Eric Zimmerman United States

Excel Venture Management is a venture capital firm that was founded in 2008 and is based in Boston, Massachusetts. The firm has managed one fund with committed capital of $125 million, and the firm is currently raising the second fund. Excel Venture Management seeks to make equity investments into life science companies from early to late stages. The typical investment size ranges from $3 million to $ 5million. The firm plans to invest in 4-5 companies over the next 6-9 months and prefers to invest in companies based in US.

Year Founded
Investor Type
Medtech Phase of Development
Capital Structure Preference
Investment Stage Preference
Excel Venture Management

Dr Adria Carbo United States

BioTherapeutics Inc. (BTI) is a pre-clinical stage company developing novel small-molecule drugs to treat inflammation associated with autoimmune related disorders and type 2 diabetes (T2D). We have identified an orally-active, first-in-class top lead compound that targets a unique and novel MoA: the LANCL2 pathway. Our top lead compound has demonstrated extremely positive efficacy in mouse models of both IBD and T2D and our preliminary toxicology data has confirmed that is safe at a very high dose and as a multiple dose for 14 days.

We just closed a very well funded seed round (NIH, CIT Gap Funds, other investments) and we are now looking to raise from $3 to $5M to generate IND enabling data and start human trials.

Biotherapeutics inc
LinkedIn logo Scientific Director 

Ashley (Wallin) Wittorf United States

The Advanced Medical Technology Association (AdvaMed), is a trade association that leads the effort to advance medical technology in order to achieve healthier lives and healthier economies around the world. AdvaMed represents 80 percent of medical technology firms in the United States and acts as the common voice for companies producing medical devices, diagnostic products and health information systems. AdvaMed members produce nearly 90 percent of the health care technology purchased annually in the United States and more than 40 percent purchased annually around the world. AdvaMed's member companies range from the largest to the smallest medical technology innovators and companies.

AdvaMed 2015 - October 5-7, San Diego - is the leading MedTech Conference in North America, bringing more than 1,000 companies together in a uniquely multifaceted environment for business development, capital formation, innovative technology showcasing, world-class educational opportunities and networking. An event rich in international flavor and featuring a deep, diverse attendee list that includes influential policy-makers, business executives and media, AdvaMed 2015 seeks to advance industry discussion from key perspectives through detailed panel sessions, executive forums and more. It is a “must-attend” event for any MedTech company.

Service Provider Type
Sector Interest
Medtech Phase of Development
Unique Capabilities

AdvaMed 2015 is the place where medical technology leaders meet for business development and investment opportunities.  Emerging medical technology companies connect with top industry decision-makers at AdvaMed 2015 to explore strategic business development and capital formation.

Corporate business development professionals and investors will:

  • Discover the latest medical technologies and innovations during the Innovation Showcase and the MedTech Innovator competition;
  • Gain insights into the key investment issues and industry trends during the Funding Forums and Business Development & Finance Panels.

Innovators and early-stage companies will:

  • Learn how to develop an actionable strategic plan in the Entrepreneurship Boot Camp;
  • Pitch their technologies to investors during the Innovations Showcase and explore strategic business development opportunities through MedTech Partnering.
Executive Director, Emerging Growth Company Council 

Neil Ackerman United States

MyeloRx is a northern California based biotechnology company. Our lead compound, MRx102, is a small molecule inhibitor of RNA polymerase II. Molecules related to MRx102 have shown clinical efficacy in AML patients in Europe and China.  MRx102 is covered by issued composition of matter patents in the U.S., E.U., China and Japan.  While AML is the initial indication, MRx102 has also been found active in stringent models of pancreatic and lung cancer. Our collaborators include clinical oncologists from MD Anderson Cancer Center, JHU School of Medicine and City of Hope Medical Center. R&D activities have been funded primarily by a $2M NCI SBIR contract. Our strong scientific and management team is lead by Dr. John Musser; it has brought multiple products to market. We are seeking funding to complete an IND which is projected to take less than a year based on the extensive studies completed to date (manufacturing, formulation, toxicology/ PK in rats and dogs etc.)  and a Phase 1 clinical trial in AML patients.


Year Founded
Biotech Subsector
Technology Overview
The lead compound is termed MRx102. It is a prodrug of a purified natural product triptolide that has shown clinical activity in patients with acute myeloid leukemia (AML). Intellectual property MRx102 is covered by issued matter patents in the U.S., E.U., Japan and China. Molecular target The molecular target of the natural product, triptolide, is XPB, a subunit of the transcription factor TFIIH. Binding of XPB by triptolide leads inhibition of transcriptional activation resulting in the blockade of a number of signaling pathways that drive cancer cell proliferation. Safety Triptolide and earlier prodrugs of triptolide have shown toxicity in a variety of clinical studies. We therefore set out to design and develop a safe prodrug, viz. MRx102, using the learning from these earlier studies. In a direct comparative toxicology study performed in rats MRx102 was at least 20 times safer than triptolide. This was due to a favorable pharmacokinetic profile seen both in rats and dogs. Pilot toxicology/PK studies have been completed in rats and dogs; NOAELs have been determined in both species. Thought Leader Studies with MRx102 In collaboration with Dr. Michael Andreeff of the MD Anderson Cancer Center we demonstrated that MRx102 was extremely potent in killing human blast cell and stem cell populations from AML patients. The activity against the stem cell populations may indicate an activity in preventing relapse in these patients. MRx102 was likewise effective in a variety of in vivo xenograft models of AML. Dr. James Eshleman and his colleagues from the JHU School of Medicine have demonstrated the activity of MRx102 in killing pancreatic cancer cells having a variety of genetic abnormalities. Dr. Dan Raz of the City of Hope Medical Center has shown MRx102 effective in models of non-small cell lung cancer and identified a potential biomarker for susceptible cells. Current status MyeloRx has completed a $2M NCI Fast Track SBIR contract that enabled many preclinical activities required for an IND filing. Major remaining activities include the GMP manufacture of drug substance, performance of GLP toxicology in rats and dogs and then completion of the clinical plan for Phase 1 studies in AML and solid tumors. These could be completed to allow IND filing in less than a year.
Alliance & Collaborations
Option agreement for China territories
Current Financing Needs
$5-7M for IND filing/Phase 1 trial
Current Timeline
IND completion in less than one year
IP Status
Issued matter patents worldwide
Recent Milestones
Completion of tox/PK studies in rats/dogs
Vice President Business Development 

Chris Adams

Cydan is an orphan drug accelerator that was founded in 213 and is based in Cambridge MA. The firm has raised $26 million dollar to derisk therapeutic assets targeting orphan indications (excluding oncology). The firm looks to option/in-license assets and form subsidiary companies around them. Cydan then derisks the assets conducting all the necessary IND enabling activities. Cydan?s investment syndicate including NEA Pfizer Ventures Lundbeck Venturefonds Bay City Alexandria then has the option to fund the NEWCo Series A round to human proof of principle Cydan is also performing due diligence on companies that are interested in receiving investment from the company's syndicate. Cydan is currently considering pre-clinical and clinical assets worldwide.

Cary Adams

MedForce is the business accelerator arm of Almond Tree Capital and is based in Davis CA. The program makes seed and venture round investments in the form of equity or convertible loans. Investments may range up to $5 with the potential for follow-on investments. While Medforce?s investments are not restricted by region MedForce prefers to support companies based in Northern California or with ties to the region. The fund plans to invest in 2-4 companies in the next 6-9 months.

Alexey Afanasiev

ATEM Capital manages evergreen Life Sciences investment fund - Health Square Fund (HSF). HSF acts as a consolidator of capital flows from the Emerging Markets and invests into the biotech innovation hubs of the US/Western Europe. HSF's international team combines big-picture business perspective with decades of investment scientific legal portfolio risk management and operational experience. The fund is audited by a Big-4 firm. Our Advisory Board comprises high-caliber entrepreneurs VC veterans and seasoned Wall Street professionals.
ATEM Capital
Executive Partner 

Sergio Agudo

Outborder Partners

Ingrid Akay

Hadean Ventures
Managing Director 

Dr John Alam United States

EIP Pharma, LLC is a private company based in Cambridge, MA.  The company has licensed-in and is developing a phase 2 clinical-stage oral small molecule that targets neuroinflammation and dysfunction of microglia, the major immune-cell in the brain.

Human genetic and other biologic data strongly indicate inflammation & microglial dysfunction are one of the major drivers of late-onset Alzheimer’s disease (AD), and likely the major driver in patients with symptomatic disease.

VX-745 (the licensed compound) specifically inhibits intra-cellular enzyme p38 mitogen activated protein kinase alpha (MAPKa).  In the brain, p38 MAPKa is a major regulator of inflammation through effects on microglia. P38 MAPKa is also expressed in neurons, where it is directly involved in memory formation and synaptic plasticity. 

VX-745 readily enters the brain, with brain concentrations in pre-clinical studies being approximately two-fold higher than in peripheral blood.  VX-745 had previously been clinically evaluated in non-CNS disorders, where already has demonstrated anti-inflammatory activity in patients. The combination of blood-brain-barrier penetration and previous clinical experience with demonstrated anti-inflammatory activity uniquely positions VX-745 to target inflammation to treat Alzheimer’s and other CNS disorders in which inflammation plays a role.

EIP Pharma licensed VX-745 from the originator company, Vertex Pharmaceuticals, and conducted animal studies to re-position the compound towards disease of the brain, including AD.  Vertex had previously completed a full chronic toxicology program and had demonstrated significant clinical and anti-inflammatory activity in a phase 2a 12-week treatment study of VX-745 in rheumatoid arthritis (RA).  An Investigational New Drug (IND) application remains open at FDA.

The animal studies conducted by EIP Pharma have demonstrated pro-cognitive effects, anti-inflammatory and other pharmacologic effects of VX-745 in the brain.  These data combined with dose response data in prior animal and clinical studies, have been utilized to identify doses that are highly likely to have positive activity in human brain.  The predicted doses are 2- to 5- fold lower than the dose that demonstrated anti-inflammatory activity and was well tolerated in RA, consistent with VX-745 preferentially distributing to the brain in animals.  Importantly, these dose levels should minimize risks of systemic toxicity that otherwise have hampered development of p38 MAPK inhibitors for peripheral disorders.  The animal studies have also generated new intellectual property (IP), including issuance of a US patent on 15 April 2014 (#8,697,627) for the use of VX-745 to lower brain amyloid plaque load.  This IP, along with additional IP that has been filed will support commercially the development of VX-745 beyond the primary composition of matter patent expiring in 2017.

Start-up activities (IRB submissions, CRO contracting, etc.) are underway for two phase 2a clinical studies in patients with AD; both studies are anticipated to be underway in early 2015.  Combined, the studies are designed to demonstrate anti-inflammatory and microglial modulatory activity in the brain.  Once demonstrated, VX-745 should have ability to demonstrate clinical proof-of-concept in AD and/or other disease indications in which neuroinflammation plays a role in disease pathogenesis.

Company was founded and is led by experienced biotech/pharma R&D executive (John Alam; former head of Alzheimer’s R&D at Sanofi, ex-Chief Medical Officer at Vertex Pharmaceuticals, led clinical development of AvonexÒ for Multiple Sclerosis) with extensive translational and drug development experience & expertise in both inflammation and CNS disorders.

Year Founded
Biotech Subsector
Biotech Phase of Development
Technology Overview
small molecule inhibitor of p38 MAP Kinase alpha - VX-745
Supporting Metrics or Evidence
Literature; pre-clinical proof-of-concept with licensed compound
Current Financing Needs
Current Timeline
Start phase 2a Jan 2015
IP Status
Issued US Patent for use of Drug for Brain Amyloid Plaque Load Reduction; Published Patent for p38 MAPK inhibitors to do the same
Recent Milestones
Dutch National Clinical Trial Approval Dec 2014
Management Team Highlights
Former Head Alzheimer's R&D Sanofi; ex-Chief Medical Officer, Vertex Pharmacueuticals
Dr John Alam
EIP Pharma