Sam Hall United States

Apple Tree Partners is a private equity fund that was established in 1999 and based in New York, NY, with satellite offices in Princeton, NJ, Cambridge, MA and Brussels, Belgium. The firm controls up to $1.75 billion in assets under management and makes equity investments ranging from $100,000 for academic spinouts to $150 million dollar in later stage deals. The firm seeks to make investments around the globe with a focus on creating and building companies located within the US and Europe.

Year Founded
Investor Type
Biotech Phase of Development
Medtech Phase of Development
Capital Structure Preference
Investment Stage Preference
Apple Tree Partners

J. Zach Hall United States

Immusoft’s mission is to develop a breakthrough platform for delivering targeted medicines — programming a patient’s own cells to become miniature drug factories.

Our technology instructs a patient's cells to constantly secrete gene-encoded medicines (biologics). It will enable new treatments by solving current delivery limitations and production challenges. We are initially targeting orphaned diseases. 

Immusoft’s platform can program cells to continually produce and secrete therapeutic proteins and rare antibodies that have been impossible to elicit with a vaccine. This approach makes possible treatments that are otherwise impractical due to short halflife, injection site reactions, production challenges or a small market size. It offers many of the benefits of traditional approaches and modern gene therapies with less risk and greater control.

Immusoft has received grants from the National Institutes of Health and Peter Thiel's Breakout Labs as well as support from private investors, including the former head of preclinical development at Seattle Genetics. We have an exclusive license option on our core technology from Caltech and have filed two additional patents covering our extensive modifications to the technology.

ISP technology could replace a lifetime of infusions with a patient’s own drug-producing cells.

Year Founded
Biotech Phase of Development
Technology Overview
Turning patients' cells into drug factories
Alliance & Collaborations
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Discovery Genomics, Inc, University of Minnesota, The Ragon Institute, University of California San Francisco
Supporting Metrics or Evidence
Late-stage preclinical
Current Financing Needs
$3 to >$20M
Current Timeline
Preparing IND for clinical trial
Current Investors
Breakout Labs, Founders Fund Science, several angels
IP Status
multiple patents filed worldwide
Recent Milestones
GMP scale-up in preparation for clinical trial; engaging the FDA for Investigator-initiated IND; use of Sleeping Beauty Transposon non-viral vector
Management Team Highlights
Matthew Scholz (Founder and CEO) – Seasoned startup executive; founded and exited Point B Telematics. Eric Herbig, Ph.D., M.B.A. (CSO) – 15+ years of research experience and significant commercialization and management expertise. Zach Hall (Dir. of Operations) – Co-founder and operations director at two previous biomedical startups. Mei Xu, Ph.D. (Dir. of Research) – Molecular biologist with extensive research experience.
Immusoft Corporation
Director of Operations 

Mr Rob Hedequist United States

Kineta® is a nationally-recognized biotechnology company focused on developing leading edge therapeutics in three large high need therapeutic areas: autoimmune disease, viral disease and chronic pain. Our company is focused on the development of novel drug candidates each the outcome of years of scientific exploration and supported by an extensive body of peer-reviewed NIH-supported research.

Biotech Phase of Development
Technology Overview

Kineta® is developing a pipeline of next-generation medicines to respond to the needs of millions of people facing diseases around the world. Our scientific areas of expertise are immunology and neuropathic pain with research directed at curbing inflammation and returning the immune system to normal function. Kineta has five unique drug programs in development and each program represents a novel mechanism-of-action and has potential to result in a new class of drug. The innovative portfolio is derived from leading edge scientific research that taps into promising recently discovered cellular channels that control the body's defense mechanisms. Kineta’s drug programs are designed to enhance or modulate the natural human immune system and show great potential to be more effective, more tolerable and confer fewer side effects than existing drugs. We anticipate our products will be highly sought after by patients, healthcare providers and the pharmaceutical industry.

Alliance & Collaborations
27 Scientific and academic collaborations
Current Financing Needs

Series B round of $5M with follow on series C for an additional $20M.

Current Timeline

Autoimmune drug successfully completed phase I clinical trials and is currently in a phase 1B extension study to be completed 1st quarter.  In discussions with numerous large pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies around a licensing transaction.

Antiviral and pain programs are currently in pre-clinical development with high industry interest.  We are in significant partnering discussions around several of our anti-viral drug candidates.

Current Investors

We have raised $36M since 2008.  This has been augmented with an additional $52M in NIH funding.

Our current investors are accredited investors, high net worth individuals, Family Offices, a boutique PE group and the Iacocca Foundation.

IP Status
  Protected Pipeline Secured with a
Valuable IP Portfolio ØStrong IP across each development program ØProprietary expertise in innate immunity & autoimmunity Ø27 Patent Families (28 owned, 6 in-licensed) •45 Issued Patents •154 Pending country applications •7 Pre-nationalized PCT or provisional families
Management Team Highlights

Chuck Magness, PhD


Human Genome Project; Co-founded & Sold Illumigen Biosciences ($17M + 321M); Kineta Enterprise >$60M

Shawn Iadonato, PhD


Human Genome Project; Illumigen Biosciences; Grew 5 Kineta Programs; 1st Kv1.3 in Clinic; >$35M  R&D Funds

Craig Philips, MBA

Commercial Operations

 VP & GM, Schering Plough, VP & GM, Bayer, President & GM CTI

Blake Ilstrup, JD

General Counsel /

Corporate Dev.

Hundreds of transactions with Cooley and Venture Law Group, General Counsel of Qpass, 6 Kineta transactions

Rob Hedequist

Corporate Development

Major Accounts, Managed Care & Sales/ Marketing Pfizer and Amgen; National Director Schering–Plough

Dan Eramian

Corporate Communications

First VP of communications for Biotech Industry Organization; US DOJ Director of Public Affairs; SBA

Ken North

Corporate Development

Founding CEO Seattle Savings Bank; Past president Seattle Kiwanis, Chamber of Commerce; Seafair Commodores

Dan Burge, MD


Trubion (CMO), VP Early Development Immunex, Amgen (early development on Enbrel)

Jeff Fellows


Global Regulatory Lead Amgen,  VP Regulatory Alder, VP Regulatory CTI,  First Kv1.3 in clinic, Sensipar Amgen

Senior Vice President Corporate Development 

Peter Heinecke United States

Xalud Therapeutics is developing novel, non-opioid therapies for the treatment of neuropathic pain and osteoarthritis. Our lead product, XT-101, has shown exceptional efficacy in the leading rodent models of pain and in canine patients with neuropathic pain and osteoarthritis. XT-101 has an excellent safety profile -- it does not cause sedation, dizziness, numbness, addiction or tolerance.  7 and 28 day GLP toxicology studies have been completed with excellent results.  Xalud intends to file an IND for a Phase I/IIa trial in mid-2015 and, pending funding, initiate clinical trials thereafter.

Xalud's approach to treating pain is fundamentally different than conventional approaches. XT-101 causes the body to produce the natural anti-inflammatory IL-10.  In neuropathic pain, the use of this broad spectrum anti-inflammatory reduces inflammation around the spinal cord and reduces aberant pain signaling.  In gold-standard rodent models, a single injection of XT-101 completely eliminates neuropathic pain for 12 weeks.  We have also tested XT-101 in canine patients with severe osteoarthritis that has been resistant to standard treatments.  In these patients, XT-101 has provided long lasting pain relief resulting in dramatically increased mobility and activity levels and increased joint flexibility.

To date, Xalud's efforts have been supported by over $6 million of grant funding from the NIH, the DOD, and disease foundations.  We seek to raise $6 to $10 Million to fund our initial clinical trial or trials.  These will be placebo controlled Phase I/IIa trials in actual patients.  Because XT-101 has an extended duration, we expect that these trials will provide the safety, efficacy and biomarker data necessary to support a robust Phase II program.

Year Founded
Biotech Phase of Development
Technology Overview
XT-101 is a proprietary plasmid DNA encoding for the natural, broad spectrum anti-inflammatory IL-10
Alliance & Collaborations
Xalud has received extensive support from the NIH and the DOD
Supporting Metrics or Evidence
In leading models of pain, a single administration completely reverses neuropathic pain for 12 weeks. Similar results have been observed in canine patients with osteoarthritis and neuropathic pain.
Current Financing Needs
$6MM to $10MM
Current Timeline
An IND for a Phase I/IIa trial will be filed in mid-2015.
Current Investors
Xalud is entirely grant funded and has raised over $6 MM in non-dilutive financing.
IP Status
Broad patent coverage and freedom to operate have been established
Recent Milestones
In late 2014, 7 and 28 day GLP toxicology studies were completed with excellent results.
Management Team Highlights
The Management team has substantial experience leading early stage biotech companies. Dr. Steve Collins, Xalud's Executive Chairman, has extensive experience managing biopharmaceutical companies and leading pain and CNS drug development efforts. He served as Senior Director for Global CNS and Pain at Johnson and Johnson and Chief Scientific Officer and Vice President of Medical Affairs at Ovation Pharmaceuticals (acquired by Lundbeck for approximately $963 MM). Most recently he served as Chief Executive Officer of NeuroTherapeutics Pharma, Inc., a venture-backed biotechnology company developing treatments for pain and epilepsy.
Xalud Therapeutics, Inc.
Chief Business Officer 

Luke Helm United States

Rapid Development of Injection Molded Medical Devices
From Concept Through Transfer-to-Manufacturing

Symbient specializes in engineering research and development, prototyping and design-for-manufacturing of innovative medical devices that use injection molded components. Our highly experienced team consists of mechanical and biomedical engineers, industrial designers, machinists and molding technicians. They leverage our in-house rapid prototyping, and prototype tooling fabrication and injection molding to create proven, manufacturable designs with unmatched speed, efficiency and precision. These designs make up our deep portfolio of over 300 successful devices that have collectively generated hundreds of millions of dollars. They include FDA Class I, II and III devices, developed under our ISO 13485 certified quality management system.


Our Services Include:

  • Concept Development
  • Development Engineering
  • Design-for-Manufacturing
  • Industrial Design
  • Project Rescue
  • Design Control per IOS 13485
  • Finite Element Analysis (FEA)
  • Design Verification Testing
  • Test Method Development
  • Transfer to Manufacturing


Our In-House Capabilities and Expertise Include:

  • Stereolithography (SLA) Prototyping
  • CNC Machining / Fabrication
  • Prototype Mold Fabrication
  • Prototype Injection Molding of Devices for Testing, Trials and Studies
  • Liquid Injection Molded (LIM) Silicone Prototype Molding
  • Product Reliability Testing
  • Plastics Assembly Expertise: Ultrasonic and Laser Welding, Heat Sealing, Pressure Sensitive Adhesives, Swaging, Snap Fits, Press Fits, Interlocks.
  • Speed: Prototype Molds in as little as 1 week and Modifications in as little as 1 Day
  • Material Selection Expertise, Research and Testing to Ensure All Product Requirements Are Met.


Our Portfolio Includes:

  • Diagnostics / Molecular Diagnostics
  • Sample collection / preparation
  • Life Sciences / Microfluidics
  • OTC Consumer products
  • Respiratory
  • Surgical devices and clinical tools
  • Drug Delivery


Year Founded
Unique Capabilities

Our Services Include:

  • Concept Development
  • Development Engineering
  • Design-for-Manufacturing
  • Industrial Design
  • Project Rescue
  • Design Control per IOS 13485
  • Finite Element Analysis (FEA)
  • Design Verification Testing
  • Test Method Development
  • Transfer to Manufacturing


Our In-House Capabilities and Expertise Include:

  • Stereolithography (SLA) Prototyping
  • CNC Machining / Fabrication
  • Prototype Mold Fabrication
  • Prototype Injection Molding of Devices for Testing, Trials and Studies
  • Liquid Injection Molded (LIM) Silicone Prototype Molding
  • Product Reliability Testing
  • Plastics Assembly Expertise: Ultrasonic and Laser Welding, Heat Sealing, Pressure Sensitive Adhesives, Swaging, Snap Fits, Press Fits, Interlocks.
  • Speed: Prototype Molds in as little as 1 week and Modifications in as little as 1 Day
  • Material Selection Expertise, Research and Testing to Ensure All Product Requirements Are Met.
Symbient Product Development
Director of Business Development 

Hannah Hensel United States

Brio Device, LLC is a medical device company and spin-out of the University of Michigan Medical Innovation Center based in Ann Arbor, MI. Brio develops airway management devices and intubation instruments.

PROBLEM: High Intubation Failure  

There are 20M+ intubations performed in the US every year. Depending on setting and skill of the clinician, failure rates range from 2% - 40% resulting in approximately 2,000,000 intubation failures every year. Intubation, the procedure to insert a plastic tube into the trachea, requires significant expertise and experience to do well.  With current products in the market, the tube often is inserted multiple times before it is properly placed, resulting in damage to the patient such as broken teeth, torn vocal cords, or insertion into the stomach leading to aspiration and pneumonia.  Three main factors affect intubation success rates: the user’s experience level, having directional control of the tube during insertion, and continuous visualization appreciated in bronchoscopes.  Clinicians need a single go-to device which is appropriate for use both in routine intubation and difficult airway cases offering guidance, maneuverability and visualization necessary to be successful. Failed intubation is the most common preventable cause of trauma-related deaths.  Approximately 180,000 deaths per year list complications associated with failed intubation.

SOLUTION: Brio’s Articulating & Video Stylets  

Brio is introducing a suite of products intended to improve intubation success rates for planned and emergent intubations, minimizing reliance on clinician skill for success.  The products range from disposable mechanical devices to devices with imbedded software providing anatomic image recognition guidance for the clinician. The devices have three critical elements to assist users in locating the trachea and maneuvering the endotracheal tube. 

1. Articulating tip with thumb-controlled steering

2. Continuous visualization

3. Visual guidance software 


Brio’s core competencies are R&D, product development, sales and marketing of medical devices.  Projections are built on three revenue streams: two disposable stylets (one with and one without a camera) and a reusable video display.   Brio has an agreement with a manufacturing partner to facilitate design history files, regulatory compliance, manufacturing and customer service.


Brio has received $815,000 funding, including $690K in non-dilutive grants and $125k in convertible notes.  The Company has received Small Business Investigational Research (SBIR) Grants from the NIH.  

Year Founded
Main Sector
Medtech Phase of Development
Technology Overview

Brio suite of devices for intubation. The products are used to insert endotracheal tubes and are designed for first-attempt intubation success.

Key Features

  • Software algorithm recognizes anatomical landmarks and displays labels on video screen
  • Software displays optimal position of sytlet tip with a white “x” as the stylet advances through the airway
  • Visualization of the tip
  • Tip articulation



  • Software enhanced visualization
  • Visually confirm success
  • Reduces time to intubate
  • Reduces tissue trauma

Alliance & Collaborations
Brio has its primary office and lab space within the medical device incubator and business accelerator facilities of MC3, Inc. The Company is considered a “Member” of MC3’s Medical Device Business Accelerator. Address: MC3, Inc. 3550 West Liberty, Suite 3, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48103. Manufacturing Partner Brio has an agreement with Summit Medical Products, Inc. based in Sandy, UT. The contract provides Brio with a team of experienced professionals from engineering, manufacturing, regulatory affairs, marketing and sales. Summit is engaged in the business of and possesses expertise with respect to, among other things, the manufacturing, assembling, processing, packaging, approvals and regulatory processes, and sales of medical devices. The strategic partnership Brio has with Summit is to assist in product design and development, process validation, risk management procedures, manufacturing, verification and validation, and quality assurance for the intubation device.
Supporting Metrics or Evidence

There are 20M+ intubations performed in the US every year. Depending on setting and skill of the clinician, failure rates range from 2% - 40% resulting in approximately 2,000,000 intubation failures every year.

Current Financing Needs

Current Financing Round: $1.5M ... Anticipated total paid-in-capital: $4.0M

Current Timeline

Completing design for manufacturing and pilot manufacturing. First generation product, FDA Class I exempt, enters the market in Q2 2015. Follow-on products to enter the market starting Q3 2016.

Current Investors

Convertible Notes: State of Michigan University Commercialization Fund, MC3, Inc., and Summit Medical

IP Status

PCT/US12/36290 submitted May, 2012. National Phase Patent Application Ser. No. 14/115,196 - Filed: Nov. 1, 2013.

Recent Milestones

Prototypes tested by groups of clinicians ranging from Residents to experienced specialists in simulation mannequins. First generation product being converted from 3D prototype to design for manufacturing and pilot manufacturing.

Management Team Highlights

Hannah Hensel, CEO, holds an MBA from the University of Michigan Ross School of Business and has 20+ years business leadership experience. A unique start-up experience for her took place as Sponsorship Sales & Marketing Manager for the 2002 Olympic Winter Games where she reported to Mitt Romney; the organization went from $0 to $1.5B in seven years. Product development for Brio is led by Laura McCormick, PhD in biomedical engineering, Douglas Mullen, PhD in nanotechnology/materials science and Sabina Siddiqui, MD. Brio's Commercialization Officer, Rich Borncamp, is the newest member of the team. He has spent his career launching new medical devices, establishing go-to-market plans nationally and internationally, and negotiating agreements with Group Purchasing Organizations.

Brio Device, LLC

Brian Horsburgh United States

Immunova is a startup with  an IP portfolio licensed from Yale and the Johns Hopkins Universities.

Immunova's technology platform has a unique capability to deliver one or more drugs to the tumor/disease microenvironment. The drugs can be proteins, small molecules or nucleic acids. The delivery platfrom has demonstatable advantages over other delivery systems. The technology has applications in oncology and inflammation.

The company's lead asset is positioned in oncology. IMM-01, consists of two drugs that (a) undermine the tumor micorenvironment and (b) increase anti-tumor cell mediated immunity. This asset is capable of curing mice of metastatic disease. Further, it significantly enhances the activites of immune checkpoint inhibitors. It is non toxic.

The company is seeking investment and R&D partners. Immunova has defined the path to a Phase I/IIa multidose trial which could initiate within 15 months of funding. Immunova is also seeking partners who wish to validate this platform in oncology and inflammation.

Year Founded
Biotech Subsector
Biotech Phase of Development
Technology Overview
Immunova’s platform enables effective drug combination therapy. Chemically diverse drugs such as biologics and small molecules can be formulated and encapsulated in a liposome and thereby delivered systemically to a target cell or environment where each encapsulated API can be released independently in a controlled or tuneable manner using our proprietary technology. Importantly, this approach also potentiates existing or novel therapies often increasing their therapeutic index. LipoGel-TR is a hybrid platform of liposomes and PLGA nanoparticle delivery systems designed to possess the positive features of each platform while minimizing the negative aspects. Many of the building blocks required to make a LipoGel can be bought preassembled and GMP from third party providers thus shortening development timelines. We have demonstrated the superiority of LipoGels in numerous in vitro assays (drug loading and release and potency) and animal models of disease (efficacy and survival). Using our technology we have demonstrated that we can (a) direct one or more drugs to the TME, (b) increase drug synergies, efficacy and potency of chemo and immunotherapies, (c) decrease drug toxicity, (d) increase immune cell activity and (e) generate new intellectual property.
Alliance & Collaborations
The company is actively seeking partners in oncology and inflammation.
Supporting Metrics or Evidence
The technology has been published in high profile journals and the founder actively collaborates with numerous scientists at leading institutions. The Company’s initial focus is cancer immunotherapy: delivery of molecules that modulate immunity, positively and negatively, in order to undermine the tumor microenvironment and allow the immune system to keep pace with tumor evolution and thus be primed to eradicate disease. Our lead asset, IMM01: • Is targeted to and accumulates in tumors; • Encapsulated APIs are slowly released over 7 days and this can be further modulated; • Dramatically increases potency and efficacy: in a murine model of metastatic disease, IV delivery of IMM-01 results in 85% survival of IMM-01-treated mice at day 60 whereas all untreated mice, as well as mice treated with the drugs in solution, have died by day 30; • Increases immune infiltrate within the tumor which correlates with good patient outcomes • Significantly increases the potency of anti-PD1 and anti-CTLA4 mAb therapy in a mouse model of metastatic disease supporting published MoA studies • Is not toxic; there are no signs of renal, hepatic, bronchial, RBC or leukocyte toxicity when IMM-01 is administered to mice at high doses.
Current Financing Needs
Immunova is seeking $8-10M to fund operations for three years and including a phase I/IIa clinical trial
Current Timeline
Pending financing, IMM-01 is ca 15 months from a Phase I/IIa clinical trial
Current Investors
Angel-backed to date
IP Status
The company has licensed 4 granted and 3 pending patents
Recent Milestones
Q3 2014 • Demonstration of synergy with checkpoint inhibitors • New patent filed • Patent granted • Academic founder noted as a bioentrepreneur to watch by Nature Biotechnology Q4 2014 • First phase technology transfer to CMO • Identified lead clinical trial site and PI • Determined drug needs for clinical trial • Regulator engaged for ‘preIND meeting’
Management Team Highlights
The Company has recruited an impressive team that has an established and successful record of building companies. The management, advisors and scientific founders have an established network of both pharmaceutical and medical contacts and extensive experience running biotechnology firms and executing clinical trials. For reference, the following biotech startups founded/managed/invested in by Immunova Management or Advisors, were acquired prior to FDA approval: • Neurovir Therapeutics, Inc. – Acquired by MediGene AG for $42M • Nurel Therapeutics – acquired by DyaMid AB (undisclosed) • Proximagen plc. – Acquired by Upsher Smith for $550M • PharmaGenics Inc. – acquired by Genzyme for $28M • Prostagen– acquired by Cytogen (undisclosed)
Immunova LLC

Dr Crystal Icenhour United States

Aperiomics, Inc. is a next generation sequencing service company with a mission to detect virtually any pathogen from any clinical, agricultural, or environmental sample.  This service platform uses a combination of next-generation sequencing and advanced bioinformatic data analysis to identify pathogens in various samples.  Aperiomics’ proprietary service platform focuses on pathogens of public and animal health importance, satisfying the increasing need for more robust and more efficient next-generation sequencing data analysis.

The impact of Aperiomics’ technologies is broad due to our unique approach to pathogen detection. Instead of blindly probing for a proverbial ‘needle in a haystack’, Aperiomics’ approach analyzes the entire ‘haystack’ using next-generation sequencing and harnessing the power of bioinformatics to identify all ‘needles’. This approach is transformative compared to current pathogen detection methods. Aperiomics’ proprietary service, Absolute*NGS Pathogen Detection Platform, screens samples (clinical, environmental, etc.) for the presence of any microbe (fungal, viral, bacterial, eukaryotic parasite) – including pathogens that have never before been identified. This platform technology has broad application across diverse markets such as health care, agriculture, environmental, industrial, and veterinary testing.

Year Founded
Biotech Subsector
Medtech Subsector
Biotech Phase of Development
Medtech Phase of Development
Current Financing Needs
$5M Series A
Dr Crystal Icenhour
LinkedIn logo CEO 

Crystal R. Icenhour, PhD received her PhD in Pathobiology and Molecular Medicine from the University of Cincinnati Medical School of Graduate Studies in 2002.  She conducted postdoctoral research in the Thoracic Diseases Research Unit at the Mayo Clinic College of Medicine from 2002-2005 and in the Department of Infectious Diseases at Duke University Medical Center from 2005-2006.  Dr. Icenhour has been involved in local and national postdoctoral associations including the Mayo Research Fellows Association Executive Committee (President), the Duke University Postdoctoral Association (chair of membership committee), and the National Postdoctoral Association (2008 Chair).  Dr. Icenhour was President & Chief Science Officer for Phthisis Diagnostics, a biotechnology company located in Charlottesville, Virginia from 2007-2013.  In 2014 Dr. Icenhour was hired as CEO of Aperiomics in Ashburn, Virginia.  Aperiomics’ focus is to harness the power of next-generation sequencing to improve world health.

Blake Ilstrup United States

Kineta® is a nationally-recognized biotechnology company focused on developing leading edge therapeutics in three large high need therapeutic areas: autoimmune disease, viral disease and chronic pain. Our company is focused on the development of novel drug candidates each the outcome of years of scientific exploration and supported by an extensive body of peer-reviewed NIH-supported research.

Biotech Phase of Development
Technology Overview

Kineta® is developing a pipeline of next-generation medicines to respond to the needs of millions of people facing diseases around the world. Our scientific areas of expertise are immunology and neuropathic pain with research directed at curbing inflammation and returning the immune system to normal function. Kineta has five unique drug programs in development and each program represents a novel mechanism-of-action and has potential to result in a new class of drug. The innovative portfolio is derived from leading edge scientific research that taps into promising recently discovered cellular channels that control the body's defense mechanisms. Kineta’s drug programs are designed to enhance or modulate the natural human immune system and show great potential to be more effective, more tolerable and confer fewer side effects than existing drugs. We anticipate our products will be highly sought after by patients, healthcare providers and the pharmaceutical industry.

Alliance & Collaborations
27 Scientific and academic collaborations
Current Financing Needs

Series B round of $5M with follow on series C for an additional $20M.

Current Timeline

Autoimmune drug successfully completed phase I clinical trials and is currently in a phase 1B extension study to be completed 1st quarter.  In discussions with numerous large pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies around a licensing transaction.

Antiviral and pain programs are currently in pre-clinical development with high industry interest.  We are in significant partnering discussions around several of our anti-viral drug candidates.

Current Investors

We have raised $36M since 2008.  This has been augmented with an additional $52M in NIH funding.

Our current investors are accredited investors, high net worth individuals, Family Offices, a boutique PE group and the Iacocca Foundation.

IP Status
  Protected Pipeline Secured with a
Valuable IP Portfolio ØStrong IP across each development program ØProprietary expertise in innate immunity & autoimmunity Ø27 Patent Families (28 owned, 6 in-licensed) •45 Issued Patents •154 Pending country applications •7 Pre-nationalized PCT or provisional families
Management Team Highlights

Chuck Magness, PhD


Human Genome Project; Co-founded & Sold Illumigen Biosciences ($17M + 321M); Kineta Enterprise >$60M

Shawn Iadonato, PhD


Human Genome Project; Illumigen Biosciences; Grew 5 Kineta Programs; 1st Kv1.3 in Clinic; >$35M  R&D Funds

Craig Philips, MBA

Commercial Operations

 VP & GM, Schering Plough, VP & GM, Bayer, President & GM CTI

Blake Ilstrup, JD

General Counsel /

Corporate Dev.

Hundreds of transactions with Cooley and Venture Law Group, General Counsel of Qpass, 6 Kineta transactions

Rob Hedequist

Corporate Development

Major Accounts, Managed Care & Sales/ Marketing Pfizer and Amgen; National Director Schering–Plough

Dan Eramian

Corporate Communications

First VP of communications for Biotech Industry Organization; US DOJ Director of Public Affairs; SBA

Ken North

Corporate Development

Founding CEO Seattle Savings Bank; Past president Seattle Kiwanis, Chamber of Commerce; Seafair Commodores

Dan Burge, MD


Trubion (CMO), VP Early Development Immunex, Amgen (early development on Enbrel)

Jeff Fellows


Global Regulatory Lead Amgen,  VP Regulatory Alder, VP Regulatory CTI,  First Kv1.3 in clinic, Sensipar Amgen


Tetsuro Iwata United States

MP Healthcare Ventures is the corporate venture arm of Mitsubishi Tanabe Pharma founded in 2006 and based in Boston Massachusetts. The firm is looking to provide equity capital to seed and venture stage companies in the life science space. The firm is looking to provide companies with $5 million over the lifetime of the investment and plans on making 2-3 investments over the next year. The firm will invest in companies located anywhere around the world.

MP Healthcare Venture Management, Inc.
Senior Manager