Neil Thomas United States

Ventac Partners is a dedicated life science investment and consulting firm with offices in Europe, USA and Asia. Ventac Partners has a strong track record in founding new innovative companies, fund raising and supporting M&A transactions.

All partners are experienced and hands-on life science entrepreneurs with proven track-record in successfully starting, funding, growing and expanding international life science companies.

Neil Thomas
Ventac Partners
LinkedIn logo Partner 

Mr Robert Thompson United States

Amorphex Therapeutics is an early clinical stage company that was founded to develop products for sustained ophthalmic drug delivery using patented TODDD™ technology. Topical ophthalmic pharmaceuticals are a $5+Billion market, but inaccurate and inefficient delivery systems, poor compliance and excessive side effects undermine their clinical benefits and true sales potential. TODDD™ is a soft, non-invasive device that is completely concealed under the eyelid and continuously delivers therapeutic levels of drug 24/7 over several months. While TODDD™ is soft and flexible, unlike soft contact lenses, it doesn’t contain appreciable water and avoids the surface drying and resulting deposits that irritate and deter many contact lens wearers. In recognition of the potential benefits and their developmental progress, the company’s founders have been awarded three National Institutes of Health (NIH-SBIR) grants for the TODDD™ technology totaling $2.5 million.

TODDD™ has issued patents in major markets and has been successfully tested in safety studies, animal trials with drugs and without drug in humans.

Amorphex is seeking to fund small, 30 - 40 subject, human clinical trials of TODDD™ delivering timolol, prostaglandin and both drugs simultaneously. This funding will also support pre-clinical development of TODDD™ for ocular allergy and inflammation applications.  These milestones will drive dramatic increases in valuation and corporate partner interest.

Year Founded
Main Sector
Biotech Subsector
Medtech Subsector
Biotech Phase of Development
Medtech Phase of Development
Supporting Metrics or Evidence
Successful safety studies, animal trials and human proof of concept studies.
Current Financing Needs
$1.1M to regulatory milestone, $2.1M to clinical milestone, $4.6+ M to complete plan
IP Status
Patents issued in US, Europe, Japan and Canada
Amorphex Therapeutics

Eli Thomssen United States

Armune BioScience is a medical diagnostics company formed to develop and commercialize unique technology for diagnostic and prognostic tests for prostate, lung and breast cancers. The technology is unique because it utilizes autoantibodies created by the body’s own immune system to detect cancer at an early stage. When the immune system recognizes a cancer antigen it creates an autoantibody to the antigen which is replicated by the immune system. Armune’s technology can be used to detect these autoantibodies in serum.

Early detection and prognosis of cancer is critical not only in selecting appropriate treatment protocols, but also in increasing 5-year survival rates among cancer patients. Cancer detection in early stages is typically performed by detecting cancer-specific serum antigens. Unfortunately, cancer serum antigens are present at very low levels in early stage disease. Also, a single detectable cancer antigen may not be present in all patients due to heterogeneity of the disease and therefore multiple biomarkers are needed. Detection of serum autoantibody responses to tumor antigens provides more reliable serum marker(s) for cancer diagnosis. Serum autoantibodies are more stable than serum antigens and may be more abundant than antigens, especially at low tumor burdens characteristic of early stage cancer. The technology does not detect cancer per se, but looks for the immune response to cancer.

Armune’s initial focus is on a prostate cancer diagnostic test. The PSA (Prostate Specific Antigen) test is currently used as a prostate cancer diagnostic test and it has good sensitivity (~86%), but very poor specificity (20 to 30%) resulting in high false positive rates (70 to 80%) and many unnecessary biopsies and costs.

Year Founded
Medtech Subsector
Biotech Phase of Development
Medtech Phase of Development
Technology Overview
The technology is unique because it utilizes autoantibodies created by the body’s own immune system to detect cancer at an early stage. When the immune system recognizes a cancer antigen it creates an autoantibody to the antigen which is replicated by the immune system.
Current Financing Needs
Completing a Series A syndicate of $2.5 million.
Current Timeline
Launching the prostate cancer diagnostic assay as a LDT (Laboratory Developed Test) under the CLIA guidelines beginning Q1 '15.
Current Investors
Angels, MEDC (Michigan Economic Development Corporation), BRCC (Bioscience Research Commercialization Center) and grants.
IP Status
3 patents issues and 6 pending
Recent Milestones
We have developed and validated the prostate cancer diagnostic assay.
Management Team Highlights
Extensive life science experience in both large companies as well as start-ups.
Armune BioScience
President & CEO 

Ms Gail Thurston United States

PxRadia is applying its HD-mAb technology platform to provide increased therapeutic potency to biosimiliar monoclonal antibodies. These antibodies are directed to validated targets such as Her-2, CD-20 and PD-1/PD-L.  We and our partners will share new IP and rights and differentiation from current products in the marketplace.

Year Founded
Biotech Subsector
Biotech Phase of Development
Technology Overview
HD-mAb Technology Platform Potentiates Therapeutic Efficacy of Monoclonal Antibodies
Alliance & Collaborations
Current Financing Needs
Current Investors
LH Financial, NYC
IP Status
Recent Milestones
Seed Round Financing
Management Team Highlights
Alton C. Morgan, Serial Entrepreneur & world renown Expert in Monoclonal Antibodies
PxRadia Inc.
VP Corporate Development 

Michael Triplett United States

N8 Medical is a development-stage medical device company focused upon commercializing antimicrobial medical devices and coatings to address the multibillion dollar public health and economic burden associated with medical device-related hospital acquired infections and healthcare associated infections (HAIs).  N8 Medical’s key differentiator from competitors is the application of a novel, proprietary class of pharmaceutically active compounds known as ceragenins, Cationic Selective Antimicrobials, or CSAs (ceragenins or CSAs) to medical devices for the purpose of providing antifouling or anti-infective properties. N8 Medical believes that ceragenins offer unparalleled efficacy and cost advantages over other coatings and means of addressing HAIs. Further, the use of ceragenins as a platform technology under its CONTEGO™ brand across numerous device segments with multiple coating options provides N8 Medical with a unique, sustainable competitive advantage over other medical device companies.  

N8 Medical is seeking $6 million in investment capital, which it believes will be sufficient to fund development, FDA approval and CE Marking of its proprietary coated CONTEGO™ endotracheal tube (ETT), and initial commercialization activities. N8 Medical has designed its antimicrobial ETT to reduce ICU stays by a single day or more, thereby saving the hospital $3,000 to $5,000 in non-reimbursable costs per ICU patient, and, significantly, by freeing up an ICU bed one day earlier for a new revenue-generating patient and resulting in better profitability for providers and substantial opportunity cost savings.  Thus, N8’s CONTEGO™ ETT presents a compelling value proposition for hospitals.  N8's internal valuation model aligns with relevant market data and comparable companies, indicating a successful antimicrobial device company could achieve a value of over $100 million.  


Year Founded
Biotech Subsector
Biotech Phase of Development
Medtech Phase of Development
Technology Overview
Novel antimicrobial small molecule mimetics of antimicrobial peptides applied to medical devices
Alliance & Collaborations
Engaged with leading medical device companies for technology feasibility evaluations
Supporting Metrics or Evidence
in vitro and in vivo efficacy and safety studies
Current Financing Needs
$6 million
Current Timeline
Clinical study planned for Q4 2015/ Q1 2016
IP Status
Patent protection into the 2030's
Management Team Highlights
Successful track record medical technology commercialization, including an IPO
Michael Triplett
N8 Medical

Dr Evan Unger United States

NuvOx Pharma is developing a series of biologics that increase tissue oxygenation. The company's first market will be in oncology, where increased tumor oxygenation increases the response of tumors to radiation therapy. The company recently started a Phase 1b clinical trial in Glioblastoma Multiforme, and is raising a $2.5 million Series A to complete this trial. Afterwards it will seek partners for a Phase 2b in Glioblastoma, and Phase 1b trials in lung cancer and other oncology indications. After growing to a critical mass in oncology, the company will seek to become standard treatment to increase tissue oxygenation for patients suffering from heart attack, stroke, hemorrhaggic shock, and traumatic brain injury.

Biotech Phase of Development
Current Financing Needs
$2.5 million
Current Investors
Founders, Family, Friends, Desert Angels. $4.2 million Equity, $2.8 million Grants
IP Status
5 patents Issued, 5 pending. FDA grants 12 years regulatory exlusivity for first-in-class biologics.
Recent Milestones
Started Phase 1b Clinical Trial
Dr Evan Unger
NuvOx Pharma
President & CEO 

A Tucson entrepreneur with 100+ issued patents. Founder of ImaRx Pharmaceutical, which developed 3 FDA approved drugs and was acquired by DuPont.  MD with board certification in Radiology. 

Rik Vandevenne United States

River Cities Capital Fund is a private equity firm founded in 1994 and based in Cincinnati, Ohio. The firm manages approximately $500 million under management and is currently investing out of its 2014 vintage $200 fund. The firm looks to make investments of $5-$15 million initially up to $20 million over the investments lifetime. The firm is willing to invest throughout the United States and is looking to make approximately 4-6 equity investments over the next 6 to 9 months.

River Cities Capital Funds

Eron Villarreal United States

Yuzu Labs, based in Silicon Valley, is a research startup that aims to make clinical, behavioral, and social research more accessible, easier, faster, and cheaper. We've recently launched a private beta of our initial product named StudyPages. Researchers can use this web application to quickly set up a dedicated webpage for their studies, share with target communities, and track signups. Please visit the site to learn more:
Year Founded
Service Provider Type
Eron Villarreal
Yuzu Labs
LinkedIn logo Co-Founder 

Eron holds a computer science engineering degree and has broad experience in Silicon Valley startups spanning search (Inflection), mobile advertising (InMobi), electronic medical records (drchrono), and medical device development (Scanadu). At Yuzu Labs, Eron manages all things tech with a passion for quality, teamwork, and technology driven problem solving. After college, he lived in Japan for 5+ years, where he built a new life from scratch and became a hybrid of American and Japanese values.

I crave hard problems, believe that people united by a goal can change the world, work tirelessly for something I believe in, and am an optimist with no fear, despite the odds, as everything works out in the end.

Phillip Vincent United States

Plug and Play Ventures (a successor fund to Amidzad Partners) is a private/family investment vehicle based in Silicon Valley, CA. The fund is a structured organization for making angel investments in pre-seed or seed rounds. Investments are in the form of equity; in the next 6 months Plug and Play Ventures expects to make about 5-10 seed investments of $50,000-100,000 and an additional 40 pre-seed investments of $25,000, and is hoping to increase their allocations in the healthcare sector. Plug and Play also provides a three-month accelerator program. The firm will consider investing in companies worldwide.

Plug and Play Ventures is interested in investing in medical technology, and invests in subsectors in which the firm can apply expertise; typically this means products that have a significant software component. Healthcare IT, biosensors, wearables and health monitoring devices are of interest. While the firm is open to investing in any indication, Plug and Play is particularly interested in diabetes & blood glucose monitoring, personal fitness, and mental/behavioral disorders. In the healthcare IT sector, Plug and Play Ventures is interested in both consumer applications and enterprise software, but is not interested in diagnostic software such as genomic, proteomic, or molecular diagnostic algorithms; however, optimization and data analysis software for hospitals and diagnostic laboratories is of interest.

Plug and Play Tech Center
Corporate Partnerships Manager 

Dr Garrett Vygantas United States

Jump Capital was founded in 2012 and is based in Chicago, with an additional office in San Francisco. The firm is investing from a $250m fund, and is interested in a variety of sectors including the life science field. For life science investments, Jump Capital typically allocates $2-15 million, and prefers to invest in Series B-C rounds. Jump Capital invests in the USA and Canada, and has previously invested in 6 healthcare companies.

Jump Capital invests in medical devices, diagnostics, digital and mobile health, and healthcare services. The firm is open to opportunities in any clinical indication. Jump Capital is only interested in devices and diagnostics that have in-human data.

Jump Capital
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