Mid Atlantic Bio Angels

Mid Atlantic Bio Angels (MABA) founded in 212 is an angel investor group based in the New York City area which focuses exclusively on new and emerging life science companies. The group places no geographical restrictions or requirements for presenting companies as long as meaningful and effective post-investment monitoring of these companies can be achieved, MABA has considered opportunities in Europe and Israel as well as across the USA and Canada. Since the members are investing their own capital the investment size is highly flexible and will depend on the financial needs of the company. The capital structure is typically in preferred stocks or convertible notes in qualified cases. The group prefers to invest in companies with valuations of less than $5M. As MABA prefers opportunities that can be entirely angel-financed MABA generally requires that companies can achieve exit with $15 million capital or under (generally after raising a Series B round but no further rounds).

Bernard Rudnick

MitoDys Therapeutics United Kingdom

MitoDys Therapeutics is a start-up drug discovery company that has developed a highly innovative platform to uncover polypharmacological drugs with existing safety profiles that can be repositioned to a new indcation.  The company focuses on the discovery of disease-modifying drugs for neurodegenerative diseases; particularly Parkinson's disease, ALS and MSA.

Year Founded
Biotech Subsector
Biotech Phase of Development
Technology Overview
Network Pharmacology platform combined with pluripotent stem cell-derived assays
Current Financing Needs
Current Timeline
12-18 months to validated candidate
Current Investors
Angels and Charitable foundations
IP Status
None yet...focused on drugs at the end of the proecess
Management Team Highlights
Highly experienced individuals from Industry and finance
Steven Zimmer

MP Healthcare Venture Management, Inc. United States

MP Healthcare Ventures is the corporate venture arm of Mitsubishi Tanabe Pharma founded in 2006 and based in Boston Massachusetts. The firm is looking to provide equity capital to seed and venture stage companies in the life science space. The firm is looking to provide companies with $5 million over the lifetime of the investment and plans on making 2-3 investments over the next year. The firm will invest in companies located anywhere around the world.

Tetsuro Iwata
Senior Manager 

N8 Medical United States

N8 Medical is a development-stage medical device company focused upon commercializing antimicrobial medical devices and coatings to address the multibillion dollar public health and economic burden associated with medical device-related hospital acquired infections and healthcare associated infections (HAIs).  N8 Medical’s key differentiator from competitors is the application of a novel, proprietary class of pharmaceutically active compounds known as ceragenins, Cationic Selective Antimicrobials, or CSAs (ceragenins or CSAs) to medical devices for the purpose of providing antifouling or anti-infective properties. N8 Medical believes that ceragenins offer unparalleled efficacy and cost advantages over other coatings and means of addressing HAIs. Further, the use of ceragenins as a platform technology under its CONTEGO™ brand across numerous device segments with multiple coating options provides N8 Medical with a unique, sustainable competitive advantage over other medical device companies.  

N8 Medical is seeking $6 million in investment capital, which it believes will be sufficient to fund development, FDA approval and CE Marking of its proprietary coated CONTEGO™ endotracheal tube (ETT), and initial commercialization activities. N8 Medical has designed its antimicrobial ETT to reduce ICU stays by a single day or more, thereby saving the hospital $3,000 to $5,000 in non-reimbursable costs per ICU patient, and, significantly, by freeing up an ICU bed one day earlier for a new revenue-generating patient and resulting in better profitability for providers and substantial opportunity cost savings.  Thus, N8’s CONTEGO™ ETT presents a compelling value proposition for hospitals.  N8's internal valuation model aligns with relevant market data and comparable companies, indicating a successful antimicrobial device company could achieve a value of over $100 million.  


Year Founded
Biotech Subsector
Biotech Phase of Development
Medtech Phase of Development
Technology Overview
Novel antimicrobial small molecule mimetics of antimicrobial peptides applied to medical devices
Alliance & Collaborations
Engaged with leading medical device companies for technology feasibility evaluations
Supporting Metrics or Evidence
in vitro and in vivo efficacy and safety studies
Current Financing Needs
$6 million
Current Timeline
Clinical study planned for Q4 2015/ Q1 2016
IP Status
Patent protection into the 2030's
Management Team Highlights
Successful track record medical technology commercialization, including an IPO
Carl Genberg
Michael Triplett
Michael Triplett

Naegis Pharmaceuticals Inc. Canada

Naegis, based in Vancouver, British Columbia, is developing novel, small-molecule leukotirene synthesis inhibitors (LTSIs) for serious inflammatory conditions.  The Company is currently focused on two proprietary programs: 

topical and oral therapy for Uveitis, a condition that is responsible for 10% of legal blindness in the US and for which there are limited therapeutic options. 

o oral therapy for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD),  a serious lung disease with increasing rates of mortality.

Naegis has developed a large library of LTSIs that are potent inhibitors of either 5-LO or LTA4H.  The Company is currently identifying a lead compound for selection for futher development for ocular disease, in particular Uveitis.

The Company is also advancing a series of compounds that are novel structures and highly selective and potent inhibitors of LTA4H, which are expected to be developed as new therpaies for COPD

Naegis is seeking pharmaceutical partners and capital investment to advance more rapidly their novel programs.

Year Founded
Biotech Subsector
Biotech Phase of Development
Technology Overview
Leukotrienes are key inflammatory mediators implicated in many diseases. There is growing evidence of their central role in Uveitis. 5-LO inhibitors have been shown to reduce the clinical signs of uveitis in animal models. Naegis is developing potent 5-LO inhibitors that are both topically and orally active, with unique structures that are not expected to have the limitations of earlier 5-LO inhibitors. In COPD recent evidence has demonstrated the critical role for LTA4H in the progression and persistence of the disease. However it has recently been shown that LTA4H has a dual role and functions as both a pro and anti-inflammatory. Thus it is necessary to identify compounds that are active only against the pro-inflammatory function of the enzyme, whilst sparing its anti-inflammatory effects. Naegis is developing highly specific inhibitors of LTA4H that inhibit only the anti-inflammatory activity of LTA4H.
Alliance & Collaborations
In discussion
Current Financing Needs
$500,000 - $1,000,000
Current Timeline
Current Investors
IP Status
Proprietary compounds
Management Team Highlights
CEO - Dr. David Burgoyne an experienced medicinal chemist who has developed compounds that are in current human clinical trials. Also on the Board are Dr. Philip Davies, formerly Executive Director of Research and Area Head of Immunology at Merck, New Jersey. Also Dr Julia Levy, founder of QLT and developer of the first effective therapy for macular degeneration.
Ian McBeath
Ian McBeath
Corporate Development 

National Heart Lung and Blood Institute

The Office of Translational Alliances and Coordination (OTAC) at the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute supports the development of innovative biomedical products to address unmet medical needs in the heart, lung, blood and sleep fields.  OTAC is home to the NHLBI's small business programs (SBIR and STTR) and the NIH Centers for Accelerated Innovations.

The NHLBI's SBIR and STTR programs comprise one of the largest sources of early-stage capital for U.S. small business, acting as engines of innovation for developing and commercializing novel technologies and products that aid in the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of heart, lung, blood, and sleep diseases and disorders. The NHLBI provides grant and contract funding opportunities and resources to support small businesses performing research and development on technologies related to the mission of NHLBI. With an annual budget of $85M, the NHLBI funds about 200 companies each year through the Institute's small business programs.

The NIH Centers for Accelerated Innovations accelerate translation of scientific discovery into commercial products that improve health for patients. This unique public-private partnership is changing the way discoveries with scientific and commercial potential are identified and developed.

Dr Kurt Marek
Dr Kurt Marek
LinkedIn logo Deputy Director OTAC 
Dr Gary Robinson
Dr Gary Robinson
LinkedIn logo Business Development Specialist 

Neurodyn Life Sciences Inc.

Neurodyn Inc. (neurodyn.ca) is a Canadian biotechnology company using a portfolio approach to identifying, validating and developing natural bioactives into both prescription drugs and natural products for the early treatment of Alzheimer's Disease, Parkinson's Disease and other neurodegernative disorders. 

Memogain® is a patented pro-drug of an existing major Alzheimer's cognition enhancement drug, offering improved side effect profile and increased bioavailability. Initial Phase 1A results have been positive, showing no significant side effects and improved working memory in young and elderly volunteers. Memogain may qualify for a new US FDA accelterated pathway or Eu equivalent.

Cerbella is a treatment for early stage Parkinson's disease which has demonstrated in-vivo pre-clinical efficacy in acute models as well as Neurodyn's proprietary chronic model of Parkinson's disease. A product is expected to launch in Canada, USA or other countries in 2015.

NeuroPro® is a professionally-oriented supplement launched in October 2013, designed for neuroprotection and bansed on 5 years of animal model research.

Nerve Pain Treatment (PN34) is a rare first-in-class neuromodulator, being prepared for a topical orphan status nerve paincondition, with clinical trials to begin in 2015.

Progranulin (ND602) is a novel therapeutic demonstrating in-vivo pre-clinical efficacy in ALS, PD< Alzheimer's disease and Spinal Muscular Atrophy. The company is in its third year of collaboration (late stage pre-clinical evaluation) with the Michael J. Fox Foundation.

Kenneth Cawkell

NeuroNetworks Fund

Neuro Networks Fund is a Venture Philanthropy fund that was established in 213. The fund is looking to make equity investments into companies and projects ranging from $25 for research projects and up to $5 million for early stage companies. The firm will reinvest all returns from these investments back into its fund in an evergreen structure. The firm hopes to begin making its first investments as soon as Q4 214 but is currently very open to discussion and networking with companies in its target sectors. The firm is open to review opportunities from around the globe.
Brian Horsburgh

New Leaf Venture Partners

New Leaf Venture Partners is a venture capital company formed in 25 with offices in New York and San Mateo California. The firm currently manages two funds with its most recent fund having closed at $45 million in 27. The firm is looking to make equity investments ranging from $1-$25 million over the lifetime of the investment. The firm looks for companies primarily in the United States and some select opportunities in Europe. The firm plans to make between 1-5 investments over the next year.
Mike Dybbs

Norfolk Medical Products Inc.

Norfolk Medical pioneered the oncology market in 1981 by developing one of the first vascular access ports for long-term access.  Since then, we have continued to develop innovative cutting-edge medical devices.  Our latest development is a device for diabetes that allows the body to be insulin independent.  Our device is the world's first active immunoisolation device that facilitates the exchange of oxygen, nutrients, and waste products while protecting against the bodies immune response without the use of additional drugs or immunosuppressant’s.  We are confident that the basic principles of the device can be applied to other applications from anemia and liver failure (NASH) to ALS.  We are currently in the pre-clinical stage of research and are actively looking for a strategic partner to develop this product. 

Biotech Subsector
Biotech Phase of Development
Medtech Phase of Development
Jordan Dalton