Randy Barko

Hub Angels Investment Group is an angel group that was founded in 2 and is based in Cambridge Massachusetts. The firm manages a fund structure and recently closed its 4th fund making the total AUM of the group around $4 million. The firm makes investments ranging from $25 to $5 in equity for companies that are at least 12 months old. The firm makes investments ranging from four to eight years and prefers to invest in companies whose valuation does not exceed $1 million. Hub angels plans on making approximately 3 allocations over the next 6-9 months with stated interest in diagnostics and medical device companies.
Hub Angels Investment Group

Ms Jerri Barrett United States

SENS Research Foundation is based in Mountain View, CA. The foundation provides grants for research into rejuvenation biotechnologies that prevent or reverse age-related tissue damage. Historically grants have ranged from $40,000 to $200,000 although this range may change in the future. Grants are available to researchers worldwide. SENS requests that grants not be used to cover overhead/facilities costs. At present, 15 projects are being supported.

SENS Research Foundation, Inc.
VP of Outreach 

Bob Barrett United States

Cavidi is a Swedish based diagnostic company that has developed a novel method for measuring HIV viral load in patients recieving anti-retroviral therapy for treatment of HIV. Viral load is a critical indicator of the effectiveness of HIV therapy, and has been the standard of care in the developed world for many years. Just recently the World Health Organization (WHO) updated its recommendations to include viral load for patients in the developing world where the vast majority of HIV patients exists, and a large influx of international funding has significantly increased aceess to HIV drugs. The Cavidi method is novel in that it measures the viral enzyme reverse transcriptase (RT), and not viral nucleic acid (RNA) by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The Cavidi method is not subject to the logistical challenges of PCR such as contamination risk. The Cavidi RT assay is much less expensive and can be performed in labs that lack the sophisitication to perform technologies such as PCR. Therfore, the Cavidi assay significantly improves access to this vitally important technology. For the past several years a manual version of the Cavidi technology has been utilized in laboratories in the developing world. The performance of the assay has been validated vs the industry leading PCR methods in many peer review publications. The company is now seeking funding to develop an automated version of the assay that will make it more widely adaptable to many laborartories. 

Year Founded
Biotech Subsector
Medtech Subsector
Biotech Phase of Development
Technology Overview
Cavidi's novel IVD technology uses Reverse Transcriptase(RT) as a marker for measuring replication competent HIV in blood (HIV viral load). Measuring viral load in HIV patients receiving anti viral therapy is now a global World Health Organization recommendation. Unlike PCR tests, Cavidi's RT assay requires minimal resources & lab footprint, can measure all subtypes of HIV, and at half the cost or less of PCR tests. The technology has been proven in over 400,000 tests in 50 markets worldwide.
Alliance & Collaborations
• Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, Uganda • Burnet Institute, Australia • University of Maryland School of Medicine IHV (Institute of Human Virology) • Karolinska Hospital, Sweden • SIDA (Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency) • Royal Free Hospital, London, UK • Harvard AIDS Institute Partnership, Botswana- • New York University School of Medicine, Kenya • Swedish Institute for Infectious Disease Control, Sweden • Virus Reference Depart
Supporting Metrics or Evidence
The Cavidi ExaVIr Load assay has been widely cited in peer review publications, and favorably compared to industry standard PCR technology. In addition to routine HIV viral load measurement, the Cavidi RT assay has demonstrated favorable performance vs. industry standard PCR for early infant HIV diagnostic (EID) market. ExaVir™ assay showed excellent concordance with real-time molecular assays Abbott M2000sp and Roche Cobas TaqMan...Journal of Clinical Microbiology 47(10): 3266-3270
Current Financing Needs
Development project completion 2015 $7M + 2016 $3M =$10M Global product launch 2016 $3M + 2017 $2M=$5M
Current Timeline
Next generation of fully automated HIV viral load test development project started in 2102. Prototype 1 and 2 now working. OEM selected Q12015, validation and verification of final design Q22015, Distribution Partner selection by Q22015, pre-series Q42015, serial production start Q12016, and CE Registration Q22016. Cash flow positive 2017.
Current Investors
Two private US investors hold majority interest
IP Status
IP is strong and broad covering key aspects of the technology methods with over 100 international patents in five patent families.
Recent Milestones
• Awarded SWECARE Export Award by Swedish MOH May 2013 • Supply Agreement signed with Load Zero Foundation in June 2013 • Presentation at UN Global Health Impact Forum May 2014 • TECH20 award as top 20 (2%) of 800 startups in Sweden June 2014 • UNITAID grant LOI accepted (3/12) June 2014, Full Application grant pending Dec. 2014 • POLS/One Technology evaluation meta study (2/2014) ranks Cavidi ExaVirLoad with top global diagnostic comp
Management Team Highlights
Experts in diagnostic technology development covering: Clinical Assay Chemistry, Devices, Instruments, Software, System Integration, QA & QC, Regulatory Strategy. Commercial scale up of new technologies in global markets with focus on emerging markets in Africa and Asia. Capital raising for start up and early stage companies.
Global Head, Business Development 

Betsy Bascom Canada

STRATEGIC CONNECTIONS. CREATIVE SOLUTIONS. Manage your company outreach to investors and partners.

Connecting companies with the right people to build strategic alliances with global partners and investors. Supporting international life science companies in cross border corporate development, financing, investor relations and conference participation. A proven track record leveraging an extensive global network of CEOs, investors and partners into strategic alliances that support business imperatives. CORPORATE DEVELOPMENT - Connecting companies with potential investors and business development opportunities. CONFERENCE ADVISOR Program - A customized program to optimize company participation at key events and conferences to, maximize value and achieve tangible results including online partnering management and management of all conference outreach. 

Service Provider Type
Unique Capabilities

Leverage an extensive network for my clients.

Global Connectworks Ltd.
President & CEO 

Dr Faz Bashi

Life Science Angels Inc was founded in 2004 and is based in Sunnyvale CA. The group makes early-stage equity investments in a wide range of life science companies. Life Science Angels invests primarily in California but is open to investing out of state provided a round is being syndicated with a local angel group. Life Science Angels does not rule out investing outside the USA but has yet to do so. The group invests as individuals and allocation sizes are therefore highly varied but are usually of about $2-$6, Life Science Angels usually invests in rounds seeking $3 million or less. The group is interested in syndicating rounds with other angel groups.

Investor Type
Biotech Phase of Development
Medtech Phase of Development
Capital Structure Preference
Investment Stage Preference
Life Science Angels
Chair Digital Health & Sciences 

Michael Bates

The Band of Angels is a funding organization that was founded in 1994 and it is based in Silicon Valley California. The organization typically provides capital to companies through three programs: The Band of Angels Acorn Fund and The Band of Angels Venture Fund. The group focuses on seed and Series A stage high-tech companies across several industries including life science space. The Band of Angels generally makes investments ranging from $3K to $75k but it often leads a syndication of $2-3million. Acorn Fund which is The Band?s third side fund and was founded in 29 generally makes investments ranging from $1k to $75k. The Band of Angels Venture Fund is a $5 million venture fund which raised in 1999 by The Band of Angels. Initial investment sizes of the fund are typically $3 and can go up to $2.5 million. The Band generally makes around 1 -2 investments per year. The group focuses on companies based in Silicon Valley but it will consider selective opportunities in Los Angles and San Diego areas. The group's portfolio includes biotechnology and medical device companies working with oncology and muscle recovery.
Band of Angels
Member, Board of Directors 

Caleb Bell

Bell BioSystems
Founder & CEO 

Rick Berenson United States

Year Founded
Biotech Subsector
Biotech Phase of Development
Technology Overview
The first rapid acting U500 insulin for high-dose patients and miniaturizing patch pumps ($3.2B 2025 market). The first never-needs-refrigeration, biphasic and basal insulins for China, India, the Middle East, and Europe. ($12B 2025 market) Ultra-rapid acting (2 hour duration) insulin to enable next generation, “artificial pancreas” pumps. ($5B 2025 market). Plus several more in development.
Management Team Highlights
Michael Weiss, M.D. PhD, Founder and CSO Richard Berenson, CEO Bruce H. Frank, PhD, Vice President of Development Thomas Hattier, PhD, Vice President of R&D Gregory Dube, PhD, Senior Director of Pre-Clinical & Clinical Programs Janine Roberge, Vice President, Finance
Thermalin Diabetes LLC

Randy Berholtz United States

Mesa Verde Venture Partners is a Venture Capital company founded in 2006. The firm is currently making investments out of its 2nd fund that had its first close in 2013. The firm makes primarily equity investment into seed and early stage rounds ranging from $500,000 to $1 million initially and up to $1.5 million over the lifetime of the investment. The firm is focused on companies located in the Southwestern United States although they are open to review companies from throughout the US. The firm could make as many as 3 new investments over the next 6-9 months.

Year Founded
Investor Type
Biotech Phase of Development
Medtech Phase of Development
Capital Structure Preference
Investment Stage Preference
Mesa Verde Venture Partners
Senior Advisor 

Maria Berkman

Broadview Ventures is a Philanthropy Venture firm that was established by the Leducq Family Trust in 28 and dedicated to accelerating the translation of new and innovative programs in the CV and stroke areas. The firm is based out of Boston MA but is geographically agnostic in its investing. The firm makes equity and convertible note investments of approximately $1 million into companies that are targeting cardiovascular and neurovascular diseases. The firm invests in privately held companies at both the seed and venture stage and is currently invests in 4-5 companies per year. The firm operates under an evergreen structure and is constantly seeking new investment opportunities. While the firm will consider investments around the globe Broadview is keen to add companies based in Europe to its portfolio. Broadview has previously invested in the US Europe and Israel.
Broadview Ventures