exceptional efficacy in the leading rodent models of pain and in canine patients with neuropathic pain and osteoarthritis. XT-101 has an excellent safety profile -- it does not cause sedation, dizziness, numbness, addiction or tolerance.  7 and 28 day GLP toxicology studies have been completed with excellent results.  Xalud intends to file an IND for a Phase I/IIa trial in mid-2015 and, pending funding, initiate clinical trials thereafter.

Xalud's approach to treating pain is fundamentally different than conventional approaches. XT-101 causes the body to produce the natural anti-inflammatory IL-10.  In neuropathic pain, the use of this broad spectrum anti-inflammatory reduces inflammation around the spinal cord and reduces aberant pain signaling.  In gold-standard rodent models, a single injection of XT-101 completely eliminates neuropathic pain for 12 weeks.  We have also tested XT-101 in canine patients with severe osteoarthritis that has been resistant to standard treatments.  In these patients, XT-101 has provided long lasting pain relief resulting in dramatically increased mobility and activity levels and increased joint flexibility.

To date, Xalud's efforts have been supported by over $6 million of grant funding from the NIH, the DOD, and disease foundations.  We seek to raise $6 to $10 Million to fund our initial clinical trial or trials.  These will be placebo controlled Phase I/IIa trials in actual patients.  Because XT-101 has an extended duration, we expect that these trials will provide the safety, efficacy and biomarker data necessary to support a robust Phase II program.

Year Founded
Biotech Phase of Development
Technology Overview
XT-101 is a proprietary plasmid DNA encoding for the natural, broad spectrum anti-inflammatory IL-10
Alliance & Collaborations
Xalud has received extensive support from the NIH and the DOD
Supporting Metrics or Evidence
In leading models of pain, a single administration completely reverses neuropathic pain for 12 weeks. Similar results have been observed in canine patients with osteoarthritis and neuropathic pain.
Current Financing Needs
$6MM to $10MM
Current Timeline
An IND for a Phase I/IIa trial will be filed in mid-2015.
Current Investors
Xalud is entirely grant funded and has raised over $6 MM in non-dilutive financing.
IP Status
Broad patent coverage and freedom to operate have been established
Recent Milestones
In late 2014, 7 and 28 day GLP toxicology studies were completed with excellent results.
Management Team Highlights
The Management team has substantial experience leading early stage biotech companies. Dr. Steve Collins, Xalud's Executive Chairman, has extensive experience managing biopharmaceutical companies and leading pain and CNS drug development efforts. He served as Senior Director for Global CNS and Pain at Johnson and Johnson and Chief Scientific Officer and Vice President of Medical Affairs at Ovation Pharmaceuticals (acquired by Lundbeck for approximately $963 MM). Most recently he served as Chief Executive Officer of NeuroTherapeutics Pharma, Inc., a venture-backed biotechnology company developing treatments for pain and epilepsy.
Peter Heinecke
Chief Business Officer