Giles Tilley Australia

We are an Australian Biotechnology Company nearing completion on five year R&D programme into new, novel compounds from natural rare Australian extracts for both the prophylactic and treatment of giardiasis.

Current R&D programmes in both Australia and Boston, MA.

World’s first alternative natural treatment to antibiotic strength drugs of choice against bacteria and protozoa for animals envisages enormous market potential, including human, organic, veterinary and husbandry sectors   

Fast kill rate ‘within 5 minutes’  

Non-Toxic and safe for human and animal consumption.

No antibiotic resistance problems that plague current treatment modalities [due to multiple compounds]

Kills all the life cycle – Pluripotent and treats both the disease and the pathogenesis of the disease in multiple ways

MOA established and known [several]

Year Founded
Biotech Subsector
Biotech Phase of Development
Technology Overview
Current Financing Needs
seed angel to $1 million
Current Investors
Medifruit Pty Ltd

Nathan Tinker

Executive Director 

Ross Tonkens

The American Heart Association is a non-profit foundation that was founded 1924. The firm looks to make equity investments into companies of up to $25 generally in the seed or series A stage. The firm is looking to invest in companies located throughout the United States and is currently seeking new investment opportunities.
Investor Type
Biotech Subsector
Biotech Phase of Development
Medtech Phase of Development
Capital Structure Preference
Investment Stage Preference
American Heart Association
Director Science and Technology Accelerator 

Winston Town Taiwan

Diamond BioFund is an evergreen fund that was established in 2013 and is based in Taipei City, Taiwan. The fund is operating from a committed capital of USD 300 million. The fund makes equity investments in early- to late-stage private businesses. Typical allocations range from USD 1.5 million to north of USD 10 million. The fund likes to lead investments in Taiwan-based businesses and co-invest in businesses overseas. The fund is currently seeking new opportunities in Taiwan, Greater China, Southeast Asia, US, Canada, and EU.

Diamond BioFund takes a generalist approach when considering life science opportunities, including therapeutics (small molecule and biologics), medical devices, diagnostics, healthcare services, and nutraceuticals. The fund is seeking cutting edge, innovative, and platform technology. In therapeutics, the fund considers all stages from preclinical through pre-IPO. In medical devices, the fund prefers later stage projects with proof of concept. The fund is open to all disease indications.

Investor Type
Biotech Phase of Development
Medtech Phase of Development
Capital Structure Preference
Investment Stage Preference
Diamond BioFund
Vice President 

Haochau Tran

Life Science Practice Leader 

Michael Triplett United States

N8 Medical is a development-stage medical device company focused upon commercializing antimicrobial medical devices and coatings to address the multibillion dollar public health and economic burden associated with medical device-related hospital acquired infections and healthcare associated infections (HAIs).  N8 Medical’s key differentiator from competitors is the application of a novel, proprietary class of pharmaceutically active compounds known as ceragenins, Cationic Selective Antimicrobials, or CSAs (ceragenins or CSAs) to medical devices for the purpose of providing antifouling or anti-infective properties. N8 Medical believes that ceragenins offer unparalleled efficacy and cost advantages over other coatings and means of addressing HAIs. Further, the use of ceragenins as a platform technology under its CONTEGO™ brand across numerous device segments with multiple coating options provides N8 Medical with a unique, sustainable competitive advantage over other medical device companies.  

N8 Medical is seeking $6 million in investment capital, which it believes will be sufficient to fund development, FDA approval and CE Marking of its proprietary coated CONTEGO™ endotracheal tube (ETT), and initial commercialization activities. N8 Medical has designed its antimicrobial ETT to reduce ICU stays by a single day or more, thereby saving the hospital $3,000 to $5,000 in non-reimbursable costs per ICU patient, and, significantly, by freeing up an ICU bed one day earlier for a new revenue-generating patient and resulting in better profitability for providers and substantial opportunity cost savings.  Thus, N8’s CONTEGO™ ETT presents a compelling value proposition for hospitals.  N8's internal valuation model aligns with relevant market data and comparable companies, indicating a successful antimicrobial device company could achieve a value of over $100 million.  


Year Founded
Biotech Subsector
Biotech Phase of Development
Medtech Phase of Development
Technology Overview
Novel antimicrobial small molecule mimetics of antimicrobial peptides applied to medical devices
Alliance & Collaborations
Engaged with leading medical device companies for technology feasibility evaluations
Supporting Metrics or Evidence
in vitro and in vivo efficacy and safety studies
Current Financing Needs
$6 million
Current Timeline
Clinical study planned for Q4 2015/ Q1 2016
IP Status
Patent protection into the 2030's
Management Team Highlights
Successful track record medical technology commercialization, including an IPO
Michael Triplett
N8 Medical

Steve Tsetsekos

Iliad Ventures is a private investment firm funded entirely by its partners that is based in New York City. The firm is looking to make equity investment into early and mid-stage life science companies ranging from $5 to 2 million initially. The firm looks to get involved in Seed and Series A Rounds. The firm could make as many as 6 investments over the next 12 months and looks to invest in companies located throughout the United States Europe and Israel.
Iliad Ventures
General Partner