
Shire is an Irish-headquartered global specialty biopharmaceutical company. Originating in the United Kingdom with a large operational base in the United States, its brands and products include Vyvanse, Adderall XR, Intuniv, Lialda, Pentasa, Fosrenol, Replagal, Elaprase, VPRIV, Firazyr and Dermagraft. 

Shire is currently interested in several therapeutic areas for business development opportunities. The company is most interested in the following products: rare disease therapeutics, pre-clinical to on the market; neuroscience therapeutics, on the market; gastrointestinal, on the market; ophthalmology, post proof-of-concept; and hematology; post proof-of-concept.

Jane Daun-Tremblay

Sofia Angel Fund United States

Sofia Angel Group is a group of angel investors based in Minneapolis, Minnesota. The group solely focuses on investing in women-led businesses where women are the founders, or women are on the senior management team. Sofia Angel Group does not have a specific timeframe to make an investment, however would make an allocation by the end of 2013 if a compelling opportunity is identified. The group typically invests around $100,000 per company, however has the ability to invest up to $3 million through co-investments from the group’s members.

Barbara Nelsen

Symbient Product Development United States

Rapid Development of Injection Molded Medical Devices
From Concept Through Transfer-to-Manufacturing

Symbient specializes in engineering research and development, prototyping and design-for-manufacturing of innovative medical devices that use injection molded components. Our highly experienced team consists of mechanical and biomedical engineers, industrial designers, machinists and molding technicians. They leverage our in-house rapid prototyping, and prototype tooling fabrication and injection molding to create proven, manufacturable designs with unmatched speed, efficiency and precision. These designs make up our deep portfolio of over 300 successful devices that have collectively generated hundreds of millions of dollars. They include FDA Class I, II and III devices, developed under our ISO 13485 certified quality management system.


Our Services Include:

  • Concept Development
  • Development Engineering
  • Design-for-Manufacturing
  • Industrial Design
  • Project Rescue
  • Design Control per IOS 13485
  • Finite Element Analysis (FEA)
  • Design Verification Testing
  • Test Method Development
  • Transfer to Manufacturing


Our In-House Capabilities and Expertise Include:

  • Stereolithography (SLA) Prototyping
  • CNC Machining / Fabrication
  • Prototype Mold Fabrication
  • Prototype Injection Molding of Devices for Testing, Trials and Studies
  • Liquid Injection Molded (LIM) Silicone Prototype Molding
  • Product Reliability Testing
  • Plastics Assembly Expertise: Ultrasonic and Laser Welding, Heat Sealing, Pressure Sensitive Adhesives, Swaging, Snap Fits, Press Fits, Interlocks.
  • Speed: Prototype Molds in as little as 1 week and Modifications in as little as 1 Day
  • Material Selection Expertise, Research and Testing to Ensure All Product Requirements Are Met.


Our Portfolio Includes:

  • Diagnostics / Molecular Diagnostics
  • Sample collection / preparation
  • Life Sciences / Microfluidics
  • OTC Consumer products
  • Respiratory
  • Surgical devices and clinical tools
  • Drug Delivery


Year Founded
Unique Capabilities

Our Services Include:

  • Concept Development
  • Development Engineering
  • Design-for-Manufacturing
  • Industrial Design
  • Project Rescue
  • Design Control per IOS 13485
  • Finite Element Analysis (FEA)
  • Design Verification Testing
  • Test Method Development
  • Transfer to Manufacturing


Our In-House Capabilities and Expertise Include:

  • Stereolithography (SLA) Prototyping
  • CNC Machining / Fabrication
  • Prototype Mold Fabrication
  • Prototype Injection Molding of Devices for Testing, Trials and Studies
  • Liquid Injection Molded (LIM) Silicone Prototype Molding
  • Product Reliability Testing
  • Plastics Assembly Expertise: Ultrasonic and Laser Welding, Heat Sealing, Pressure Sensitive Adhesives, Swaging, Snap Fits, Press Fits, Interlocks.
  • Speed: Prototype Molds in as little as 1 week and Modifications in as little as 1 Day
  • Material Selection Expertise, Research and Testing to Ensure All Product Requirements Are Met.
Lisa Coyne
Business Development Manager 
Luke Helm
Director of Business Development 

Syncona Partners United Kingdom

Syncona Partners, founded in 2012, is an evergreen investment firm based in London, UK. The firm is an independent subsidiary of the Wellcome Trust who invested the initial £200m capitalization. The firm is mandated to invest in companies with the potential to make major breakthroughs in healthcare. The investment size will usually range from £1M – £20M per company. The firm seeks to create sustainable, profitable businesses, to support them with capital over the long term, for the benefit of patients, and to hold an ownership position to create value for the Wellcome Trust. The firm is actively screening new investment opportunities.

Year Founded
Biotech Phase of Development
Medtech Phase of Development
Capital Structure Preference
Investment Stage Preference
Chris Hollowood

SynDevRx Inc. United States

SynDevRx develops new and effective treatments for metabolic-related diseases including pre-diabetes, diabetes, obesity, dyslipidemia and fatty liver disease as well as treatments for cancer.  Our treatments are best-in-class MetAP2 inhibitors of the fumagillin drug class.  SynDevRx lead compound, SDX-7320, is a polymer conjugate of a novel fumagillol derivative which releases the pharmacologically active drug in vivo.  Our approach improves both the efficacy and safety of low molecular weight drugs while reducing systemic drug exposure compared to the small molecule drug alone.

Year Founded
Biotech Subsector
Biotech Phase of Development
James Shanahan
VP Business Development 

Tech Coast Angels

Founded in 1997, Tech Coast Angels is the largest angel investor group in the United States. Its members provide funding and guidance to more early-stage high-growth companies in Southern California than any other investment group. TCA members invest in companies in a wide range of industries including life sciences, biotech and health IT. TCA has more than 325 members including its venture capital affiliates in five networks in Los Angeles Orange County San Diego Westlake/Santa Barbara and the Inland Empire. The organization will finance on an opportunistic basis as long as substantial disruptive market opportunities exists. The firm has historically invested in Biotech Therapeutics & Diagnostics, Biotechnology R&D Services, Biotechnology Other, Medical Technology companies with sub sectors of Anti-Infectives, Bioinformatics, CRO (Contract Research Organization), Diagnostic Instrumentation, Diagnostic Services, Drug Delivery, Food, Industrial Biotechnology, Small Molecules, Small Molecule Therapeutics, Wound Care and indications including Diseases of the Nervous System, Infectious and Parasitic Diseases, Neoplasms/Cancer/Oncology, Respiratory.


Investor Type
Biotech Phase of Development
Medtech Phase of Development
Capital Structure Preference
Investment Stage Preference
Richard Koffler

Texo Ventures United States

TEXO Ventures is a healthcare venture capital firm that was founded in 29 and is based in Austin Texas. The firm operates as a hybrid of angel and venture capital. The recent fund closed at $15.4 million in 212. The firm focuses on making equity investments in the Medical Technology and Healthcare IT spaces at near commercialization or early commercialization stage. The firm typically invests ranging from $3 million to $5 million into a company. The firm plans to make 2-3 investments over the next 6-9 month. TEXO Ventures is open to consider companies across the US. The firm primarily focuses on healthcare which includes Health IT Technology  enabled Health Services Chronic Disease Management Managed Care and Benefit Design. Although medical devices and functional diagnostics are considered for investment purposes Texo Ventures must see a clear regulatory pathway and obvious synergies with healthcare reform within a company. The firm's current investment portfolio includes companies in the area of medical technology. Within this field they are in areas such as diagnostic and therapeutic radiation devices electro mechanical medical devices re-usable instruments biomaterials and non-active implantable.

Philip Sanger
Managing Partner 

Thetis Pharmaceutcals United States

Year Founded
Biotech Subsector
Biotech Phase of Development
Technology Overview

Thetis has discovered and is in the early stages of developing several compounds in the omega-3 arena that are quite differentiated from existing agents based on its proprietary HEALER Technology. 

  • TP-252 is an ionic derivative of eicosapentaenoic acid that delivers EPA with remarkable bioavailability in animal models. Unlike anything known in the omega-3 arena, TP-252 is a solid, stable, free-flowing drug substance that is suitable for tablet formulations and for potential use in fixed dose combination products with statins.
  • TP-113 (bis-metformin glutamate DHA) is a novel oral agent for treatment of T2DM as a 2nd generation metformin product with substantial differentiating pharmacological attributes and intellectual property protection. Its PPP targets significant HbA1c reduction as its primary clinical endpoint with enhanced pharmacological benefits that include insulin resistance resolution, multiple mechanistic effects on hepatic gluconeogenesis that could translate into lower metformin dosing requirements, and reduced serum triglyceride (TG) levels.
  • TP-352, an ionic derivative of docosahexaenoic acid that delivers DHA with remarkable bioavailability in animal models, has prospects for treatment of NASH based on the anti-fibrotic, metabolic and TG lowering effects of DHA.
  • TP-110 (bis-metformin glutamate EPA) has prospects as a first in class agent for treatment of PCOS based on the clinically established effects of its active moeties for ovulation restoration, reduced insulin resistance and enhanced anti-androgenic effects.  
Alliance & Collaborations
Marette Laboratory
Supporting Metrics or Evidence

HEALER Technology applied to already approved APIs with established safety records.

Current Financing Needs

$25 million to fund TP-113 through Phase IIa

Current Timeline

INDs can be opened on lead candidates within 12 months due to non-clinical safety efficiencies based on prototype candidate already vetted by FDA

Current Investors

Connecticut Innovations and Angel Investors

IP Status

Issued patents (US8765811, US8993124, US8901107) and non-provisional patent applications under petition to make special 

Recent Milestones
  • TP-113 preclinical studies in mice showing PDX formation
  • IND allowance establishing non-clinical safety of Thetis compounds
  • Extensive rodent pharmacokinetic studies demonstrating unique PK properties
  • Pre-formulation feasibility studies completed on lead candidates
  • Issued composition of matter patents on metformin compounds (TP-113/110)
Management Team Highlights

Frank Sciavolino, PhD, Chief Scientific Officer

  • former Pfizer R&D executive (Zithromax) and in-licensing (Celebrex)
  • PhD, Organic Chemistry, University of Michigan
  • Over 30 issued patents

Gary Mathias, MBA, Chief Financial Officer

  • Over 25 years as healthcare investment banking and entrepreneur
  • Former SVP, GE Equity, Healthcare
  • MBA, Yale University; BA Economics, Harvard College

Alexander Fleming, MD, Senior Clinical & Regulatory Officer

  • Former supervisory physician, DMEP, FDA
  • Expert in metabolic disease
  • MD, Board Certified, Endocrinology, Emory University

Andre Marette, PhD, Lead Investigator and Scientific Advisor

  • Professor of Medicine, Institute for Heart & Lung Research, Laval University
  • Pfizer Research Chair, Pathogenesis of Insulin Resistance and CVD
  • Recent publication on PDX effect on insulin resistance (Nat. Med. 5/11/2014)

Michael Van Zandt, PhD, Director, Discovery Chemistry

  • Former Director, Institute for Pharmaceutical Discovery (1996-2012)
  • PhD, Organic Chemistry, Wayne State University

Robert Lipper, PhD, Technical Consultant, Formulation

  • VP, Biopharmaceutics, BMS (1984-2008)
  • PhD, Pharmaceutical Chemistry, University of Michigan

Mehar Manku, PhD, Scientific Advisory

  • former Chief Scientific Officer, Amarin Corp.
  • Executive editor, PLEFAs
  • Inventory on 61 patents in polyunsaturated fatty acids
Gary Mathias
Frank Sciavolino

Torrey Pines Investment

Torrey Pines Investment (TPI) was founded in 22 and is based in San Diego CA. The firm has raised two funds and also invests in drug development via a partnership with BioMotiv. TPI makes venture-stage minority equity investments and prefers act as a co-investor but also leads rounds on occasion. The firm invests internationally.

Ron Demuth

Twin Cities Angels Fund II, LLC United States

Twin Cities Angels is an angel group that was founded in 2006 that is based in Minnesota. The group has raised two funds that are The Twin Cities Angels Fund I and II. The second fund is currently looking to invest in emerging companies. The group typically provides seed and venture capital ranging from $ 25.000 to $2 million to life science companies. The group plans to invest in 4 to 6 companies per year. Twin Cities Angels seeks to invest in companies based in the Twin Cities Area of Minneapolis/St. Paul, the state of Minnesota and within a reasonable distance, such as Western Wisconsin, Northern Iowa, and Eastern Dakotas.

Year Founded
Investor Type
Biotech Phase of Development
Medtech Phase of Development
Capital Structure Preference
Investment Stage Preference
John Alexander
Chairman & Founder