Jacob Philipsen Denmark

RSP Systems A/S is dedicated to improving the health and quality of life of people worldwide through its unique and patented solution for non-invasive diagnostics. The first targeted application is a product line of non-invasive glucose monitors, which will provide diabetics with a convenient, pain-free alternative to the current invasive solutions, which require the diabetic to puncture his or her skin to extract blood onto an expensive test strip.


Year Founded
Main Sector
Medtech Subsector
Medtech Phase of Development
Technology Overview

RSP’s technology is based on a direct optical detection principle, Raman spectroscopy, a mature technology to which RSP has developed and patented improvements enabling the measurement of concentrations of various substances in the interstitial fluid (tissue fluid surrounding the cells of the body) non-invasively through the skin. Proof-of-concept for glucose measurement on diabetics has been demonstrated through pilot trials in collaboration with Odense University Hospital in Denmark. 

RSP Systems A/S

Vinzenz Ploerer United States

Brace Pharmaceuticals is based in Rockville, MD, and is a strategic investment company formed by Brazil-based pharma company EMS S/A. Brace investment structure varies depending on a company’s development stage; for early-stage opportunities Brace typically makes equity investments and may syndicate with other investors, whereas for clinical-stage opportunities Brace is more likely to form strategic partnerships that involve rights to an asset. Brace is open to considering therapeutic opportunities globally, but only if the company is pursuing the US market.

Brace Pharmaceuticals invests in therapeutics; about 80% of the firm’s investments are in clinical-stage assets, with a preference for companies with some human proof-of-concept data; the remaining 20% of investments are made in preclinical opportunities. Drug-device combinations will also be considered, but Brace does not invest in diagnostics. The firm will invest in both small and large molecules, and has a strong preference for investing in orphan drugs and other niche disease areas. It is preferred that indications have validated clinical endpoints and can be studied using small trials. Indications that require large clinical trials, including as cardiovascular diseases and primary care indications (such as influenza) will not be considered.

Brace Pharmaceuticals
President & CEO 

Stephen Pollitt

Sand Hill Angels is an angel group that was founded in 2 and is headquartered in Sunnyvale California. The group focuses on investments in early-stage (from seed to series C) companies in the Life Sciences IT Internet and Clean Tech sectors. The group prefers to make equity and convertible notes investments and the typical investment size ranges from $.1million to $.5million. The group will consider syndicating with other investors for larger investments. The group will consider companies across the US.
Sand Hill Angels
Board Member Membership Chair 

Hjalmar Pompe van Meerdervoort United States

VisionScope Technologies (VSI) is an early stage medical device company utilizing state of the art video hardware, micro-optics (1.4mm) and advanced computational software to bring arthroscopic imaging to the surgeon’s office. The company’s VisionScope Imaging (VSI) system brings gold standard accuracy into the clinic, providing surgeons with direct visualization of patients’ joint space – views that could previously only be achieved in the operating room – providing better outcomes at a lower cost to both MRI and OR based diagnostics.

 Benefits of VSI:    

·     High definition quality of a VSI diagnostic can eliminate the need for a MRI and rule out OR based diagnostic surgery

·     More detailed and accurate than a MRI for joint conditions

·     Significantly reduces the cost of care for individuals and overall healthcare systems

·     Patient centric exam – the patient participates in treatment discussion

Year Founded
Main Sector
Medtech Subsector
Medtech Phase of Development
Technology Overview
A needle endoscope (1.4mm diameter) houses a miniature fiberscope which allows complete inter-capsular diagnostics in a physician office setting. The endoscope is gently inserted into the joint space (capsule) with pictures and video projected onto a monitor for both the physician and patient to observe. The diagnostic takes place in an office exam room with only a local anesthesia (Lidocaine.) The exam takes less than 10 minutes and requires no stitches or recovery time.
Alliance & Collaborations
Supporting Metrics or Evidence
A multi-center, prospective, blinded clinical trial compared the accuracy and efficacy of VSI to MRI and surgical arthroscopy in the diagnosis of knee pathologies. The results: VSI is statistically equivalent to surgical diagnostic arthroscopy (the gold standard) and significantly more detailed and accurate than MRI.
Current Financing Needs
Seeking equity investments
IP Status
24 Issued patents on the core technology
Recent Milestones
Pivotal trial presentation at AOSSM (American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine)
Management Team Highlights
The leadership team has substantial orthopedics and med tech experience at Zimmer, Stryker, J&J DePuy (Hand Innovations), Intuitive Surgical and J&J Mitek (Innovasive Devices)
VisionScope Technologies

Stephen Porter United States

Advances in synthetic chemistry and drug screening techniques have flooded the pharmaceutical industry with potential new drugs. At the same time, industry consolidation and financial pressures on R&D budgets have reduced the ability of biotech and pharmaceutical companies to develop early stage drugs. As a result of these market forces, large pharmaceutical companies have restricted their drug development activities to "blockbuster" drugs ($1 billion revenues) with proven efficacy. Promising early-stage drugs developed in emerging biotech and pharmaceutical companies, and university research laboratories are being shelved. 
VDDI Pharmaceuticals has been formed to capitalize on these opportunities. The Company will license attractive product development opportunities from academic institutions, biotech firms and pharmaceutical companies. VDDI Pharmaceuticals will focus on pharmaceutical product opportunities where general proof-of-principle has already been established in pre-clinical or human testing, and where the products are novel and offer significant potential advantages to products currently in the market or in development. VDDI Pharmaceuticals will pursue early-stage products qualifying for fast track approval, primarily in the areas of cancer, cardiovascular disease and infectious disease and develop the products through Phase II of the required regulatory approval processes. The developed products will be licensed to existing pharmaceutical companies for product marketing, thereby generating license fees and ongoing royalties for VDDI Pharmaceuticals.

As its name suggests, VDDI Pharmaceuticals utilizes a virtual business model. Virtual drug development entails: (i) a small core group of employees responsible for strategic management, regulatory strategy, and financial control, (ii) outsourcing all non-core business functions, including preclinical and clinical drug development, and (iii) electronic data capture and data submission to regulatory authorities. By adopting this model, VDDI Pharmaceuticals believes it can reduce total drug development program costs by at least 25% and development times by up to 50%.

Year Founded
Biotech Subsector
Biotech Phase of Development
Technology Overview
Rhabdomyolysis results from muscle injury that leads to the release of myoglobin, which is then deposited in the kidney; acute renal failure (ARF) results.
Alliance & Collaborations
Heyuan Co-Source, Hefei, PRC for xemilofiban only. Vanderbilt University for PIP Inhibitors
Current Financing Needs
$2.5 M
Current Timeline
Orphan Designation 1Q 2015, FIle SBIR/STTR APril 5, 2015, Pre-IND work June 2015 FIle IND July 2016, Sept, 2016 Phase I
Current Investors
$14 Million for previous assest and xemilofiban and $375 SBIR STTR NIH for PIP inhibitor program. Angels and NIH SBIR/STTR
IP Status
Patent and application serial numbers 8,367,669, 13/759,987, 61/761,182
Recent Milestones
VDDI Vanderbilt Option Agreement Signed Dec 2013
Management Team Highlights
R. Stephen Porter, Pharm. D. - Chairman, CEO and President: Dragon Bio-Consultants ,Therapeutic Antibodies, Am. Cyanamid
VDDI Pharmaceuticals
President, CEO 

Kayvon Pourmirzaie


Lorenzo Pradella

Z-Cube invests strategically in technologies that benefit Zambon’s pharmaceuticals and API chemical businesses. 

Within the therapeutics sector, Z-Cube is interested in new technological platforms that enable Zambon’s therapeutic innovation (Z-Cube does not make developmental-stage investments in new chemical entities, and as Zambon only markets small molecule therapeutics, technologies related to biologics are not of interest). This includes drug delivery innovations, and other enabling technologies for therapeutics that do not have to undergo the full therapeutic approval process in order to reach the marketplace. 

Z-Cube is also interested in diagnostics, particularly point of care diagnostics, companion diagnostics and other diagnostics that are used alongside a therapeutic intervention, and diagnostics that can be used in preventative care or to lower overall healthcare costs. Zambon is also interested in diagnostic technologies used to monitor a chronic condition. 

Zambon’s therapeutic focus areas are respiratory diseases and pain (particularly chronic pain), and the firm is also interested in CNS disorders and women’s health (encompassing osteoporosis and rheumatoid arthritis in addition to ob/gyn). However in the diagnostics sector, Zambon is interested in all indications. 

Zambon is additionally interested in digital technologies that enhance communication in the healthcare space, particularly between doctor and patient or between general practitioners and specialists. This includes EMR and telehealth technologies, and devices that transmit information wirelessly. 

Zambon is also interested in innovations in high-tech chemistry, including purification of APIs, advanced crystallography, and novel custom synthesis.

Zcube | Research Venture

Jayson Punwani

Pappas Ventures is a Venture Capital company based in Durham North Carolina founded in 1994. The firm manages 4 funds for a total of approximately $35 million in assets under management. The firms is currently investing out of its $1 million 4th fund focused exclusively on the life sciences. The firm looks to provide up to $5 million of preferred equity capital in the initial round and up to $1 million over the life of the investment. The firm is very flexible in terms of period to exit but generally looks to exit in around 5 years. The firm plans to make 2-3 investments over the next 6-9 months and will consider companies throughout North America.
Pappas Ventures

Dennis Purcell

Aisling Capital is a private equity group based in New York with over $1.6 billion in assets under management. Aisling is currently looking for new firms for potential investments for the firm?s third fund. The firm looks to make investments in companies seeking to raise a total round of $2-5 million. The firm looks to invest in companies globally with a focus on companies located in the United States.
Aisling Capital
Founder and Senior Advisor