Mr Steven Young United States

The Addario Lung Cancer Medical Institute (ALCMI), founded in 2008 as a 501c(3) non-profit organization, is a patient-centric, international research consortium driving research otherwise not possible, evidenced by ALCMI's current clinical studies CASTLE, INHERIT EGFR T790M, Genomics of Young Lung Cancer and others. ALCMI overcomes barriers to collaboration via a world-class team of investigators from 21+ institutions in the U.S., France, Italy, Spain and U.K., supported by dedicated research infrastructures such as centralized project management, tissue banks and data systems. ALCMI directly facilitates research by combining scientific expertise found at leading academic institutions with patient access through our network of community cancer centers – accelerating novel research advancements to lung cancer patients. 

Mr Steven Young
Addario Lung Cancer Medical Institute
LinkedIn logo President & COO 

Steven W. Young serves as the President & Chief Operating Officer of the Addario Lung Cancer Medical Institute, a patient-founded/-focused non-profit research consortium directly linking more than 20 academic and community centers via shared infrastructures (biorepository, data system) and centrally managed intramural translational projects in the United States, France, Italy and Spain.  After transitioning from the clinical research information technology industry, Mr. Young had played a central role in the development and evolution of the Multiple Myeloma Research Consortium as its Executive Director from 2003 through 2008.  Earlier still, he served as Director of the National Institutes of Health-funded General Clinical Research Center at Mount Sinai School of Medicine and the Pediatric Clinical Research Center at Cornell University College of Medicine, both in New York City.  Mr. Young resides in Weston, Connecticut with his wife and two sons.

Basheer Zada United States

Brace Pharmaceuticals is based in Rockville, MD, and is a strategic investment company formed by Brazil-based pharma company EMS S/A. Brace investment structure varies depending on a company’s development stage; for early-stage opportunities Brace typically makes equity investments and may syndicate with other investors, whereas for clinical-stage opportunities Brace is more likely to form strategic partnerships that involve rights to an asset. Brace is open to considering therapeutic opportunities globally, but only if the company is pursuing the US market.

Brace Pharmaceuticals invests in therapeutics; about 80% of the firm’s investments are in clinical-stage assets, with a preference for companies with some human proof-of-concept data; the remaining 20% of investments are made in preclinical opportunities. Drug-device combinations will also be considered, but Brace does not invest in diagnostics. The firm will invest in both small and large molecules, and has a strong preference for investing in orphan drugs and other niche disease areas. It is preferred that indications have validated clinical endpoints and can be studied using small trials. Indications that require large clinical trials, including as cardiovascular diseases and primary care indications (such as influenza) will not be considered.

Brace Pharmaceuticals
Business Development 

Albert Zamora United States

Bionure is a late-preclinical company focused at developing First-in-Class SGK agonists for the treatment of orphan ophthalmological diseases.

Bionure's main candidate is BN201, a small molecule, new chemical entity, first-in-class drug that promotes neuroprotection and remyelination by means of a novel MOA.

Our main therapeutic focus is Optic Neuritis (ON), an acute, inflammatory disease of the optic nerve that qualifies for orphan status. BN201 has been granted orphan designation for the treatment of ON and the patent has been granted.

Preclinical efficacy studies have been performed in several animal models and a pre-IND meeting has been held with the FDA to validate our preclinical and clinical development. 

BN201 is now through the regulatory toxicology studies to enable IND by Q2 2015.

Year Founded
Biotech Subsector
Biotech Phase of Development
IP Status
Patent has been granted
Recent Milestones
Orphan designation for the treatment of Optic Neuritis
Bionure Inc.
Managing Partner CEO 

Alejandro Zamorano

Life Science Nation (LSN) is the premier sourcing platform for market intelligence and prospect pipeline development in the life science arena. LSN enables life science professionals to generate a list of qualified global targets that are a fit for their company’s products, services, and fundraising efforts. The ability to generate these Global Target Lists (GTLs) makes life science professionals more effective and efficient. 

Biotech Phase of Development
Medtech Phase of Development
Unique Capabilities

Life Science Investor Profiles, LSN has sourced validated and maintains the largest global database of investor profiles. LSN defined 10 categories of Life Science Investor;

·         Private Equity

·         Venture capital

·         Family Offices

·         Corporate VC

·         Angel Groups

·         Large Pharma/ Biotech

·         Alternative Institutional Investors: Pensions, Endowments

·         Endowments/Foundations

·         Hedge Funds

·         Government Grants

Marketing Services, LSN consults on branding, messaging, and outbound marketing strategies. This includes developing a tagline, elevator pitch, executive summary, corporate power point presentation, and new or updated website design to fit your brand and message. LSN will develop a Global Target List of prequalified candidates to target for marketing initiatives.

Life Science Nation

Dan Zekzer Canada

Immunimed Inc is a clinical-stage Biopharmaceutical company developing innovative egg-derived, oral potclonal antibody therapy to treat gastro-enteric infections/diseases. Our lead product IMM-001 targets super bug, Clostridium difficile, leading cause of hospital-acquired infections.

Currently is Phase II ready with remarkable clinical response in Proof on Concept multi-center clinical studies.  Phase II clinical study is planned for Q2 2015.

Year Founded
Biotech Subsector
Biotech Phase of Development
Current Financing Needs

$5-6M to complete clinical development.

Current Timeline


IP Status

Four patents issued and one pending

Immunimed Inc.

Michael Zhang China

Lilly Asia Ventures is the venture capital arm of Eli Lilly that focuses on investments in the life sciences in Asia, particularly China. The firm was established in 2008 and is based in Shanghai, China. The firm is stage agnostic; investing in early, growth, and up to pre-IPO opportunities. The firm’s investment size is USD 5-20 million per company. The firm primarily invests in companies in China, but is open to companies across Asia-Pacific as long as there is some sort of China angle. The firm is actively seeking new investment opportunities.

Lilly Asia Ventures primarily focuses on therapeutics but is also interested in medical devices, diagnostics, animal health, and biotech other. The firm is most interested in products that will have a significant impact on medical care in China. For therapeutics, the firm seeks best-in-class or first-in-class products. The firm is opportunistic to the indication and the phase of development and will consider products in pre-clinical up to NDA. Historically, the firm invests in therapeutics for oncology, inflammatory diseases, and metabolic disorders.

Biotech Phase of Development
Medtech Phase of Development
Capital Structure Preference
Investment Stage Preference
Lilly Asia Ventures
Investment Manager 

Steven Zimmer United Kingdom

MitoDys Therapeutics is a start-up drug discovery company that has developed a highly innovative platform to uncover polypharmacological drugs with existing safety profiles that can be repositioned to a new indcation.  The company focuses on the discovery of disease-modifying drugs for neurodegenerative diseases; particularly Parkinson's disease, ALS and MSA.

Year Founded
Biotech Subsector
Biotech Phase of Development
Technology Overview
Network Pharmacology platform combined with pluripotent stem cell-derived assays
Current Financing Needs
Current Timeline
12-18 months to validated candidate
Current Investors
Angels and Charitable foundations
IP Status
None yet...focused on drugs at the end of the proecess
Management Team Highlights
Highly experienced individuals from Industry and finance
MitoDys Therapeutics

Greg Zwisler

PATH is an international nonprofit global health organization that was founded in 1977 and is headquartered in Seattle with 12+ employees in more than 3 offices around the world. PATH is one of the largest nonprofit organizations in global health today. PATH works on a wide array of emerging and persistent global health issues in the areas of health technologies maternal health child health reproductive health vaccines and immunization and emerging and epidemic diseases such as HIV malaria and tuberculosis. PATH is best known for developing and adapting technologies such as improved vaccination devices and new tools to prevent cervical cancer to address the health needs of developing countries. It targets health problems evaluates possible solutions and assesses whether they would be useful in finding health solutions.
Commercialization Officer