Todd Brady United States

Brace Pharmaceuticals is based in Rockville, MD, and is a strategic investment company formed by Brazil-based pharma company EMS S/A. Brace investment structure varies depending on a company’s development stage; for early-stage opportunities Brace typically makes equity investments and may syndicate with other investors, whereas for clinical-stage opportunities Brace is more likely to form strategic partnerships that involve rights to an asset. Brace is open to considering therapeutic opportunities globally, but only if the company is pursuing the US market.

Brace Pharmaceuticals invests in therapeutics; about 80% of the firm’s investments are in clinical-stage assets, with a preference for companies with some human proof-of-concept data; the remaining 20% of investments are made in preclinical opportunities. Drug-device combinations will also be considered, but Brace does not invest in diagnostics. The firm will invest in both small and large molecules, and has a strong preference for investing in orphan drugs and other niche disease areas. It is preferred that indications have validated clinical endpoints and can be studied using small trials. Indications that require large clinical trials, including as cardiovascular diseases and primary care indications (such as influenza) will not be considered.

Brace Pharmaceuticals
Director of Finance 

Diego Braguglia Switzerland

VC fund focusing on investments in Switzerland and surounding areas

Investor Type
Biotech Phase of Development
Medtech Phase of Development
Capital Structure Preference
Investment Stage Preference
VI Partners
General Partner 

Bill Brah

UMass Venture Development Center
Executive Director 

Mr Tony Brazzale United States

Gordian Biotechnologies addressing the urgent unmet medical existing within antibiotic resistance by developing first-in-class reversible b-lactamase inhibitors that allow existing antibiotics to be effective against otherwise resistant pathogens. By combining an FDA approved antibiotic with our novel b-lactamase inhibitors, Gordian Biotechnologies  disarms the bacteria’s resistance mechanism, allowing the antibiotic to defeat the pathogen. 

Biotech Subsector
Biotech Phase of Development
Technology Overview
Reversible beta-lactamase inhibitor
Current Financing Needs
Seeking lead investor for our $1M round
Mr Tony Brazzale
Gordian Biotechnologies Inc.
LinkedIn logo President & CEO 

Patrick Brennan United States

The Advanced Medical Technology Association (AdvaMed), is a trade association that leads the effort to advance medical technology in order to achieve healthier lives and healthier economies around the world. AdvaMed represents 80 percent of medical technology firms in the United States and acts as the common voice for companies producing medical devices, diagnostic products and health information systems. AdvaMed members produce nearly 90 percent of the health care technology purchased annually in the United States and more than 40 percent purchased annually around the world. AdvaMed's member companies range from the largest to the smallest medical technology innovators and companies.

AdvaMed 2015 - October 5-7, San Diego - is the leading MedTech Conference in North America, bringing more than 1,000 companies together in a uniquely multifaceted environment for business development, capital formation, innovative technology showcasing, world-class educational opportunities and networking. An event rich in international flavor and featuring a deep, diverse attendee list that includes influential policy-makers, business executives and media, AdvaMed 2015 seeks to advance industry discussion from key perspectives through detailed panel sessions, executive forums and more. It is a “must-attend” event for any MedTech company.

Service Provider Type
Sector Interest
Medtech Phase of Development
Unique Capabilities

AdvaMed 2015 is the place where medical technology leaders meet for business development and investment opportunities.  Emerging medical technology companies connect with top industry decision-makers at AdvaMed 2015 to explore strategic business development and capital formation.

Corporate business development professionals and investors will:

  • Discover the latest medical technologies and innovations during the Innovation Showcase and the MedTech Innovator competition;
  • Gain insights into the key investment issues and industry trends during the Funding Forums and Business Development & Finance Panels.

Innovators and early-stage companies will:

  • Learn how to develop an actionable strategic plan in the Entrepreneurship Boot Camp;
  • Pitch their technologies to investors during the Innovations Showcase and explore strategic business development opportunities through MedTech Partnering.

Ray Briscuso United States

The Advanced Medical Technology Association (AdvaMed), is a trade association that leads the effort to advance medical technology in order to achieve healthier lives and healthier economies around the world. AdvaMed represents 80 percent of medical technology firms in the United States and acts as the common voice for companies producing medical devices, diagnostic products and health information systems. AdvaMed members produce nearly 90 percent of the health care technology purchased annually in the United States and more than 40 percent purchased annually around the world. AdvaMed's member companies range from the largest to the smallest medical technology innovators and companies.

AdvaMed 2015 - October 5-7, San Diego - is the leading MedTech Conference in North America, bringing more than 1,000 companies together in a uniquely multifaceted environment for business development, capital formation, innovative technology showcasing, world-class educational opportunities and networking. An event rich in international flavor and featuring a deep, diverse attendee list that includes influential policy-makers, business executives and media, AdvaMed 2015 seeks to advance industry discussion from key perspectives through detailed panel sessions, executive forums and more. It is a “must-attend” event for any MedTech company.

Service Provider Type
Sector Interest
Medtech Phase of Development
Unique Capabilities

AdvaMed 2015 is the place where medical technology leaders meet for business development and investment opportunities.  Emerging medical technology companies connect with top industry decision-makers at AdvaMed 2015 to explore strategic business development and capital formation.

Corporate business development professionals and investors will:

  • Discover the latest medical technologies and innovations during the Innovation Showcase and the MedTech Innovator competition;
  • Gain insights into the key investment issues and industry trends during the Funding Forums and Business Development & Finance Panels.

Innovators and early-stage companies will:

  • Learn how to develop an actionable strategic plan in the Entrepreneurship Boot Camp;
  • Pitch their technologies to investors during the Innovations Showcase and explore strategic business development opportunities through MedTech Partnering.

Fred Brown Canada

Pulse Infoframe Inc strives to improve workflow using computer-assisted capture of patient data for specialists – our cloud based software enables better local and global sharing of the data for those who need it to make decisions – our end-user driven tools analyze the data to advance knowledge and thus patient care. Data can be directly entered into our system, and because we sit on top of any EMR system we access additional data that is not otherwise easily accessible. Once accessed, the data is de-identified, aggregated and mined producing meaningful information for our end-users. 


We have applied our solution in various clinical verticals including speciality clinics (Melanoma, Oncology, Neonatology, etc), Imaging and PACS systems (with INFINITT PACS, ClearCanvas, etc) and clinical trials (tracking prostate cancer, Pharmacovigilance, economics, etc). Modules are versatile and can be templated to be used in a variety of systems for achieving the best workflow possible.

Year Founded
Main Sector
Medtech Phase of Development
Technology Overview
Our flagship product is a cloud-based clinical and informatics solution that acts either as a stand-alone system aggregator or is interoperable with existing EMRs. Our solution is a database-driven informatics tools can be used for creating, maintaining, organizing and modeling clinical and outcomes data. Our sophisticated analytics engine can access data so that end-users can dynamically conduct online analysis and reporting. All clinical, imaging and administrative data is aggregated from heterogeneous data sources and is organized for effortless analytics. Data is securely stored within our platform with full reporting or auditing abilities.
Pulse Infoframe Inc.

Barry Bunin

Barry Bunin
Collaborative Drug Discovery
LinkedIn logo CEO & President 

Bill Cadwallader

PATH is an international nonprofit global health organization that was founded in 1977 and is headquartered in Seattle with 12+ employees in more than 3 offices around the world. PATH is one of the largest nonprofit organizations in global health today. PATH works on a wide array of emerging and persistent global health issues in the areas of health technologies maternal health child health reproductive health vaccines and immunization and emerging and epidemic diseases such as HIV malaria and tuberculosis. PATH is best known for developing and adapting technologies such as improved vaccination devices and new tools to prevent cervical cancer to address the health needs of developing countries. It targets health problems evaluates possible solutions and assesses whether they would be useful in finding health solutions.
Senior Commercialization Officer Diagnostics 

Andrea Cale

Goodwin Procter
Director Business Development - Technology & Life Sciences